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Post baby workout plan...

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/10

1064 total posts


Post baby workout plan...

So once you hae your baby or ladies that have had their baby already:

What are your post baby workout plans?

How long will you wait to workout after having baby?

Will you diet right away?

Will you hit the gym or workout at home?

Posted 2/28/11 10:13 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Post baby workout plan...

since im due in the summer, i definitely want to start walking with the baby. and after she's a few months old, i think i might feel comfortable leaving her in the daycare at the gym. i used to work out 5x a week pre-pregnancy so im really hoping to get back into that and lose the baby weight.

Posted 2/28/11 10:18 AM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

What are your post baby workout plans? I plan to run. I really never ran, although I have always worked out. This is embarassing to admit but I was a smoker (not heavy but still it always scared me from running.) I do NOT want to go back to smoking after the baby comes and I hope that running will help me lose weight AND remember how good it feels to have clear lungs.

How long will you wait to workout after having baby?

I will ask the doctor but I plan to do plenty of walking right away. I feel like the longer I put it off the harder it wil be!

Will you diet right away? I think I will go straight to weight watchers. I will check w/my doctor of course. I plan on trying to BF but I know my cousin did WW while BFing.

Will you hit the gym or workout at home? Gym and walking.

Posted 2/28/11 10:19 AM

Year for change!

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

What are your post baby workout plans? Since i won't be able to workout until 6 weeks after, i hope to start walking in the beginning and then do my elliptical along, hopefully BF will help but once my supply slows down, i will start WW

How long will you wait to workout after having baby? 6 weeks

Will you diet right away? After my BF suplly slows down

Will you hit the gym or workout at home? Workout at home since i will have 2 kiddies and no gym near me offers babysitting.

Posted 2/28/11 10:24 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/10

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

I didn't have one. My ds is 4 months and Im down to 123 from 156 already. No stretch marks, flat stomach. I was 118 pre pregnancy so I still have 5 more pounds but I'm 5'7 so I could probably use the extra 5. I've always been super skinny. You could have a very good chance of bouncing back without the working out.

Posted 2/28/11 10:30 AM

In love with my little man!!

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

It all depends - if the Dr tells me to wait x weeks then I will. However I am due in April so I plan on going for lots of walks
I will def be changing my diet once LO is here, as long as it is ok with me and nursing
I am determined to loose this weight and hopefully quickly - the Christening is 3 months after LO arrives and I want to be back to my normal weight (or lower!) by then
Once Dr gives ok - I will workout at home - I have the treadmill, the wii and so many dvds to use

Posted 2/28/11 10:39 AM

I am a mom :-)

Member since 6/06

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

since i am due in may my plan is to take a lot of walks - there is a really nice 3 mile loop that i can do by my house and eventually build up to some running and my crazy goal is to be able to run a half marathon by mid Sept (i ran several pre-pregnancy so this is nothing new that i am trying to do).

I plan on having my gym membership frozen from April - August as I dont really see myself getting much use out of it during that time.

Posted 2/28/11 11:11 AM

Love of my life! <3

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

noneChat Icon

i never dieted or exercised before baby and i dont plan too - i am hoping that a baby will keep me active enough to stay in shape

Posted 2/28/11 11:25 AM

Naterade is Thirstade!

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

In the beginning, I'm just going to walk with him around the park.

If you're breastfeeding, you should wait to diet anyway. I'm going to wait 3 months or more to go back to WW.

We'll see what happens after that.

Posted 2/28/11 11:50 AM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

What are your post baby workout plans?
I plan on doing the same workout regimen I was doing before becoming pregnant- running and strength training. I was preparing for a marathon and I hope to get back into it again. I have still been using the elliptical for about 30-40 min a day so I hope that helps me to jump right back into it. If not I'll have to build my endurance again. I just cannot wait to work out my abdominal muscles again. That's the only thing I have been avoiding. I only do legs and arms now. Hopefully I can get my toned stomach back. I have already began creating ab workouts that are great right after pregnancy to get your muscles to come together and get stronger again.
I may also try P90X.

How long will you wait to workout after having baby? As soon as the doctor says it's ok I will go back ASAP. I think 6 weeks is the norm! So as soon as I can!!!!!

Will you diet right away?
I'll Eat healthy, like I do now. I do plan on breastfeeding so I'll follow a diet that is suitable and safe during BF. I'm not sure how much I can "calorie count" during BF, but I'll eat a normal diet. I may try WW if my own strategies don't work.

Will you hit the gym or workout at home?
Ideally home would be great. We might try and buy a treadmill. If not, I'll go to the gym around my husbands work schedule.

I just can't wait to workout again hardcore and get my body back!!!!!!!

Message edited 2/28/2011 12:16:28 PM.

Posted 2/28/11 12:08 PM

Love my baby girl!!!

Member since 3/09

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

My plan is Weight Watchers and P90X. I started WW before I was pregnant and LOVED it, and the day I found out I was pregnant, I was going to order P90X hahaha. So I definitely want to do that after the baby is born.

I dont know when I will start. I guess once the dr says it's ok for me to exercise. I know P90X is intense. I like that I can do it at home though and break it into intervals when the baby is napping.

Posted 2/28/11 12:10 PM

Alyssa Rose is here!!!

Member since 9/10

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

im due june 25th but depending on when i go into labor i said i will give myself till july 5th!
but pretty much start dieting right away, i will be working out from home and eating healthy!
i am in a wedding 2 1/2 months after my due date so i kinda wanna not be the fat bridesmaid!

Posted 2/28/11 12:30 PM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

Due in May - My sister's Wedding is early December - I REFUSE to be a fat a$$ for this wedding.

w/ Sean all of my baby weight (about 25 lbs) was gone w/in 3 weeks.
Hopefully this one is the same, so I can begin concentrating on losing the OTHER 30 lbs I want OFF my body !!

I do a lot of walking and have an elliptical - I'm not really a gym person - I get bored

Posted 2/28/11 12:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/10

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

Posted by KevinNKristin8-15-08

I have already began creating ab workouts that are great right after pregnancy to get your muscles to come together and get stronger again.
I may also try P90X.

What kind of ab workouts?

Posted 2/28/11 1:30 PM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

Posted by windest

Posted by KevinNKristin8-15-08

I have already began creating ab workouts that are great right after pregnancy to get your muscles to come together and get stronger again.
I may also try P90X.

What kind of ab workouts?

Stay away from crunches and sit-ups right away; They put too much pressure on the Postpartum tummy and back. I'm sticking with pelvic tilts, (You can do them laying down or standing), isometric contractions and planks. These are fairly basic and easy exercises. The more traditional ab workouts I will wait until several weeks later. You want to start out small and work your way up gradually. Kegels also help strengthen the pelvic region after birth.

Posted 2/28/11 1:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/10

1064 total posts


Re: Post baby workout plan...

Posted by KevinNKristin8-15-08

Posted by windest

Posted by KevinNKristin8-15-08

I have already began creating ab workouts that are great right after pregnancy to get your muscles to come together and get stronger again.
I may also try P90X.

What kind of ab workouts?

Stay away from crunches and sit-ups right away; They put too much pressure on the Postpartum tummy and back. I'm sticking with pelvic tilts, (You can do them laying down or standing), isometric contractions and planks. These are fairly basic and easy exercises. The more traditional ab workouts I will wait until several weeks later. You want to start out small and work your way up gradually. Kegels also help strengthen the pelvic region after birth.

Thanks! Good tips!

Posted 2/28/11 1:55 PM

Baby's First Christmas

Member since 7/09

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

What are your post baby workout plans?
Definitely walking in the beginning...he is due on the first day of spring, so I'm hoping for some nice weather to do lots of walking. My block is 2 miles if I go from one end to the other and back. I hope to then go to the gym because I need toning all over the place - did since pre-preg.

How long will you wait to workout after having baby?
I want to start walking ASAP. I'll wait for Dr's clearance to start reaelly doing anything else.

Will you diet right away?
Again, I'll wait to see what the Dr says. I know you can do WW while BFing, so I'll probably be headed there.

Will you hit the gym or workout at home?
Hopefully a little of both. I have a Wii Fit, a stroller/dog for walks, and a gym membership. I'll hope to work with them all.

Posted 2/28/11 2:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: Post baby workout plan...

What are your post baby workout plans?

I was a marathoner before and am upset I might miss a fall marathon this year. I might try Philadelphia which is 12 weeks pp.

How long will you wait to workout after having baby?

I will have a c/s and I'll start walking after 2 weeks (with kids in tow) and I'll start running at 5 weeks (like last time) My MW didn't "approve" 5 weeks, I did it on my own, b/c i felt ready and when I went for my 6 week pp check up and told her, she was fine with it.

I also take a bootcamp class, I'll probably go back to that after 6 weeks.

Will you diet right away?

probably not. After my first I had no appetite. I lived on walnuts just to sustain myself. I will BF, so the last two times the weight came off with BFing and eating like a pig. I will try not to eat like a pig though. or limit it to 1 day a week! Chat Icon

Will you hit the gym or workout at home?

I run outside on the roads and the local track. I'm undecided if I will join a gym.

Posted 2/28/11 4:11 PM


Member since 8/07

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

i'm having a c section, so as soon as i am able i am going to be out walking with the baby. once the doctor gives me the ok i want to start running again. my goal is to be able to to the cow harbor 10k in september. so really, i just plan on running when i can and perhaps get back into pilates. dont know though how realistic it is to think i'll have time for all of that with two kids while breastfeeding as well!

Posted 2/28/11 5:42 PM

can't wait to meet Sophia!

Member since 6/10

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

What are your post baby workout plans?
I am going back to running. I will be running my 2nd half marathon may 2012

How long will you wait to workout after having baby?
we will start walking as soon as possible. baby is due in august, so the weather will be nice for a few months at least.

Will you diet right away?
Yes! Weight Watchers

Will you hit the gym or workout at home?
Workout at home. We will get a treadmill.

Posted 2/28/11 5:52 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

As of June 1st I keep telling DH our post baby diet/workout is beginning. With DS I did nothing, becuase I kinda felt like, well I am going to have more so whats the point. The weight came off quickly in the beginning but the last lbs took a while to come off. But in about 10+ months it was all off (doing NOTHING).

This time I dont intend on having more so I CANT WAIT to try to get my body back.
No I dont plan on dieting right out the gate. Its alot to get used to a new baby and I dont think its worth the added pressure to try to diet immediately. So I am having DC April 19th and figure by June 1 I will have my okay from the OB to do light work outs and I plan on joining a gym as long as my ILs or DH will watch the 2 kids! With 2 kids the chances of me working out at home is pretty slim....someone will always be wanting my attention!!!

Posted 2/28/11 5:55 PM


Member since 6/10

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Re: Post baby workout plan...

I can't do it now, but Pilates Pilates Pilates, I know certain excercises work better for different people, but boy does Pilates work for me, and tones you in all the right places.

I also walk a lot in the nice weather. I am actually getting a doctors note to put my gym membership back on freeze, I tried to get back into it, but with the energy I have I use to do other things right now, and it's too expensive to keep active right now.

Posted 2/28/11 5:57 PM

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