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Obesity in children blamed on working moms

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Member since 5/05

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Obesity in children blamed on working moms

Did anyone see this video on the CNN website? I saw it on the news again over the weekend - they did a piece on obesity in children and how it directly correlates to the increase in women working, blaming the rise in obesity on working women who no longer have the time to cook for their families.

I found it incredulous - what about the father in all of this? Does he hold any accountability as well? What about the crap they are feeding our children at public schools? The latest "health" initiative is serving "snickers flavored" milk, instead of soda. Ummm, hello?!Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/07 8:56 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Obesity in children blamed on working moms

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even know what to say to this.

Posted 5/21/07 9:00 AM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Obesity in children blamed on working moms

that is unreal.

Posted 5/21/07 9:01 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Obesity in children blamed on working moms

I think that's a total load of cr@p!

Working or not working, obesity in kids is both PARENTS problem the majority of the time. They buy the food, they are making their kids fat.

I don't think it matters or not if both parents work or not. Someone still has to do the food shopping!

Schools def need to up the nutritional value during lunch hours.

OBesity is on the rise with adults too, so they are putting bad food in their mouths too. Kids just also just don't know how to "play" anymore, too much tv and video games.

I'll never forget, i was in friendlys at 9pm on a Friday night and this family walks in, all overweight, and the parents were praising their son/daughter for only getting 1 kind of cheese, instead of 2 on their bacon cheeseburgerChat Icon and for not getting soda, but instead that got that Cotton candy drink that friendly's serves. I was so grossed out and felt soooo bad for these kids.

Posted 5/21/07 9:03 AM

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Member since 11/06

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Re: Obesity in children blamed on working moms

It's NEVER the dad's fault..... for ANYTHING.... Chat Icon Chat Icon (I'm obviously kidding.... Chat Icon ) I think everyone likes to blame someone, even if they don't have a real reason, or need. I thought there were more SAHMs lately than 10, 20 or 30 years ago? At least it seems that way, talking to coworkers, and college friends. Also, just because kids eat "take-out" more, doesn't mean they eat less healthy. I've had quite a few meals cooked at home growing up that would not be considered healthy by any standard....

Posted 5/21/07 9:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Obesity in children blamed on working moms

I think studies like that are ultimately CR*P.

I think it depends on the family, not the family situation. I know plenty of families with a SAHM where they eat take out a lot.

It makes me laugh..Just b.c I am a SAHM still does not mean i have a ton of time to whip up a healthy home cooked meal. Some days I do, others I don't. That is when DH cooks (he cooks 50% of the time and we always eat pretty healthy).

Posted 5/21/07 9:17 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Obesity in children blamed on working moms

It's just so ridiculous how all the emphasis, and blame, is always on mom.

In our house we eat a very healthy meal every night - usually fish, with veggies, and maybe couscous or rice.

I'm a working mom - I'm an attorney, and yes, it's hard, but you know how we manage? Because my husband contributes to everything - we are 50/50 all the way, so while I play with Alex, he'll cook dinner, or while he takes her for a stroll, I'll cook dinner and vice versa.

Posted 5/21/07 9:26 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Obesity in children blamed on working moms

that is a bunch of BULL!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I dont buy into any of it

Message edited 5/21/2007 9:28:52 AM.

Posted 5/21/07 9:28 AM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Obesity in children blamed on working moms

Ok, so maybe I will get flamed for this, whatever. I can see how people would correlate the 2 based upon the fact that if both parents are working, its alot easier to order take out, and feed your child something quick and easy, which is usually not the healthiest. Obesity in children is an epidemic in this country and occurs in ALL different types of households, SAHM's and SAHD's, both parents working, neither parents working, etc.. but I can see how a study would be done citing more instances in households with mom and dad working rather than just 1 parent working and 1 staying home.

Posted 5/21/07 9:34 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Obesity in children blamed on working moms

I would agree with dottiemchugh on the takeout option not being the healthier choice. I wouldn't say it has anything to do with working moms.

If anything, it's the lack of excercise children get. My nephews sit in front of the TV playing video games every day. I fault the parents for not kicking their kids out of the house to play more than anything else.

Message edited 5/21/2007 9:59:32 AM.

Posted 5/21/07 9:59 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Obesity in children blamed on working moms

Posted by nrthshgrl

If anything, it's the lack of excercise children get. My nephews sit in front of the TV playing video games every day. I fault the parents for not kicking their kids out of the house to play more than anything else.

I completely agree! I remember growing up people couldn't drive down my street wtihout having to stop for all the kids to get out of the street. Now kids are at home playing video games or on the internet.

ETA And I am a working mom and I get no help from DH in the evenings. He doesn't come home until Jordana is already in bed. YOu know what she eats for dinner? Veggie burgers or grilled chicken, vegetables and fruit for desert. I don't give her juice (too much sugar). When I do order take out for her (very rare), I get a salad with chicken. So working moms aren't always to blame.

Message edited 5/21/2007 10:24:27 AM.

Posted 5/21/07 10:21 AM

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