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ok all you btdt twin mamas-i need help!!

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Member since 7/06

2168 total posts


ok all you btdt twin mamas-i need help!!

hi ladies!! this question has a few parts. thank you for reading it all-it's so long!!

i'm really struggling with bedtime and naps. dc are 7 months old. i have one great sleeper (dd) and one not-so-great (ds).

no matter how hard i try they will not nap at the same time. i will put both in their cribs at the same time everyday and one will cry and scream until i have to take he or she out before the other wakes up. i try to let them both stay in their room whether they sleep or not just to get them in routine of naptime, but i always end up having to take one out. and then usually by the next nap it's the opposite baby. which means there never is a downtime when both babies are sleeping, so i can shower, pay bills, clean, whatever!!

and bedtime is the worst, ds will constantly wake up and want to be nursed back to sleep. if i try to let him cry a little to try to self regulate, he usually wakes up dd and then i just end up nursing both back to sleep.

sometimes one can sleep while the other is crying but sometimes not. i never know. how did you handle one crying while other is sleeping?

second question-can you give me a rough estimate of your schedule when your twins were 7 mos. with naps and food. currently they eat (solids) at 8am and 5pm and nurse every 3 or so hours. i would like to introduce a 3rd meal, but i don't know when to do it without interfering with naps. they wake at 6:30 and nurse for the evening before bed at 6:30 pm.

thanks so much for reading and any advice you can offer. i am so sleep deprived and not accomplishing a lot of what i want to accomplish and i feel really stressed.Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/08 11:38 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: ok all you btdt twin mamas-i need help!!


I have no help to offer as I am in the same boat!!!!! DD is my rock-star sleep and DS is making life miserable!!!!!

I send you lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon and when you get the answer...please share......

But, can they nap in different rooms? Maybe that would help!

Posted 1/2/08 1:45 PM

so happy!!

Member since 1/07

2091 total posts


Re: ok all you btdt twin mamas-i need help!!

napping is not easy. I recommend the book "Healthy sleeping habits, healthy (or happy) baby" It was fanastic and helped alot with sleeping with naps and overnight.
It teaches you a lot, trust me. I know a lot of twim mamas on here have read it. perhaps they need more food for night time.

Feeding schedule.
They were eating three meals.
4-bottles during the day
breakfast fruit and cereal
lunch meat and veggies or fruit or yogurt
dinner veggies and meat

Good luck, hang in there
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Posted 1/2/08 7:35 PM


Member since 7/06

2168 total posts


Re: ok all you btdt twin mamas-i need help!!

Posted by burberrygirl

napping is not easy. I recommend the book "Healthy sleeping habits, healthy (or happy) baby" It was fanastic and helped alot with sleeping with naps and overnight.
It teaches you a lot, trust me. I know a lot of twim mamas on here have read it. perhaps they need more food for night time.

Feeding schedule.
They were eating three meals.
4-bottles during the day
breakfast fruit and cereal
lunch meat and veggies or fruit or yogurt
dinner veggies and meat

Good luck, hang in there
Chat Icon

thanks!! we actually have that book. my dh was reading it because i had so much homework to do every night. i need to read it.

as for your schedule, can you give me a rough idea about times too. what times were naps, bottles, and meals?

thanks again!!

Posted 1/2/08 7:49 PM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: ok all you btdt twin mamas-i need help!!

Lisa I really feel for you! DDs only napped for 1/2 hour in the morning and 1/2 hour in the afternoon (give or take) until they were 9 months old. Now when they look tired I ask them if they want to go see Pooh (in their crib) and they get up and walk to the gate that leads to their room. So there is hope!!!! Chat Icon

I don't think you are doing anything "wrong" - I just think that they are two different babies who want to nap at two different times. Are they tired when they go down for a nap? Can you try to tire the heck out of them to get them to sleep at the same time?

As for the feeding schedule at 7 months, I think we did:
Breakfast (cereal and fruit) & a bottle
Yogurt for lunch & a bottle
Dinner was a meat and a veggie & a bottle

Good luck!!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/08 8:44 PM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: ok all you btdt twin mamas-i need help!!

I cannot help--I have the same problem---noone naps at the same time ever....
not easy.
if I run the vaccuum I sometimes can get them to nap together...although one alot shorter then the other.
so we run the vacuum........

Posted 1/3/08 7:52 AM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: ok all you btdt twin mamas-i need help!!

I agree with burberrygirl and FireIslandLove.

We are very lucky here, so farChat Icon with naps ( think my kids napped longer than most) and bedtime but I have had a couple of weeks where they were on opposite schedules Chat Icon one day I climbed the stairs about 28 times, so I feel for youChat Icon

As far as schedules, at month 7 this is what it was:

6:00 bottle

7:00 breakfast- cereal/fruit

8:00 nap- I have a ritual where I read the same book to them before they go down, "The Napping House". A triplet mommy gave me that idea.

9:15-9:45 wake

9:30-9:45 bottle

11:30- lunch- yogurt based w/ vegetables

Noon- read the book and nap

1:45 wake and bottle

4:15-4:30 dinner- Same as Super Baby Food diet- hard boiled egg yolk/tofu, two vegs

5:00- baths

5:30- bottle, read books

6:00 bed

My DS is a better sleeper than DD. Often she wakes at 4am and doesn't go back down but we won't get her until at least 5:30 and that's only when she's getting crazy.

I recommend the book as well. It made a lot of sense and it turns out my DS was giving me signs very early on.

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Posted 1/3/08 8:09 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

4018 total posts


Re: ok all you btdt twin mamas-i need help!!

We forced them on the same schedule, LOL.

We had to for our own sanity, but my children have always been good with being on a schedule.

At 7 months old they would have a bottle at 8, eat at 9 sleep at 10 - 11. Botlle and food at 12ish. Sleep from 2 - 4, then dinner and bottle at 6ish, and then bottle at 8 before bed. I cna't remeber exactly but there might have been another bottle in the day time around but I can't remember.

Do you do a bedtime routine with them that is the same each night?

Posted 1/3/08 12:01 PM


Member since 7/06

2168 total posts


Re: ok all you btdt twin mamas-i need help!!

Posted by Michelle

We forced them on the same schedule, LOL.

We had to for our own sanity, but my children have always been good with being on a schedule.

At 7 months old they would have a bottle at 8, eat at 9 sleep at 10 - 11. Botlle and food at 12ish. Sleep from 2 - 4, then dinner and bottle at 6ish, and then bottle at 8 before bed. I cna't remeber exactly but there might have been another bottle in the day time around but I can't remember.

Do you do a bedtime routine with them that is the same each night?

thanks ladies for all your replies!!

yes i have had a bedtime routine for a long time. they definitely know it's bedtime and usually go to sleep, it's just when ds wakes up throughout the night. he has difficulty getting back to sleep and wants to nurse and sleep on me.

i noticed michelle and theresa you give the bottle before the food and then nap. i usually give food first, then nurse and then nap. i know it's different with bottle and nursing, but i wonder if they would ever just nurse, then eat and then go down for a nap without nursing. i highly doubt it!!

Message edited 1/3/2008 12:21:25 PM.

Posted 1/3/08 12:18 PM

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