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Paris Hilton's House Arrest: Cupcakes, Visitors, Naps

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Paris Hilton's House Arrest: Cupcakes, Visitors, Naps

Paris Hilton traded in bologna sandwiches and a cold cell for Mrs. Beasley's cupcakes and the warmth of her palatial home amid a growing media circus outside her Hollywood mansion Thursday.

While Hilton rested inside, about 40 photographers, TV crews and reporters gathered across the street in hopes of catching a glimpse of the heiress. Three helicopters hovered above and police officers patrolled the perimeter.

And the attention wasn't lost on Hilton.

At about 4 p.m., a male assistant with a video camera came out of the house to film the frenzy, asking the crowd if they loved Paris. He told the media that Hilton herself had requested the footage, noting that she wanted to see what was happening outside her home. Asked if she would make an appearance, the assistant said she "may come out."

Even writer Dominick Dunne took a break from covering the Phil Spector trial to pay the Hilton home a visit. "I wanted to see this," he said. "I think it's completely, utterly fascinating. She's one of the most famous women in the world for going to parties. It's a great career. ... I was surprised that she's out. I don't know why, how she got out."

Those closest to Hilton visited as well. After a somber lunch at La Scala eatery in Beverly Hills, Rick and Kathy Hilton arrived to see their daughter. Asked if they were glad to have her back home, Rick replied, "Yes. Very, very glad."

Hilton's aunt, Kyle Richards, visited later in the day, and told reporters: "I think [the Sheriff] made the right decision. I am worried about [Paris] – of course I'm worried about her and I think we've all lost sight of what the actual crime was – it was driving with a suspended license."

Asked how Hilton is doing, Richards said: "[She's] not well, not great." (Hilton, 26, is due in court at 9 a.m. Friday morning, where prosecutors will ask a judge to force her back behind bars.)

Shortly after 12 p.m., Faye Resnick, a Hilton family friend and best friend of the late Nicole Brown Simpson, entered the house for about 10 minutes. As she exited, Resnick told reporters, "She's sleeping."

While Hilton napped, goodies arrived. Earlier in the day, a representative of Mrs. Beasley's delivered three dozen cupcakes. "These are the flavors that she orders from us: strawberry and mocha. A dozen of each and a dozen assorted," said Anthony Crisafulli, a manager for one of the retail stores. "She's a customer of ours. She comes to our Beverly Hills store, and we decided it would be nice since she's had so much problems the last couple of days."

Around noon, a large fruit basket from Edible Arrangements that included chocolate-covered strawberries, grapes and melons was delivered, along with six cases of Party Animal organic gourmet dog food.

And later in the afternoon, two assistants carried in nine plastic grocery bags of food including cereal, Nature's Own breakfast bars, ice cream and frozen pizza.

As the deliveries poured in, Hilton's parents – along with her lawyer – made their exit. When reporters shouted "Congratulations!" to her parents, Kathy Hilton responded, "Thank you."

Not everyone was celebrating Hilton's reassignment. The frenzy on the narrow street outside her house left many neighbors and drivers irritated, as they had to navigate through the chaos. Many honked at the media to get out of the street. "Tell her to move," said one neighbor as he drove away. At the house behind Hilton's, a person got on the roof and held up a sign that read: "PARIS SUCKS."

But at least one neighbor was giving in. "We love you anyway, Paris," read their homemade sign.

Posted 6/8/07 9:07 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05

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Re: Paris Hilton's House Arrest: Cupcakes, Visitors, Naps

What a bunch of poop!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/07 9:10 AM

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