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Member since 7/09 9209 total posts
Name: Shana
Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
We live in a 2 bedroom apartment. One of the bedrooms is dedicated to DH's office. He insists that an infant does not need that much space, and thinks if we put a crib in our bedroom it will be fine. We will be moving somewhere bigger in about a year and half.
I was totally agreeing with him, our bedroom is big enough to comfortably keep crib and storage. Then I see all your nurseries are so lovely I'm wanting one too :(
I have to add, DH doesn't work at home, the office is basically bachelor storage I wont let him keep anywhere else. So I feel I will emasculate him if I insist on him moving out of there.
What do you think? Should I kick him out of his man room?
Posted 8/11/09 8:58 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
Ooh this is a tough one. Can he put the stuff in storage? Does he actually spend time in there? I am trying to get my DH to switch offices and put it in the smaller room so I can use the bigger room for a nursery. This is an argument I am not winning.
Maybe you can use sex as a ploy-ask him if he would be comfortable getting intimate knowing his child is sleeping in the same room! Worth a shot!
Posted 8/11/09 9:01 AM |
Member since 7/08 2374 total posts
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
We have a room for the nursery, however it is currently a major disaster area...the furniture should be ready the beginning of Sept and I am due beginning of Oct. I don't see the room being ready in time so we will probably put the crib in our room and I have no idea where we will keep the other pieces of furniture. I received bedding, I have visions of what the room is going to look like but it probably won't be for a few months. I have quickly come to accept the fact that no matter how much notice my DH has for something-it will never be done when I actually needed. If you have room for the crib and storage I think its fine...I know my parents kept me in the crib in their room in an apartment for about 1 year, you work with what you have.
Posted 8/11/09 9:05 AM |
Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07 10116 total posts
Name: Gabi
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
If it were me, I would definiely move him out of his man room. His room is not a necessity. This is your first child and he/she deserves their own space. If you were living in a 1 bedroom, that's one thing but IMHO, I think your hubby is being selfish. My DD is forced to share a room with her siblings when we have them with us every other weekend (my DH has 3 kids from a former marriage) so your DH is right- babies don't take up a lot of room. Maybe he could have 1/2 of his man room and make the other 1/2 a nursery if he MUST keep the room? Not sure how big it is... Good luck.
Posted 8/11/09 9:06 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1712 total posts
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
Posted by twinkletoes807
If it were me, I would definiely move him out of his man room. His room is not a necessity. This is your first child and he/she deserves their own space. If you were living in a 1 bedroom, that's one thing but IMHO, I think your hubby is being selfish. My DD is forced to share a room with her siblings when we have them with us every other weekend (my DH has 3 kids from a former marriage) so your DH is right- babies don't take up a lot of room. Maybe he could have 1/2 of his man room and make the other 1/2 a nursery if he MUST keep the room? Not sure how big it is... Good luck.
ITA. If your bedroom is large enough for the crib and storage why not move the computer into your bedroom and give the baby the 2nd bedroom. Everyone will sleep much better that way - TRUST ME. If it were a one bedroom it would be a different story but IMHO its silly to keep that room as an office........
Posted 8/11/09 9:11 AM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
We Co Sleep but each DC has their own room for their furntiure, clothes, books, toys - personal space
Posted 8/11/09 9:13 AM |
Member since 5/06 4794 total posts
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
Sorry, my vote is for the Baby! Daddy needs to sacrifice his "bachelor space" and give that little baby a room. If it was a 1 BR, you could make it work, but since you have the room, it is good for the baby to have their own space, place to keep clothes, supplies, changing table, crib, etc. Get used to it Dad!
Posted 8/11/09 9:15 AM |
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
Posted by Marbo
We have a room for the nursery, however it is currently a major disaster area...the furniture should be ready the beginning of Sept and I am due beginning of Oct. I don't see the room being ready in time so we will probably put the crib in our room and I have no idea where we will keep the other pieces of furniture. I received bedding, I have visions of what the room is going to look like but it probably won't be for a few months. I have quickly come to accept the fact that no matter how much notice my DH has for something-it will never be done when I actually needed. If you have room for the crib and storage I think its fine...I know my parents kept me in the crib in their room in an apartment for about 1 year, you work with what you have.
Have our DH's met?
Posted 8/11/09 9:21 AM |
Brighter days ahead
Member since 4/07 7364 total posts
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
At first I was going to say let DH keep his office b/c I assumed it was for work. Hearing he is actually just using it for his man things - I think he has got to give up the room for the baby! It's a much better use of the space IMO. Hey, I gave up "my" room where I put on makeup, got dressed and stuff so we could make our baby's nursery!
Posted 8/11/09 9:24 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/06 1076 total posts
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
Sorry, but if he doesn't need the office for his job, he would be moving his stuff out so his child can move in.
Time to grow up a little bit and maybe start parting with some of his stuff.
I fight this battle with our basement. My husband comes from a whole family of pack rats. Be firm - you are not asking him for a frivolous reason. There is so much stuff that comes along with a baby, you will be thankful you have the dedicated room.
Posted 8/11/09 9:29 AM |

Member since 4/06 2784 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
If you are moving shortly I would save my $$ and splurge on decorating the new place. That being said, DC will be fine in your bedroom initially but eventually, to establish proper sleeping habits and for your sanity, you will want DC in another room if possible. After about 3-4 months when DC is *hopefully* sleeping throught the night it will probably be better for everyone if DC is in their own space.
Posted 8/11/09 9:32 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07 881 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
While I don't think a separate nursery is completely necessary for the baby, I probably would set one up if we had an extra room. We live in a one bedroom and will until the aggressively start looking for a house in the spring, so we don't really have the option.
Posted 8/11/09 9:42 AM |
Waste not, want not

Member since 6/06 7219 total posts
Name: Lois Mom Mommy Mama Ma
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
We have a one bedroom now, and have set up our baby's furniture in our bedroom. Thankfully our bedroom is big enough to accomodate all of our furniture and the baby's 3 pieces we bought for him.
This is a temporary situation for us. Once the baby becomes more active and can move in his sleep, we will have to put up a divider/privacy screen because I don't want him seeing us in the middle of the night. I want him to get used having his own space.
You could do the same. However, I'm sure after a few months of it, your DH will WANT the baby to have his own room. Babies make noise in their sleep. There will come a time when your DH will want his bedroom and his privacy back, and he'll proabably willingly give up his "office" then.
Posted 8/11/09 9:49 AM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
your DH's selfishness aside, i think you're really going to want that extra space for your DC. with DS, he slept in our room for the first few weeks and then we moved him into his own room. best decision ever! he slept so well, and so did we!
i suppose it's personal preference, and if you're going to be moving soon maybe it's not such a big deal, but in my experience if possible DC should have their own room.
Posted 8/11/09 9:56 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/08 1126 total posts
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
If your bedroom is large enough for the crib and storage why not move the computer into your bedroom and give the baby the 2nd bedroom.
This is what I would do.
If it was for 6 months then no big deal but if your DC will be going on 2 yrs old when you move I would definitley set up his/her own room now.
Posted 8/11/09 10:16 AM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
no, babies definitely do not need nurseries.
your life is going to change a lot, I would not kick your husband out of his office.
we had a nursery, the only time my kid slept in there was when we slept in there as well....till 2 years old.
Posted 8/11/09 10:23 AM |
My two miracles!

Member since 5/06 17826 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
I think in your situation, your DH should give up his "office" & let the baby have his/her own space. I could see if your DH used the office on a daily basis for work purposes, then I would make due with the baby in your room.
We had the room in our house, we just lost a guest room but we ended up combining the guest room with the weight room. I think it is important for the baby to have his/her own space
Posted 8/11/09 10:28 AM |
Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07 17048 total posts
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
we're also in a 2 bedroom. our issue is that the second bedroom is right now the guest room/office - and we definitely didn't want guest room/office/nursery - so we are making a few changes!
it will be the guest room/nursery - we plan on keeping a daybed in the room and just getting a crib and dresser/changing table combo - and then we are moving the desk out of their and putting it somewhere else.
we also plan on having a playard in our room... so if we have a guest staying over, the baby will just sleep with us.
i think in your situation, i'd move the computer into your room or somewhere else in the house and let the baby have that space.
Posted 8/11/09 10:52 AM |
Loving every minute

Member since 2/09 1663 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
I'm in a similar predicament...we live in a 2bd townhouse, the spare bdrm is used as guest/office. We're not going to be turning it into the nursery b/c it's on a different floor from the mstr bdrm and I don't want to constantly be going up and down the stairs.
We also plan on moving within the next year, so I don't want to waste money decorating 2 nurseries.
We have a loft area right outside our mstr bdrm that we're converting into the temporary nursery, we would put our LO in our bdrm but we got king size furniture last year and there's not even room for a bassenett!
Splurge on other things for your LO, like clothes
Posted 8/11/09 11:02 AM |

Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
I would totally kick DH out- that's what I did. Our second bedroom was used as our computer room/DH's *hockey/fireman* room. He boxed up his crap and moved it on out! Thank God I pushed him out because we have sooooo much baby stuff we definitely needed the extra room for it. It's not emasculating your hubby- it's time for him to realize it's not about him anymore!!
Posted 8/11/09 11:38 AM |

Member since 5/09 5751 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
Is the "office" big enough to accomodate the baby's things plus some of his. I've seen some HGTV shows where the nursery doubles as an offcice, although not a "man room" per say.
If he doesn't work at home, he doesn't really need an office. A year and 1/2 is actually a long time and by then the baby will need his/her own space to play in.
Remind him that when you have a child, priorities should change and your child and his/her comfort should come first. Maybe guilt will work.
Do you have a TV in your bedroom? Remind him that you won't be able to watch tv there if the baby is in there too because you won't want to make noise and wake him. Lights will have to be dim, use the sex thing that someone suggested too.
Don't worry about emasculating him, he needs to grow up and put his child's comfort and saftey 1st.
Good luck, I'm sure it won't be easy.
Posted 8/11/09 11:50 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/08 846 total posts
Name: C
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
Sorry but DH needs to part with his room and make way for baby. You will def. need the space and appreciate it afterward. Baby will sleep much better in it's own room as it gets older especially if he/she wakes up in middle of night. If they see you they will want to be picked up and that prevents them from learning to soothe themselves.
Posted 8/11/09 12:29 PM |
It's FUN to be ONE

Member since 7/09 4363 total posts
Name: Danicia
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
I was having the same issue with our's a 2 bedroom house, and DH said I can do whatever I want to the house, but as long as he gets one room. We are planning on staying there for another year or so as well, but we just don't have enough room in our bedroom for much of anything. So, DH said he would move down to the basement since right now its all empty space down there...and baby will still have a nursery.
If you have enough room in your bedroom and you are planning on moving out soon, then I would just save your money and splurge later on...
Posted 8/11/09 1:16 PM |
So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06 11197 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
We too live in a 2 BR co-op. The 2nd rom is our office and ther eis NO way it will stay that way. We couldnt though fit a crib in our BR at all. I wanted a room for the baby and all its stuff
Posted 8/11/09 1:31 PM |
Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/08 2830 total posts
Name: Jennette
Re: Nursery really necessary for infant? What do you think?
What do you think? Should I kick him out of his man room?
IMHO, yes
Posted 8/11/09 1:36 PM |