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NT scan/bloodwork question

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LIF Toddler

Member since 1/13

374 total posts


NT scan/bloodwork question

Ill be having my nt scan between 11-12 weeks in conjunction with whatever bloodwork they do. My doctor said that we will speak with a doctor at the scan and will get those results right then and there. Dr also said that the more important of the 2 parts of this screening is the NT scan and if all looks good it is very likely the bloodwork will be fine too.

I assume it will take a few days to get the bloodwork back, so I'm wondering if for those of you who had the all clear NT scan if you felt comfortable spreading your pregnancy news after that or if you waited for bloodwork too? Up until now we have only told immediate family and would be very eager to let this secret out if things look good!

Message edited 6/17/2013 10:55:27 AM.

Posted 6/17/13 10:49 AM
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Re: NT scan/bloodwork question

I wanted to wait till after the anatomy scan (18-22wks) but I ended up seeing family sooner than that and I couldn't NOT tell them because I looked pregnant at that point. In fact, I didn't even bother announcing, they just noticed.

For those who did not see me, I waited until after my anatomy scan though.

ETA: The NT scan has useful info as far as downs/trisomy goes- but there's so much more than that which is not discovered till later on at the anatomy scan.

I would say just do what you feel comfortable with. There are people who announce at 5wks.

Message edited 6/17/2013 11:09:27 AM.

Posted 6/17/13 11:07 AM

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Member since 11/10

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Re: NT scan/bloodwork question

We waited until all the test results (blood work and ntscan results) came back. We didn't get any results right away with the scan and had to wait about a week or two for the bloodwork results (I think) lol.

We waited until the anatomy scan results in order to share the news on fb.

Posted 6/17/13 11:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

933 total posts


Re: NT scan/bloodwork question

I didn't wait, the doctor said the measurments were perfect, so i told all my family and friends before the bloodwork came back. I just got the results last week (14 wks) that my bloodwork came back good. Personal preference if you want to tell people now or later.

Posted 6/17/13 11:47 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 1/13

374 total posts


Re: NT scan/bloodwork question

Posted by AMLMT1

I didn't wait, the doctor said the measurments were perfect, so i told all my family and friends before the bloodwork came back. I just got the results last week (14 wks) that my bloodwork came back good. Personal preference if you want to tell people now or later.

Thx! And did they tell you the same thing - that if the scan was good the bloodwork would very likely follow suit?

Posted 6/17/13 12:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


Re: NT scan/bloodwork question

I waited till I had all of my results from the NT scan, which were given at the same time. I did not want to take chances until I had all the numbers. No assuming everything was fine.

Message edited 6/17/2013 12:06:35 PM.

Posted 6/17/13 12:06 PM

Baby no. 3 coming soon!

Member since 6/09

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Re: NT scan/bloodwork question

I told family early--at 6 weeks. I was too sick too hide it. But we're not telling others until all the results from the NT scan/blood work. I have it this week and an appt and the end of next week to go over results. At that point, we'll probably share with friends.

Posted 6/17/13 12:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

979 total posts


Re: NT scan/bloodwork question

We told people before we got the blood tests back for both of my pregnancies. I wanted to wait until after I got the blood results but this is what worked for us as far as timing and seeing family.

Posted 6/17/13 12:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

933 total posts


Re: NT scan/bloodwork question

Yes, the doc told me that most likely the blood work would be fine. I did this with all 3 of my kids.

Posted 6/17/13 12:57 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/13

707 total posts


NT scan/bloodwork question

I waited until after the appointment... but not because I wanted to be sure everything was OK necessarily; because the following Sunday was Mother's Day. I had always intended to wait to tell everyone on Monther's Day.

Posted 6/17/13 3:05 PM

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