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Picking a daycare...?

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Carson's Mama

Member since 2/08

2430 total posts


Picking a daycare...?

For those BTDT mamas, what is the best way to find childcare? I want something near my office for a couple days a week. There are TONS of daycare facilities near me -- how do you know which one to pick?

Do I just start calling them? Do I put baby to be on a wait list now? Do I schedule tours?

Is there an easy way to do this?


Posted 1/5/09 5:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

10420 total posts


Re: Picking a daycare...?

I started calling all the reputable daycares in the area to get a feel for costs, faculty/infant ratio, wait time, etc.

The daycare in my office building had a 6 month waitlist and DH's work daycare has a 1 year waitlist!

Posted 1/5/09 5:37 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

3966 total posts


Re: Picking a daycare...?

I am due in February but I started researching and visiting daycares during the summer. I had off and had time and wanted to be really prepared.

What I found was that most daycares only take a certain number of infants, so if you are dead set on one I would get your name on a list and do whatever paperwork is necessary to hold your spot.

My DD won't be born until Feb and she will not begin daycare until the very end of August/beg of Sept, but I have had my paperwork in to the daycare I wanted for months now- It was a $75.00 deposit.

When I was going my DH thought I was crazy- the daycare owners thought I was right on time...I think realistically I could have waited a few months but I am glad that I got it taken care of since it is such an important decision to make! You want to be happy with your choice and not have to settle for your 2nd just because they didn't have room..

Posted 1/5/09 5:37 PM

So blessed!

Member since 11/06

10348 total posts


Re: Picking a daycare...?

Lizzy- I am beginning to think about this now. I started compiling a list of places nearby. I am also going to talk to my neighbor and ask her if she knows of anyone/anyplace. Even though I won't need daycare until Sept, I am concerned about this due to our work schedules and I want to get this figured out shortly. I am going to start calling places this week.

Posted 1/5/09 5:41 PM

Carson's Mama

Member since 2/08

2430 total posts


Re: Picking a daycare...?

Feeling better about the daycare situation!

I made an appt to tour two of the daycare centers and one in-home place Chat Icon

Posted 1/5/09 6:52 PM


Member since 4/08

15553 total posts


Re: Picking a daycare...?

Posted by Lizzy

Feeling better about the daycare situation!

I made an appt to tour two of the daycare centers and one in-home place Chat Icon

i have to start looking into this... I plan to pester any Jersey girls!!!!!!!!! (i work with exactly ONE woman - the rest are guys - though i do plan to ask the one woman!)

Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: i need to get on this ASAP because when i'll be going back to work it will be roughly i'd think that'd be a busy time...

Message edited 1/5/2009 6:56:37 PM.

Posted 1/5/09 6:56 PM

Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

7390 total posts


Re: Picking a daycare...?

i need to look too, will be putting the baby in in August....

look for the places near your- then you can also search by the specific name on here to see if people have posted in the pas-t and call the place up for appts...

Posted 1/5/09 7:13 PM

Carson's Mama

Member since 2/08

2430 total posts


Re: Picking a daycare...?

It was crazy talking to these people and saying things like "I need childcare in the fall..." LIKE THIS FALL. Like a few months from now. When the baby WILL BE HERE Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/5/09 7:40 PM

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