Pain and cramping in lower abdomen and pelvic area
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My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Pain and cramping in lower abdomen and pelvic area
I am 35 wks. and since last night I have been having cramping and pain in my lower abdomen. It even hurts when I walk. I feel like my little has dropped b/c it is soft on top of my belly and I feel him much lower now. I have a dr. appt. tomorrow but do you think I should call and see if they can fit me in today. I dont know if it is "normal" or just the way the baby is sitting laying.
Posted 2/27/07 12:50 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06 7752 total posts
Name: jeannine
Re: Pain and cramping in lower abdomen and pelvic area
I dk...I had this yesterday and started getting contractions for over 2 hours...I went and took a bath and it worked. Go get off your feet!
Posted 2/27/07 12:52 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Pain and cramping in lower abdomen and pelvic area
I would drink lots of water and rest on your left side, if they don't go away within 2 hours, I would call my doc.
Posted 2/27/07 1:03 PM |
Living the DREAM!!!

Member since 7/06 2646 total posts
Name: Kimmer
Re: Pain and cramping in lower abdomen and pelvic area
Posted by jellybean1420
I am 35 wks. and since last night I have been having cramping and pain in my lower abdomen. It even hurts when I walk. I feel like my little has dropped b/c it is soft on top of my belly and I feel him much lower now. I have a dr. appt. tomorrow but do you think I should call and see if they can fit me in today. I dont know if it is "normal" or just the way the baby is sitting laying.
My little boy has made me feel like this for the past week I think Im so getting over this pregnancy thing
Posted 2/27/07 2:11 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: Pain and cramping in lower abdomen and pelvic area
I think I am going to leave work a little early today. I just feel so uncomfortable and am still having contractions (cramping). Friday is my last day anyway, so my boss can shove it. It is borderline tortorous for me to come to work anymore. I barely fit in my car, my belly is like 1/2 in. away from the wheel. I'm dizzy and hot and just cranky! But I am sure you all feel the same way.
Posted 2/27/07 4:40 PM |
I am Batman!

Member since 5/05 4093 total posts
Name: I'm Batman, I tell you!
Re: Pain and cramping in lower abdomen and pelvic area
I can't tell from your post if your having regular contractions or just random pain, but I'll give ya a little TMI about myself. I have found lately that I get very bad lower abdominal pains, usually the worst when I'm walking, when I have to take a big poo and the baby laying right against that spot. The agony can last for hours before I finally go and feel like I gave birth and am a new woman. A warm bath might help. It could move "things" along, should that be your trouble, or ease false contractions if that's it. If it lasts longer after that, call the doc to be sure.
Posted 2/27/07 5:54 PM |
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