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night wakings 1+ year olds

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Where does time go?

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night wakings 1+ year olds

OK, OK...I know that I have been VERY spoiled with Bella sleeping through the night from 3 months old 7:30-7 am with the exception of 2 weeks in August when she had 4 teeth coming in and NOW...

since the beginning of this month she wakes anywhere from 1-2 times before 5 am and then at 5 am (Sat night was a fun 4:45 am, 5:07 am, 5:20 am night)

last night it was 11:30 pm, 1:30 am, and 5:45 am. She wakes up crying and if it's before 5 am, you can usually give her the binky back and rock her back to sleep in the cib, but you have to get up.

After 5 am, it's a nightmare, she stands up hysterical and refuses the binky and I feel like she needs to be picked up. Normally, what I have been doing is giving her a bottle of 3-4 oz--which she SUX down in less that two minutes-- and putting her back in her crib. And then she sleeps for another 1 hr to 1 hr and a half. This is bad, right?

Should I be letting her CIO? I just know that she doesn't want to be awake, I certainly don't want to be awake...I was a zombie on Sunday morning...she's never done this and I originally thought it was a quick teething phase like August, but this is week 4 of this...

Is she hungry? Is she bratty? I just don't know what to do?

Posted 10/23/06 4:45 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My girls

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Re: night wakings 1+ year olds

I still feed my 19 month old once in the early morning so I don't think thats so bad. Its what my daughter needs. When I let her cry he wake up time just kept getting earlier. I'll take the quick feeding and extra sleep gladly before a 5 am wake up call.

Posted 10/23/06 4:48 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: night wakings 1+ year olds

When did she start walking?

If it was recently, I would guess it's milestone sleep disturbance (my own name for it, not a real one). Whenever my kids reached a milestone...crawling, walking, talking they would get up more often in the middle of the night. I chalk it up to their mind is busy practicing walking.

Posted 10/23/06 4:49 PM

My Everything

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Re: night wakings 1+ year olds

I'm with Barb. It probably has to do with reaching milestones, maybe a growth spurt. I don't think it's bad to feed her though. She could be hungry. Miranda has don ethis a few times with the screaming and standing up in the crib (unlike her). I go in and pick her up and bring her in bed with us in the hopes she'll go back to sleep but she never does. Hopefully it passes and everyone can get some shut eye again.

Posted 10/23/06 5:22 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: night wakings 1+ year olds

Posted by nrthshgrl

When did she start walking?

If it was recently, I would guess it's milestone sleep disturbance (my own name for it, not a real one). Whenever my kids reached a milestone...crawling, walking, talking they would get up more often in the middle of the night. I chalk it up to their mind is busy practicing walking.

hmmmmm, she's been walking for close to two months now...and running for about a monthChat Icon Chat Icon


Posted 10/23/06 7:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: night wakings 1+ year olds

Take a look at the back of her gums... are they swollen and red? It sounds like what we've been going through for the last 4 weeks or so... I finally gave up and brought her to the pediatrician and he looked in her mouth and told me 4 molars are coming in Chat Icon They've been SLOWLY emerging and there are two more back there that are starting to come out as well so Alex hasn't been sleeping well AT ALL. Some nights are ok, most aren't... those molars are on a whole different pain level - those suckers HURT! When we finally realized what it was, I started giving her motrin... only on days when it's particularly bad though... Chat Icon

Posted 10/23/06 7:52 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: night wakings 1+ year olds

Posted by Bxgell2

Take a look at the back of her gums... are they swollen and red? It sounds like what we've been going through for the last 4 weeks or so... I finally gave up and brought her to the pediatrician and he looked in her mouth and told me 4 molars are coming in Chat Icon They've been SLOWLY emerging and there are two more back there that are starting to come out as well so Alex hasn't been sleeping well AT ALL. Some nights are ok, most aren't... those molars are on a whole different pain level - those suckers HURT! When we finally realized what it was, I started giving her motrin... only on days when it's particularly bad though... Chat Icon

OK, so it's been long-term for you too? When we took her to the doc for her year check up in mid-September, he said she had those molars coming in...Bella teeths a tooth in what seems like FOREVER!!!!!
It took over 8 weeks from when we saw the buds from FOUR teeth (two on top and two on bottom) in the summer and the last few weeks were the worst...there just seems to be no progresson towards cutting these puppies anytime soon...I have been doing the motrin on and off when she seems particularly ornery...

She has kicked up the drooling a lot in the last week too....thanks, this helps a lot...I just kiss her when she goes to bed every night and say, please sleep past 6 Chat Icon

COME IN TEETH, dammit...

Message edited 10/23/2006 8:05:51 PM.

Posted 10/23/06 8:04 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: night wakings 1+ year olds

How long has she not been napping at daycare? My guess is it has more to do with that than with teething. She may be overtired.

Does she still wake at night on the days she does nap when she is home with you (weekends)?

Posted 10/23/06 9:07 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: night wakings 1+ year olds

I think a lot of it can be from teething...

but the napping at daycare thing is also something I'd be considering .... because I've always noticed that when she slept well during the day she slept well at night and vice-versa...

Plus I'd really just want to know that she is able to nap at daycare. She used to nap there, right? What has changed?

Posted 10/23/06 9:14 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: night wakings 1+ year olds

Posted by Melbernai

I think a lot of it can be from teething...

but the napping at daycare thing is also something I'd be considering .... because I've always noticed that when she slept well during the day she slept well at night and vice-versa...

Plus I'd really just want to know that she is able to nap at daycare. She used to nap there, right? What has changed?

she does the same waking thing on the weekends when she does nap a few times...but that is a good thought.

Bella doesn't nap because she is NOSEY. They put her down, she hears one noise and BAM, she is up...the teachers are baffled...and they say she isn't cranky at fact she rarely has a non-smiley day where they all want to take her home...they should come to my house at 5 am!!!!

All the kids are her age in the room and are all up and walking and Bella gets there later than everyone else...

Posted 10/24/06 9:42 AM


Member since 10/05

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Re: night wakings 1+ year olds

My 14 month old has been doing the same thing the past week or so. Chat Icon Chat Icon I attribute it to a growth spurt and teething (which REALLY stinks for him). Well, that and the thigh high cast he has on his leg. Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/06 1:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: night wakings 1+ year olds

My DD is doing the same tihng I mglad to hear it may just be a phase I cant get her back inthe crib when she wakes I wind up on the couch I cant take it anymore!!

Posted 10/24/06 11:03 PM

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