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neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

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Member since 1/12

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neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

Does anyone have any experience with neuro psych exams? Teacher wants DC to go to a neuro and they'd like to hold him back a grade. He has issues retaining info that was just learned. They are really just trying to figure out what the issue is.

The doc's office told me that sometimes insurance doesn't cover this and it can be very costly. They also said it can take a YEAR to get an appointment!

Does anyone have any insight/info/experiences?

Posted 1/25/17 4:11 PM

Mom to E&M

Member since 12/08

1762 total posts


Re: neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

A bunch of students I work with have had neuropsychs. I was disappointed with them because it didn't reveal anything that we didn't already know about the student. They were also very "cookie cutter" and all made the same exact recommendations.

I've never heard of holding back a child with a disability. What good would that do? Time won't fix the problem only intervention will. Does your DC have a medical diagnosis? Has he/she been brought to the CSE/have an IEP?

Posted 1/25/17 5:35 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

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neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

My advice is that if the teacher brought this up to you, ask the school to give him the full battery of evaluations. After they do their evaluations, if you disagree with their findings (you always say you disagree) and ask for an IEE (Independent Educational Evaluation) and the school will pay for the neurospsych. If you just want to get the evaluation yourself, check with your insurance, sometimes they pay but most of the good ones do not take insurance. It is about $3000-$5000 depending on who you use.

It does take a while to get an appointment, which is why I suggest having the school do the eval first so maybe in the meantime he could get some accommodations. Good luck!

Posted 1/25/17 5:58 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

Thank you all for the information

When he was very little he had a speech delay… He had speech therapy and everything and now he talks nonstop. He's in kindergarten but he's in a very very very small class… That focuses on kids who have different difficulties. They want to hold him back and have him redo kindergarten but to be in a more typical setting next year - traditional kindergarten class but with extra help for him

They've done a lot of stuff on him… A whole lot of test and everything and we have even had a valuations done outside of the school including an IQ test.

The teacher said they aren't really sure what's wrong with him… His progress doesn't match his test results. He will learn something and understand it and then half hour later completely forgets… This has been happening for a while.

It's just so frustrating… How long it will take, the cost of insurance doesn't cover it, and if it's even going to tell us anything.

Can I just make an appointment with a traditional neurologist on my own?

Posted 1/25/17 8:00 PM


Member since 1/12

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neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

Oh and No medical diagnosis. Has an IEP with a possible learning disability.

What does the neuropsych even do in the testing? What does it entail?

Posted 1/25/17 8:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

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Re: neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

My son is 18 and has never had a neuropsych done, and I wouldn't pay that much money to have one. That is insane to me. If the school is requesting it to be done, I would ask them to pay for it.

My son is on the spectrum, and the school district has done a battery of testing on him which has given them a clear enough picture for the services they need to provide to him over the years (IQ, Vineland, CARS, etc.). I would probably see the neuro, maybe they can do an EEG on him (mine had two...both revealed slowing in his brain, which contributes negatively to his processing and recall)

Posted 1/25/17 8:16 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Re: neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

Thank you all for the information

When he was very little he had a speech delay… He had speech therapy and everything and now he talks nonstop. He's in kindergarten but he's in a very very very small class… That focuses on kids who have different difficulties. They want to hold him back and have him redo kindergarten but to be in a more typical setting next year - traditional kindergarten class but with extra help for him

They've done a lot of stuff on him… A whole lot of test and everything and we have even had a valuations done outside of the school including an IQ test.

The teacher said they aren't really sure what's wrong with him… His progress doesn't match his test results. He will learn something and understand it and then half hour later completely forgets… This has been happening for a while.

It's just so frustrating… How long it will take, the cost of insurance doesn't cover it, and if it's even going to tell us anything.

Can I just make an appointment with a traditional neurologist on my own?

Yes you can absolutely do it on your own.

The testing covers everything and gives you a good picture on things that may be affecting focusing, concentration, etc. For us, they did the testing in 3 days about 21/2 hours each day. It's a lot but the information was invaluable and the schools really respond to the suggestions that are given in the report. Basically it covers:

Attention and concentration
Verbal and visual memory
Auditory and visual processing
Visual-spatial functioning
Language and Reading skills
Sensory Development and Sensory Integration
Gross and fine motor development
Social Skill Development
Executive Functioning
Emotional and Personality development

Posted 1/25/17 8:19 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


Re: neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

Posted by BargainMama

My son is 18 and has never had a neuropsych done, and I wouldn't pay that much money to have one. That is insane to me. If the school is requesting it to be done, I would ask them to pay for it.

My son is on the spectrum, and the school district has done a battery of testing on him which has given them a clear enough picture for the services they need to provide to him over the years (IQ, Vineland, CARS, etc.). I would probably see the neuro, maybe they can do an EEG on him (mine had two...both revealed slowing in his brain, which contributes negatively to his processing and recall)

See that was my initial reaction… Thank u so much !!I thought they meant the typical neurologist. The one where they hook you up to machines and everything. I never even thought about a neuropsych. He's had so many test before done at alternatives for children. I'm just so tired of this... It's exhausting. I'm sure you guys can relate. Everyone is different and learns differently. I feel there's so much pressure for everyone to think the same and achieve the same at a similiar rate. Sometimes I think they go overboard, but then I do see some limitations.

Posted 1/25/17 8:47 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


Re: neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

Posted by KarenK122

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

Thank you all for the information

When he was very little he had a speech delay… He had speech therapy and everything and now he talks nonstop. He's in kindergarten but he's in a very very very small class… That focuses on kids who have different difficulties. They want to hold him back and have him redo kindergarten but to be in a more typical setting next year - traditional kindergarten class but with extra help for him

They've done a lot of stuff on him… A whole lot of test and everything and we have even had a valuations done outside of the school including an IQ test.

The teacher said they aren't really sure what's wrong with him… His progress doesn't match his test results. He will learn something and understand it and then half hour later completely forgets… This has been happening for a while.

It's just so frustrating… How long it will take, the cost of insurance doesn't cover it, and if it's even going to tell us anything.

Can I just make an appointment with a traditional neurologist on my own?

Yes you can absolutely do it on your own.

The testing covers everything and gives you a good picture on things that may be affecting focusing, concentration, etc. For us, they did the testing in 3 days about 21/2 hours each day. It's a lot but the information was invaluable and the schools really respond to the suggestions that are given in the report. Basically it covers:

Attention and concentration
Verbal and visual memory
Auditory and visual processing
Visual-spatial functioning
Language and Reading skills
Sensory Development and Sensory Integration
Gross and fine motor development
Social Skill Development
Executive Functioning
Emotional and Personality development

Thank you for this info. I feel like he's had a lot of different test in the past including an IQ. He's even had educational tests he didn't even need. I just feel it so excessive for his case but I'm obviously not a teacher or anything.

He forgets stuff easily but he's motivated.

Posted 1/25/17 8:49 PM

Mom to E&M

Member since 12/08

1762 total posts


Re: neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

I'd probably start with the regular psych to rule out attending issues. I'd also get his vision and hearing assessed. What support services does he get on his IEP? Does he get AIS services at the building level? If he's not making it in the small class setting how is he going to do in the large class (with a faster pace, more distracts toons, less support in class....)? He can't repeat each grade level every year so I'm not sure how that's going to be helpful. What's his classification on his IEP?

Posted 1/26/17 1:25 AM


Member since 12/12

4088 total posts


Re: neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

My DD just went through the neuropsych process. I had it done at Boston Children's hospital. I know that probably doesn't help you, but I'll share my experience. It was the most thorough evaluation DD has ever had. It was 5 hours including a 1:1 observation between DD and the psychologist. A parent session, a lengthy questionaire, and blind observations with other specialists behind a curtain to evaluate how DD plays independently.
She received a diagnosis and they made a heap of recommendations. Some, totally doable, some nonexistent (like a full day integrated preschool program.)
It was an awful eye opener for me because she was diagnosed with something that had been ruled out by other Drs such as her pediatrician and neurologist.
The hospital took our insurance but start to finish was several months. I received the questionaire, completed and submitted it within a week. Got a call about 2 months later that I had come off the waiting list. Appointment was scheduled for 2 months out. Had the appointment and was asked to set up an appointment 2 weeks later for the results which were only verbally interated to me. Got the full report 2 weeks after that. She will be followed 2x a year until they advise otherwise.
the school reports seem to be more cookie cutter than going through a hospital or neuropsych department. DDs team included a developmental pediatrician, a neuropsychologist, a child psychologist post doc fellow, and an attending psychologist. They all independently observed my DD and collaborated their findings.

Posted 1/28/17 7:52 AM

Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05

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Re: neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

Under no circumstances would I pay out of pocket for a neuropsych. Request an IEE and have the school district pay for it. It is very comprehensive and will look at all areas and pinpoint where deficits are and learning styles that will help your child.

Posted 1/29/17 7:19 PM

Can't plan life...

Member since 8/08

2860 total posts


neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

Check your insurance. We put off making an appointment with one because so many people told us it wouldn't be covered and when I finally had it with the schools evaluation processes - I called my insurance and turns out it is fully covered. Just have to pay my $20 co-pay.. My dd has a memory/recall issue as well

Posted 2/2/17 2:14 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/17

572 total posts


Re: neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

Absolutely try to get the school district to pay for it. If it turns into a whole big battle, check with local colleges like Adelphi. They will often do full evaluations on a sliding scale with their graduate/doctoral students.

Posted 2/2/17 4:45 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


neuro psych exams? issues retaining info..?

Can't thank you all enough!!
Looks like everything is set and we will be able to get the test done. Thank you all for the advice.

Posted 2/4/17 1:11 AM

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