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NEW MOMMIES...Who is a teacher and going back to school in Sept?

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

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NEW MOMMIES...Who is a teacher and going back to school in Sept?

Emma will be 4 months next week, and I will be returning back to teach in Sept. now that my maternity leave it up. I have been off since April. The one good thing is that my mom is going to watch her 5 days a week. I am so lucky to have a supportive family .

It'll be an adjustment not being with her 24-7. Emma wakes up between 6:30-7:30. If she wakes up early I will feed her before I leave if not DH will have to do it.

How is everyone else planning on arranging their schedules?

Posted 8/15/07 4:14 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: NEW MOMMIES...Who is a teacher and going back to school in Sept?

I am going back to work for the first time (full-time) since having my 2 kids.

My mom is watching them 3 days a week, and we are having a babysitter here the other 2 days.

I will be leaving around 6 am and most mornings they are both still sleeping at that time. DH leaves for work around 8:30 am and I will pick them up around 3-4pm.

Posted 8/15/07 6:52 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: NEW MOMMIES...Who is a teacher and going back to school in Sept?

I leave at 5:45 am, so DH will be in charge. Chat Icon He'll be on sabbatical, but has to get research done. At some point we will have to sit down and rework our schedules around her schedule. He'll be off till January.

I went back for the last 6 weeks of the school year, which was a good trial run. My students were in "end of the year" mode so it was hard to get any real work from them. I have all of September planned out, so hopefully that will make life a little easier.

Posted 8/15/07 9:40 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: NEW MOMMIES...Who is a teacher and going back to school in Sept?

we bring both kids to a babyistter in the morning:

Her is the AM schedule for work.

Wake up at 6:15 shower and get dressed

Wake kids up at 7:00 get them dressed and leave by 7:20 for the babysitter

The babysitter gives the kids breakfast in the morning so I do not have to worry about that. I give Sara a cup of milk just ot have while we are getting ready.

I get EVERYTHING ready the night before so I dont have to think about it in the morning.

Posted 8/15/07 10:46 PM

I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06

8041 total posts


Re: NEW MOMMIES...Who is a teacher and going back to school in Sept?

Posted by MrsSchwags

I am going back to work for the first time (full-time) since having my 2 kids.

My mom is watching them 3 days a week, and we are having a babysitter here the other 2 days.

I will be leaving around 6 am and most mornings they are both still sleeping at that time. DH leaves for work around 8:30 am and I will pick them up around 3-4pm.

This is basically me but I just have Jack. He's 11 months and will be with my parents all day. I'm sad that he won't even be up when I leaveChat Icon

Posted 8/16/07 7:58 AM

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