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please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

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Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

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please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

I was contracting every 4 minutes for over an hour from 6:50 - 8:00pm and then it just STOPPED! Chat Icon I'm hoping it'll start up again and that tonight will be the night. It's SO frustrating when you feel so close but then it comes to a hault!

If you can spare some, send some labor vibes my way tonight!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Update: They're back already....looks like those vibes are working. Problem is...they feel like bad period cramps accompanied by some gas Chat Icon Chat Icon but this tme there's no intervals. It's just constant cramps/pressure with no relief in between. Do you think these are still contractions or could it be something else? I'm drinking lots of water, it hurts more when I walk around, doesnt subside when I change position. But I thought ith contractions there;s a definate stop and go feeling of pain???

Update 2: Okay, I've been walking laps around my livingroom for the past 45 minutes and the contractions have changed slightly. They feel more like very very intense BH -- a tighteninning in my pelvis, lower abdomen, and lower back. But so tight that its hard to breathe. It's accompanied by some pain. Its getting stronger the more I walk. I'm drinking a TON of water while I walk, so I'm def no dehydrated. I'm getting the tightenning constantly, but it becomes sharp and super tight every 4 or 5 minutes. I'm hesitant to call the doctor though because I really dont want to go to L&D just to have them send me home Chat Icon

Message edited 7/13/2009 10:25:07 PM.

Posted 7/13/09 8:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: please send some labor vibes my way!

(((((((((((((((((((((((((vibing your way)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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Posted 7/13/09 8:55 PM

Year for change!

Member since 1/09

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Re: please send some labor vibes my way!

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Labor Vibes For You>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Posted 7/13/09 8:56 PM

Baby #1 is here!

Member since 11/08

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Re: please send some labor vibes my way!

(((((((((((((((((((((((labor vibes))))))))))))))))))))

Posted 7/13/09 8:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: please send some labor vibes my way!

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Posted 7/13/09 9:03 PM

Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

7816 total posts


Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE

update with question at top

Posted 7/13/09 9:23 PM

My Loves <3

Member since 7/07

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Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
{{{labor vibes}}}

Posted 7/13/09 9:24 PM

Mr. Handsome

Member since 5/06

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Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE

Labor Dust!!! -------> Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 9:24 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/06

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Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE

I've never had a baby, so please don't quote me on this...however...

a few different friends have been telling me their birth stories, and there were a couple different people that said they couldn't time their contractions because there was no start or end. It was just a constant, pain, cramping, etc.

Hopefully tonight/tomorrow is your night/day!!!

Posted 7/13/09 9:30 PM

Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

7816 total posts


Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE

Posted by QuackQuack

I've never had a baby, so please don't quote me on this...however...

a few different friends have been telling me their birth stories, and there were a couple different people that said they couldn't time their contractions because there was no start or end. It was just a constant, pain, cramping, etc.

Hopefully tonight/tomorrow is your night/day!!!

yep, thats exactly how im feeling. Its impossible to time anything because the pain is constant.

Sorry for the TMI...but im also pooping a ton today and its much "softer" than usual Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 9:38 PM

Mommy of 2!

Member since 12/08

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Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE

Sounds like you could be close! {{{ Labor vibes}}}}}!!!

Posted 7/13/09 9:43 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/06

572 total posts


Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE

Posted by HomeIsWithU

Posted by QuackQuack

I've never had a baby, so please don't quote me on this...however...

a few different friends have been telling me their birth stories, and there were a couple different people that said they couldn't time their contractions because there was no start or end. It was just a constant, pain, cramping, etc.

Hopefully tonight/tomorrow is your night/day!!!

yep, thats exactly how im feeling. Its impossible to time anything because the pain is constant.

Sorry for the TMI...but im also pooping a ton today and its much "softer" than usual Chat Icon Chat Icon

I am no expert and again have no experience, but you definitely sound like you are on your way based on what i've heard/read. I have also heard that your body can try to clean out the pipes down there. So hopefully this is it for you!!!!

Posted 7/13/09 9:52 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE

Your update sounds like my labor with DS (before c/s b/c he was breech). I would call your obgyn and ask what to do.

Posted 7/13/09 9:53 PM

So lucky

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Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 10:04 PM

Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

7816 total posts


Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

updated again at top

Posted 7/13/09 10:25 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

Are the contractions coming in a consistent pattern? Can you talk through them? Are they coming every 5 minutes and how long are they lasting?

Posted 7/13/09 10:28 PM

Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

7816 total posts


Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

Posted by LSP2005

Are the contractions coming in a consistent pattern? Can you talk through them? Are they coming every 5 minutes and how long are they lasting?

No consistent pattern really -- sometimes they're around 5 minutes apart, sometimes 4, and then once in a while I'll get one at like 8 minutes.

Yes, I can talk through them. Its hard to breathe, but they're not really painful.

Its hard to tell how long they're lasting because sometimes it feels like they never go away -- its a constant feeling KWIM?

Like I said, they keep changing. Earlier they felt like intense cramps that were just constant. Now, it feels SUPER tight in my lower back and abdomen, accompanied by a LOT of very low pelvic pressure. Its not "pain"...just pressure and tons of tightenning. Much tighter than when I had BH.

Message edited 7/13/2009 10:34:39 PM.

Posted 7/13/09 10:32 PM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

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Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

Posted by HomeIsWithU

updated again at top

U R totally in labor! Keep doing what ur doing- ur doing a great job by walking non stop. Don't sit yet- stay active. Do you have stairs? If so go up and down as much and often as you can. Hang out at home for as long as you can. Don't sit- by you walking and standing you're helping the baby drop!

You described my early labor to a t!

good luck! sooooooooooooo exciting!!!!
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Posted 7/13/09 10:33 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

I would call the doctor just to tell them what is up.

Posted 7/13/09 10:33 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

Posted by HomeIsWithU

Posted by LSP2005

Are the contractions coming in a consistent pattern? Can you talk through them? Are they coming every 5 minutes and how long are they lasting?

No consistent pattern really -- sometimes they're around 5 minutes apart, sometimes 4, and then once in a while I'll get one at like 8 minutes.

Yes, I can talk through them. Its hard to breathe, but they're not really painful.

Its hard to tell how long they're lasting because sometimes it feels like they never go away -- its a constant feeling KWIM?

Hun, this sounds like this is it. I would call your obgyn. Keep doing what you are doing.

Posted 7/13/09 10:35 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/09

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Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

Sounds promising!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 10:35 PM


Member since 9/08

1493 total posts


Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

oh sounds good! sending vibes!!Chat Icon

Although I had the same thing Saturday it was getting late and went to bed (figured I should get some rest while I still could) I thought I would wake up in the middle of the night in active labor but the next morning we were still hereChat Icon Maybe I should have stayed up walking around...

wish you the best

Posted 7/13/09 10:47 PM


Member since 11/07

7273 total posts


Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

Have you tried taking a shower? My birthing class teacher told us that if it's BH they'll go away in the shower, if not you'll be good & ready to go to L&D. Either way, good luck! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/09 10:48 PM

Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

7816 total posts


Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2


Posted by anewday

oh sounds good! sending vibes!!Chat Icon

Although I had the same thing Saturday it was getting late and went to bed (figured I should get some rest while I still could) I thought I would wake up in the middle of the night in active labor but the next morning we were still hereChat Icon Maybe I should have stayed up walking around...

wish you the best

im trying not to stop walking (i'm walking in place as I type this Chat Icon Chat Icon) because I notice the contractions much more while walking.

I hope this is it!

Posted 7/13/09 10:49 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/09

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Its a Secret!

Re: please send some labor vibes my way! - UPDATE 2

Good luck!!!

Posted 7/14/09 6:55 AM
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