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Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

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Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

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Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

I have no clue what my betas are
My HPG(??)
Or anything at all with my blood work.

I have a ba-zillion vials taken my first visit (8 weeks)

I got my finger poked at my u/s (12weeks)

But really I haven’t heard a word other then “all your results are ok”

Should I ask what those numbers are? Should I care? Should I be concerned?

Posted 3/5/08 4:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

I was never told and never asked. I was just concerned that everything "looked good".

Posted 3/5/08 4:54 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

I called my obs office and has to ask specifically for the numbers, and they gave them to me...I dont really think it matters now

Posted 3/5/08 4:55 PM

it's pretty precious

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

I never knew either. I think maybe those that are TTC ing for awhile have time to read up on that stuff, and know what to ask. That wasn't me, though. So I just get the- "all looks good".

Posted 3/5/08 4:56 PM

life is a carousel

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

Don't worry about it. Those numbers truly mean something in the very beginning, to see whether or not the pregnancy is viable.

You are past that point (so obviously all is okay).

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Posted 3/5/08 4:56 PM

More a stranger than a friend

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

The only number that my OB/GYN told me was my progesterone. It was really low (like 6, I think) and they wanted me to take progesterone supplements. Other than that, they didn't tell me any of my numbers. When I asked about my beta numbers, she just told me that "it looked fine". Chat Icon

Posted 3/5/08 5:00 PM

I love chocolate

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

I didn't know either and was very grateful that it was something I didn't have to worry about.

Posted 3/5/08 5:02 PM

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

I never knew my betas or rate of heartbeat either.

My dr. always just told me things looked good and I figured that was good enough for me!

I figure you have enough things to stress out about with being pregnant! I don't need to be analyzing numbers!

Posted 3/5/08 5:02 PM

my two loves

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

The only reason I know mine was becuase I went through IVF and it is standard to do a blood pregnancy test to see if it worked. If I got pregnant on my own I highly doubt they would have done betas on me.

Posted 3/5/08 5:02 PM

My love muffin!

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

i only knew b/c my beta was really low at first so I had to get it taken a few more times!

Posted 3/5/08 5:04 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

Thank you so much

Makes me feel less stupid for not asking

I have no clue what the HB rate is.. its fast and steady and "good & strong" according to the doctors.

All else "Looks good" and I never think to ask more.

The words "everything's fine" and "it looks good" never really sound so freaking wonderful as they do these days, isn't that funny. I'm such a pushy detail person but right now Good & fine are freaking wonderful! hahahaha

Preggo brain maybe? I just nod and walk out.

Posted 3/5/08 5:06 PM

it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

That's funny- I never get a HB rate either. If I ask for it, he'll tell me. But as long as doc is satisfied, I am too.

Posted 3/5/08 5:07 PM

My miracles!

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

For those of us with TTC/IF issues, we are monitored in a different way than those who do not. If there is a history of miscarriage, blood work will be done more frequently. I had 4 beta tests done.

Posted 3/5/08 5:13 PM

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

my betas and progesterone levels were never even measured Chat Icon

Here's the story:
I had so much blood work done (hiv test, Ab titers...) and no hormone levels Chat Icon I was bleeding at 5 weeks when I got the bloodwork done, so it was very very wierd to me that the temp Dr. who saw me that day didn't check the beta levels.

I didn't realize they never checked it... so I called and asked for my beta levels... that's when I found out they were never measured.

I questioned my regular Ob about it at the 7 week apt, and he was also rather dismissive... and said 'well, your hormone levels are obviously high enough to stay pregnant'.... Chat Icon I think my Ob's office doesn't check the levels unless a pregnancy is high risk... I wonder how common that is......

mind you, other than that incident, I've been very happy with that Ob office.

Posted 3/5/08 5:17 PM

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

Posted by Goldi0218

For those of us with TTC/IF issues, we are monitored in a different way than those who do not. If there is a history of miscarriage, blood work will be done more frequently. I had 4 beta tests done.

Ditto. If you had no trouble conceiving and no prior problems or miscarriages, then there is no reason to have those tests.

Posted 3/5/08 6:59 PM

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Mommy to twins

Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

Posted by Goldi0218

For those of us with TTC/IF issues, we are monitored in a different way than those who do not. If there is a history of miscarriage, blood work will be done more frequently. I had 4 beta tests done.

Very true, I had a couple of betas done until we saw the heartbeat.

Posted 3/5/08 7:16 PM

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

Posted by sjm71505

I was never told and never asked. I was just concerned that everything "looked good".

Same here.

I was happy enough to hear that!

Posted 3/5/08 7:17 PM


Member since 5/07

1532 total posts


Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

Posted by Goldi0218

For those of us with TTC/IF issues, we are monitored in a different way than those who do not. If there is a history of miscarriage, blood work will be done more frequently. I had 4 beta tests done.

Well said - I had an early sono and repeat blood work until 8 weeks.

Posted 3/5/08 7:20 PM

Our 3 angels

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

I was never told either and I never asked.

Posted 3/6/08 9:26 AM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

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Jesss, duh.

Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

I knew about my HCG levels in the first 8 weeks. And it was only because after it was tested the first time they were "nervous" and made me go back 3 days later for a second round of tests. Because of that I asked the numbers.

Other than that scenario I have no clue what my "numbers" or "measurements" are as long as all is normal.

Posted 3/6/08 9:35 AM

Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

I was never told either.
If I needed to know them, I am sure they would have told me.
I barely remember my BP when they say it outloud.

Posted 3/6/08 9:38 AM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

as long as everything looks good i really dont care about the numbers.

Posted 3/6/08 10:55 AM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

Posted by Xelindrya

I have no clue what my betas are
My HPG(??)
Or anything at all with my blood work.

I have a ba-zillion vials taken my first visit (8 weeks)

I got my finger poked at my u/s (12weeks)

But really I haven’t heard a word other then “all your results are ok”

Should I ask what those numbers are? Should I care? Should I be concerned?

Dont worry HPG I couldnt even tell you what those are...
I got tons of blood work but until my dr visits never heard a word and then she would be liek "all looks good."

Never got my finger poked or had an ultrascreen...just your basic ultrasounds at 8w, 22w, 36w and then special unplanned growth sonos due to DS size at 39 & 40w.

And you know what, my 11 week old is sleeping peacfully in the other room!

Dont worry, just sit back and enjoy your pregnancy!

Posted 3/6/08 12:18 PM


Member since 1/07

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Re: Ok, I feel left out/weird/odd

I only found out because I had IVF and they need to know your betas and make sure they double to make sure it's a regular pregnancy and not ectopic.

Posted 3/6/08 2:48 PM

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