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Teachers or Moms of PreK children..

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Member since 6/06

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Teachers or Moms of PreK children..

DS is starting PreK in the fall. What can I do and be teaching him to help get him ready?

Posted 1/24/07 3:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05

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Re: Teachers or Moms of PreK children..

Off the top of my head...

name recognition

I know for some reason Joseph's Kindergarten is very impressed with his ability to rhyme.Chat Icon

Posted 1/24/07 4:07 PM

The Lazy Days of Summer

Member since 10/06

1413 total posts


Re: Teachers or Moms of PreK children..

Rhyme concepts are taught K and 1ST grade according to NYS. PreK-scissors consonant letter sound...starting with the A sound is hard.. scissors, hand eye corddination, phone number, first and last names, .....

Posted 1/24/07 5:44 PM


Member since 7/05

9662 total posts

Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Teachers or Moms of PreK children..

my dd started pre k in sept. she is learning to count. how to use sissors. how to glue. i was concerned cause she didnt know how to spell her name yet. and the teacher told me that is kindergarten work. prek is really to prepare them socially for school. how to interact with other kids. how to make friends. how to take direction and listen. whatever you are doing at home now is perfect Chat Icon

Posted 1/24/07 6:02 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

3612 total posts


Re: Teachers or Moms of PreK children..

first and last name, address, phone number, practice coloring, cutting, colors, shapes, alphabet, counting objects(1-10).

Posted 1/24/07 7:52 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Teachers or Moms of PreK children..

just curious reading some of this stuff... is it for 2, 3, or 4 year olds?

Pre K is considered the year before Kindergarten correct?

Sorry if I am hijacking

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Posted 1/24/07 9:18 PM


Member since 7/05

9662 total posts

Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Teachers or Moms of PreK children..

Posted by -DonnaMarie-

just curious reading some of this stuff... is it for 2, 3, or 4 year olds?

Pre K is considered the year before Kindergarten correct?

Sorry if I am hijacking

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my daugther was actually 3 when she started prek. she just made the cut off. she needed to be born before december 2002 and she was born in november. so she was 3 and turned 4 while in prek. and yep prek is the year right before kingergarten. Chat Icon

Posted 1/25/07 9:18 AM

Lovin my Little guy :)

Member since 5/06

2280 total posts


Re: Teachers or Moms of PreK children..

I'm a Pre-School teacher.....some of the things we hope that the children accomplish by the end of their year is name recognition, writing their name, correct way to hold a writing utensil, know their shapes, colors, can count from 1-10 and start to recognize the numbers and letters, cutting, their phone number and address, work on their social skills (sharing/taking turns, using their words), buttons, zippers, snaps, (those that are ready we teach to tie their shoes), become more independent, do simple puzzles, opposites and orientation words (top/bottom, over/under, etc), singing the alphabet song, etc. I'm trying to think of things that we have to fill out on our progress reports. The biggest thing I would say is writing their name and cutting...I hear this from a lot of the parents who have siblings who went off to kindergarten and now I have their siblings. Feel free to FM me for more information Chat Icon I'll be glad to help!!

Posted 1/25/07 6:30 PM

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