She is going back into the hospital I can' take this again
Update.....We just came back from the hospital. She may have had another stroke. To see her like that was so awful She was shaking.
We had a priest in to give her last rites...that was quite upsetting.
Please continue to pray and if you believe in the Blessed Mother say a Hail Mary or Grandma is a big believer in the power of prayer and the Blessed Mother
My mom and two brothers went to see her tonight. I couldn't because I had a class to go to (the guilt is driving me crazy)
They said that she was wide awake and speaking as best she could. My mom asked her if she wanted to watch TV and she replied "oh no it's too expensive"
She is a FIGHTER...she really is and thats why we love her so much!!
PLEASE PLEASE continue to pray for her. I am so upset that she keeps having these strokes I just wish they would stop and she would be ok
Please continue to watch over her St. Anthony..I am counting on you! ----------------------------------------------
She seems to be doing better....I went to see her tonight with my mom and brother. She was pretty alert and was able to speak. She seemed tired and complained that she wasn't able to eat anything (she hasn't been able to eat in a few months but I don't know if she remembered that)
This lady is a real fighter and I am proud that she is my Grandma!!!
Thank you for ALL of your thoughts, FMs and prayers my family and I appreciate it a great deal!!
Please continue to pray for my Grandma! ------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 6/27
She is stable and was moved to another room
We went to see her last night....I have to say she was almost almost like she was before her stroke(the intial one in Nov)..I almost fell over. Her speech was very good. She was alert and lucid...the most alert I have seen her in months
As soon as I walked in she said "So today was your last day of school, that is so nice, did you get promoted"
My Grandparents always asked us if we get "promoted" on the last day of she was kidding around since I am a teacher.
It was such a great visit and really made my mom, my brother and I so happy!
Thank you for ALL of your prayers...please continue to pray!!! -----------------------------------------------
Thank you for all of the prayers and thoughts...
She was supposed to be released today but she isn't. She is doing better but they still want to look a some more issues she is having. The hospital she is in is NOT the best but adequete enough.
Her birthday is on Satuday we just want her out by then...
We are extremely unhappy with the care she is recieving at this hospital in Queens..She is now bleeding internally and needs a blood transfusion and no one noticed that he hemoglobin was that low..MY mother (who is a nurse) is PI$$ED! She tore this resident a new one. This hospital has been nothing BUT a headache. She went from being stable and there were plans for her to return to her nursing home...TO THIS PLEASE PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY...i really thought we were ok...and her birthday is on Satuday...this is just awful
Uodate 7/2/08
She is the same...My mother is still waiting for these doctors to call her back....I hope we can get her the hell out this AWFUL PLACE! --------------------------------------- Update 7/3/08
So she is going to stay in this hospital..My mom is satified with the attending physician.
Now she has fluid in her lungs and needs antibiotics. So she will be there for her b-day :( Why is God doing this to her and my family..WHY??? My mom is so overwhelmed my heart is just breaking for her and my Grandma every day ----------------------------------------------- 7/4/08...
Well a day before her birthday she has taken a turn for the worst...Unless she improves overnight or in the next few days things are not looking good..She now pnemonia and the doctor told my mom she is going down hill fast...I cannot believe this is happening I really can't...PLEASE PLEASE PRAY
Thanks everyone...I really am a firm believer in prayer and the power of prayer and I know my Grandma is too She has her rosary beads clutched in her hands in the hospital as she has since she had her first stroke in Nov