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It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
No more birthday cupcakes
D@mn. Just got the school's new policy.
They'll still do games for the birthday child, celebrate them in some way. more cupcakes just says the end of an era to me.
Posted 8/23/12 1:07 PM |
Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07 6815 total posts
Name: Christine
No more birthday cupcakes
Really?? How sad!
Posted 8/23/12 1:37 PM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
not even store bought with ingredients labeled??
Posted 8/23/12 2:25 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
No more birthday cupcakes
Nope. Last year they only allowed store bought. This year the only food allowed is food for your own kid. I'll still send her in with a cupcake on her birthday but it's just for her.
Posted 8/23/12 2:49 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
No more birthday cupcakes
We have that rule too. Some kids bring in party bags for everyone.
Posted 8/23/12 8:04 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1051 total posts
Name: Kristine
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Our school tried this nonsense last year. However, they still sold cookies, ice cream and candy at lunch time. Until that comes to an end, I bring in cupcakes. I also told the principal that.
Posted 8/23/12 9:10 PM |
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
While the kid in me thinks it is a tragedy to not allow a kid to bring in cupcakes on their birthday, the Mom in me is thrilled.
Having 2 kids with anaphylactic food allergies is tough. When you think that you finally have a handle on things and feel confident that you can keep them safe, then you have to send them out into the world and trust that strangers will do right by them.
I will never forget how special I used to feel bringing in my Moms' homemade cupcakes and passing them out to my friends.
But there are so many kids with a lot of different allergies now. I don't remember any of my friends or classmates having food allergies.
Posted 8/23/12 10:59 PM |
Say Cheese!

Member since 1/06 8033 total posts
Name: A (formerly WhatNow?)
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
This is terrible! I hope they are not going to do it my our school! It's ridiculous and completely unfair!
Posted 8/24/12 12:01 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Posted by avabrodymamma
While the kid in me thinks it is a tragedy to not allow a kid to bring in cupcakes on their birthday, the Mom in me is thrilled.
Having 2 kids with anaphylactic food allergies is tough. When you think that you finally have a handle on things and feel confident that you can keep them safe, then you have to send them out into the world and trust that strangers will do right by them.
I will never forget how special I used to feel bringing in my Moms' homemade cupcakes and passing them out to my friends.
But there are so many kids with a lot of different allergies now. I don't remember any of my friends or classmates having food allergies.
I cannot imagine how hard that is for you. Completely unfair to your kids to have to deal with something so scary.
I don't think it is allergy related. Last year we had to bring in the food label for the nurse to approve before the food was allowed in the classrooms.
I wonder how they will handle staff appreciation day? I guess this means I can't give the office staff pizza crumb... Totally their loss
Posted 8/24/12 8:01 AM |
Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07 1718 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Posted by Kris
Our school tried this nonsense last year. However, they still sold cookies, ice cream and candy at lunch time. Until that comes to an end, I bring in cupcakes. I also told the principal that.
As the mother of a child with a peanut allergy, I don't find this rule to be "nonsense." I understand the irony of them still selling other things at lunch...but bringing things from home can be very dangerous for kids with food allergies.
Posted 8/24/12 3:02 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3118 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Posted by ohbaby08
Posted by Kris
Our school tried this nonsense last year. However, they still sold cookies, ice cream and candy at lunch time. Until that comes to an end, I bring in cupcakes. I also told the principal that.
As the mother of a child with a peanut allergy, I don't find this rule to be "nonsense." I understand the irony of them still selling other things at lunch...but bringing things from home can be very dangerous for kids with food allergies.
I completely understand rules against homemade stuff. But what about storebought stuff complete with labels? Shouldn't that be ok?
Posted 8/24/12 3:14 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Posted by ohbaby08
Posted by Kris
Our school tried this nonsense last year. However, they still sold cookies, ice cream and candy at lunch time. Until that comes to an end, I bring in cupcakes. I also told the principal that.
As the mother of a child with a peanut allergy, I don't find this rule to be "nonsense." I understand the irony of them still selling other things at lunch...but bringing things from home can be very dangerous for kids with food allergies.
Most schools haven't allowed homemade treats in years.
Posted 8/24/12 3:20 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3118 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Posted by BargainMama
Posted by ohbaby08
Posted by Kris
Our school tried this nonsense last year. However, they still sold cookies, ice cream and candy at lunch time. Until that comes to an end, I bring in cupcakes. I also told the principal that.
As the mother of a child with a peanut allergy, I don't find this rule to be "nonsense." I understand the irony of them still selling other things at lunch...but bringing things from home can be very dangerous for kids with food allergies.
Most schools haven't allowed homemade treats in years.
Now that I think about it, my children's Catholic school has been allowing homemade goodies for the few years we've been attending there. There is always a child or two with an allergy who has a different treat brought from home. I'm guessing that these children have allergies that aren't severe-- in other words, they can be in the same room as the food. I imagine that if you had a severe enough allergy, public school is the better choice since they must make accommodations for all sorts of special needs.
Posted 8/24/12 3:28 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
I wonder if it's related to the new federal guidelines for healthier school lunches, although I thought it only impacted lunch not snacks or parties. It's called the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids act, it's going to mean smaller lunch portions for kids who buy lunch and more fruit, veggies & whole grains. I think I read that schools won't be able to sell chocolate milk anymore, only fat free and 1%.
Posted by computergirl
Now that I think about it, my children's Catholic school has been allowing homemade goodies for the few years we've been attending there. There is always a child or two with an allergy who has a different treat brought from home. I'm guessing that these children have allergies that aren't severe-- in other words, they can be in the same room as the food. I imagine that if you had a severe enough allergy, public school is the better choice since they must make accommodations for all sorts of special needs.
Private schools are not required by law to make accommodations for these students (although most will), public schools are required to under section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act since food allergies are classified as hidden disabilities.
Message edited 8/24/2012 4:31:02 PM.
Posted 8/24/12 4:23 PM |
Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07 1718 total posts
No more birthday cupcakes
i just didnt appreciate it being referred to as nonsense by the op. my son has a peanut allergy, i dont know how severe it is, so we take any and all precautions. he goes to a peanut-free pre-k now, but even there parents are allowed to bring in home or store-bought treats for birthdays. i have to provide a replacement snack for him on those days. i never thought i'd have a child with a peanut allergy and, frankly, it scares the sh *t out of me for when he goes to public school. so when i see a parent treating it lightly, i get a little heated.
Posted 8/24/12 8:52 PM |
Train Ride
Member since 5/05 3127 total posts
Name: A
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Posted by nrthshgrl
D@mn. Just got the school's new policy.
They'll still do games for the birthday child, celebrate them in some way. more cupcakes just says the end of an era to me.
sorry to hear that but I do wish policies like this were district wide not school to school.
Posted 8/24/12 9:19 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 4971 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
I was the only one in the late 70s and 80s in my class that had allergies to peanuts AND eggs. My mom had to deal with a lot of calls home from the nurse. Though, I don't remember feeling bad that I didn't get to eat the cupcakes.
Since the allergies seem to have gotten more widespread I feel for both the parents of allergic kids and the schools to have to deal with this.
Our school also has the "only labeled cupcakes or other treat policy", however I only found this out when my DD was in K and I made 24 cupcakes to bring in for her BDAY! They never communicated the policy to us that only food with labels can be sent in! So, I was pretty annoyed at that time.
Posted 8/24/12 9:43 PM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
I have never been able to bring in cupcakes. Both kids have monthly celebrations
Posted 8/25/12 7:59 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Store bought cupcakes are usually loaded with transfats because of the icing. Unless icing is freshly made....I am in total agreement with no cupcakes.
Posted 8/26/12 9:58 AM |
I am all the Me I will ever Be

Member since 5/06 9746 total posts
Name: She who shall remain nameless
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Our school has been doing this for a while now.
For our school, it has more to do with healthy eating than anything else.
Also celebrations are limited. I "think" it's only one celebration (holiday or bday) per month and can't exceed a certain number. Im not 100% sure though. The kids aren't allowed to hand out any treats on Valentines day either just the cards.
Last year the teacher gave one day a month for bdays. It was all the kids who had a bday in that month.
The parents had to call each other and delegate who was bring what. Its was stuff like water, fruits, goldfishes, pretzels. Things like that.
No goody bags are allowed for any celebration.
Posted 8/26/12 11:59 AM |
life is good =)
Member since 5/07 4216 total posts
Name: We're so blessed!
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Posted by ohbaby08
i just didnt appreciate it being referred to as nonsense by the op. my son has a peanut allergy, i dont know how severe it is, so we take any and all precautions. he goes to a peanut-free pre-k now, but even there parents are allowed to bring in home or store-bought treats for birthdays. i have to provide a replacement snack for him on those days. i never thought i'd have a child with a peanut allergy and, frankly, it scares the sh *t out of me for when he goes to public school. so when i see a parent treating it lightly, i get a little heated.
this is the same for my dd....sending her to a peanut-free school and for the most part they are very on top of everything when it comes to that but like this poster said the parents are allowed to bring in the home/store bought treats for birthdays and im suppossed to provide a replacement but while it upsets me that my child has to be singled out every time there is a birthday by eating something else in front of all the kids eating the same thing i guess i understand that the world cant change for my would be better if the school (and i will be voicing this as a possiblity at dd's school) policy was that homemade cupcakes could be brought in but only if they are betty crocker mix and frosting that has no ingredients or may contain on the label that reads egg,nuts or dairy which is possible to find....this would make it easier for allergy parents to feel more comfortable and non-allergy parents to feel like they are still able to bring in homemade cupcakes for their child....dont know if my idea will fall on deaf ears but im going to make the effort to voice my opinion.....but this is definitely something im not looking forward to, having to worry every time there is a birthday celebration at school this is definitely not nonsense but instead its a reality of being a mom of a kid with an anaphylactic allergy
Message edited 8/27/2012 7:47:16 AM.
Posted 8/27/12 7:42 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Posted by BellaRock
Our school has been doing this for a while now.
For our school, it has more to do with healthy eating than anything else.
Also celebrations are limited. I "think" it's only one celebration (holiday or bday) per month and can't exceed a certain number. Im not 100% sure though. The kids aren't allowed to hand out any treats on Valentines day either just the cards.
Last year the teacher gave one day a month for bdays. It was all the kids who had a bday in that month.
The parents had to call each other and delegate who was bring what. Its was stuff like water, fruits, goldfishes, pretzels. Things like that.
No goody bags are allowed for any celebration.
I love this!!! Last year my DD was eating a cupcake at least once a week for a celebration. And I skeeve anything from another kitchen(cats on the counters GAG). This would be perfectly fine with me. Our classroom was a peanut free zone and the child's mother provide him with a replacement cupcake for every party. A peanut free zone is not only an issue for the parent of the child with the allergy but also one for the other kids in the class as well. I had to read every label before packing anything for my DD.
Posted 8/27/12 8:21 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Posted by JenandMikey
Posted by ohbaby08
i just didnt appreciate it being referred to as nonsense by the op. my son has a peanut allergy, i dont know how severe it is, so we take any and all precautions. he goes to a peanut-free pre-k now, but even there parents are allowed to bring in home or store-bought treats for birthdays. i have to provide a replacement snack for him on those days. i never thought i'd have a child with a peanut allergy and, frankly, it scares the sh *t out of me for when he goes to public school. so when i see a parent treating it lightly, i get a little heated.
this is the same for my dd....sending her to a peanut-free school and for the most part they are very on top of everything when it comes to that but like this poster said the parents are allowed to bring in the home/store bought treats for birthdays and im suppossed to provide a replacement but while it upsets me that my child has to be singled out every time there is a birthday by eating something else in front of all the kids eating the same thing i guess i understand that the world cant change for my would be better if the school (and i will be voicing this as a possiblity at dd's school) policy was that homemade cupcakes could be brought in but only if they are betty crocker mix and frosting that has no ingredients or may contain on the label that reads egg,nuts or dairy which is possible to find....this would make it easier for allergy parents to feel more comfortable and non-allergy parents to feel like they are still able to bring in homemade cupcakes for their child....dont know if my idea will fall on deaf ears but im going to make the effort to voice my opinion.....but this is definitely something im not looking forward to, having to worry every time there is a birthday celebration at school this is definitely not nonsense but instead its a reality of being a mom of a kid with an anaphylactic allergy
Since OP means original poster & I'm the OP of this thread, I wanted to clarify. I never called the rule "nonsense".
This isn't an allergy issue as I can still send my kid in with whatever she wants to eat & we had to get the nurse to sign off on outside food that was brought in. It's a health initiative. While I get the reasons for it, it doesn't make me any less sad that my daughter won't get that "it's my birthday" feeling with bringing in cupcakes or her number doughnuts as she did this year.
Her brother is off to middle school so he told her it was because the school was waiting until he left to make the rule
Message edited 8/27/2012 9:46:29 AM.
Posted 8/27/12 9:46 AM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 5/08 393 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
As a mother of a child going into first grade who cannot have dairy I really wish schools started implementing this rule everywhere. I always brought a "special" cupcake for my dd for every party but it was a lot of work and thankfully I don't work so I was able to run up there at the last minute with a cupcake or cookie because most of the time parents of the bday child would just show up with the cupcakes and not let the school or teacher even know. I think it's a little insensitive to call the rule "nonsense"..if it were your child who couldn't have something that every other child had, I am sure you would feel differently. Especially in the younger grades..nursey-first grade. I mean they are still so young, it sucks when it's your child being left out. Our school actually has a bake sale once a month and I started making dairy free/gluten free cupcakes for the bake sale every month since I felt really bad for any child who couldn't have a cupcake b/c of their allergies. I think schools should change their policies..things are so different now and the schools should adapt. I actually had a fight last year with another parent b/c of some end of year party in which all of the children ate McDonalds for lunch..I was flipping out b/c my dd cannot have that type of food and this woman was actually yelling at me saying well to bad for your child, this is the way it's been for years and it shouldn't change just for you. It was nonsense really.
Posted 8/27/12 4:27 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: No more birthday cupcakes
Posted by Kboogie I always brought a "special" cupcake for my dd for every party but it was a lot of work and thankfully I don't work so I was able to run up there at the last minute with a cupcake or cookie because most of the time parents of the bday child would just show up with the cupcakes and not let the school or teacher even know.
This is ludicrous! As the parent of the birthday kid, I think it's MY job to make sure everyone can partake in what I'm bringing in. That means you call the teacher for the class count & what allergy accommodations you make.
Posted 8/27/12 4:39 PM |
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