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spinoff to my lesson plan post......

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Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


spinoff to my lesson plan post......

Do you write up a whole detailed lesson plan with the 'mini lesson/motivation', group work, reflection, etc, etc, ......


Do you write it directly in your lesson plan book with a brief 'snapshot' of what you will be doing?

Just curious.. in my school we have to write it out all detailed, etc.. but at my mom's school she just needs to have it in her plan book....

Just wondering what the norm is...

Posted 9/10/09 10:55 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/09

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Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

I think it depends on the district. In my first district, lesson plans had to be handed in every week, done in the whole official format, down to what materials you were using.

In my current district, you just need to have them in your planbook and they're not collected at all. So I just put what We're doing, with some notes for myself. Good luck to anyone looking at my planbook, because, much like my grade book, it would only make sense to me.Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/09 11:02 PM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

I just put the date at the top & the aim, the notes I'm giving, the classwork activity, and the hw. I don't bother writing objectives or motivations, etc.

Posted 9/10/09 11:03 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

Posted by scubashell44

I think it depends on the district. In my first district, lesson plans had to be handed in every week, done in the whole official format, down to what materials you were using.

That sounds intense!! Chat Icon They don't collect them weekly in my school but they make 'surprise visits' and when the do... you better have that plan on your desk, or else!!!!!Chat Icon It's such a pain .. I usually end up improvising while I teach anyway and don't end up following the lesson I spent so long writing Chat Icon and the lesson ends up being so much better than my original 'write up' Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/09 11:14 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22141 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

I just write them in my book. Seriously, the admin who reads PLANS from the staff needs to find something more proactive to do for the school. Sorry, I just think that is the BIGGEST waste of time for a teacher and for the person reading it.

Posted 9/11/09 6:32 AM

The Lazy Days of Summer

Member since 10/06

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Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

I teach in NYC and have TC Lesson formats for everything!

Posted 9/11/09 5:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3923 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

I tend to write a little more...I write standards, objectives and a fairly detailed procedure. But, I don't have many lessons to write...I teach in several schools, so I teach the same lessons for a few days in a row.

Posted 9/11/09 7:17 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

Posted by jerseychick

I tend to write a little more...I write standards, objectives and a fairly detailed procedure. But, I don't have many lessons to write...I teach in several schools, so I teach the same lessons for a few days in a row.

Wow that sounds convenient!! Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/09 7:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3923 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

Posted by PennyCat

Posted by jerseychick

I tend to write a little more...I write standards, objectives and a fairly detailed procedure. But, I don't have many lessons to write...I teach in several schools, so I teach the same lessons for a few days in a row.

Wow that sounds convenient!! Chat Icon

It has it's pros and cons...the planning aspect is definitely a pro!!

Posted 9/11/09 8:32 PM

Roll Tide!

Member since 8/08

3169 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

Posted by happytobreathe

I teach in NYC and have TC Lesson formats for everything!

Same here and maybe it's just a content thing...but I NEED a lesson plan. I don't want to scrounge around for additional examples if I need them or forget to mention something important if I get distracted.

Posted 9/11/09 9:25 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

Even though I've been teaching a while, I still write a fairly detailed plan. I write an objective and all the details. I make templates on my computer for my two period blocks and three period blocks that breaks down the differenct activities (word work, reading workshop, etc.) I feel more comfortable having specifics.

My school is fairly relaxed about structure but I feel like there would be an issue if an administrator looked at my plan and didn't see an objective. My AP looks at my plan book once in a blue moon, but that's more of a "to do" list- not the actual plan.

Posted 9/11/09 9:39 PM


Member since 6/09

10031 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

I just write everything in my lesson book. I always write out the objective and do now. Then I just write an outline in the order we're doing things, but not in major detail. No one collects my plans, but I like to know I have everything in order and ready so I dont have that dreaded down time!

Posted 9/13/09 3:45 PM

aries+cancer= pisces&gemini

Member since 3/06

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Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

Ours are collected bi-weekly.

AllI need to write is for example:

SWBAT compare and contrast 2 stories using a Venn Diagram. SW list similarties and differences in setting, characters, and plot. Text pgs 121-135

Posted 9/13/09 4:49 PM

Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07

4922 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

I have been in three districts and every one of them has been different.

At my first district, I had to hand in weekly formal lesson plans with aim, objectives, materials, do now, motivation, detailed procedure, summary, HW. They were due on Fridays for the next week. I typed them all and never handed in a plan book.

At my second district, I had to hand in lesson plans, but they did not have to be as detailed. Basically they wanted objectives. They were due every other week and included lessons from the previous week and the upcoming week. Even though these did not need to be formal, I basically just edited the ones I had from my first district.

At my current district, I had to hand in lesson plans that were similar to my first district for the first half of my first year.

Now, I prepare very basic lesson plans. In my plan book, I just write down the Aim for the day. In conjunction with this, however, I have a binder for each unit. In each binder, I have each lesson in a separate sheet protector, which includes: Do Now, Motivation, PPT, Activity, and HW. Ever since I started organizing my lessons like this, it has been much easier for me. I basically grab the binder and make copies. Any changes I make or want to make, I note on the original and them fix them on the computer.

Posted 9/13/09 4:56 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

Posted by CAMCaps

I have been in three districts and every one of them has been different.

At my first district, I had to hand in weekly formal lesson plans with aim, objectives, materials, do now, motivation, detailed procedure, summary, HW. They were due on Fridays for the next week. I typed them all and never handed in a plan book.

At my second district, I had to hand in lesson plans, but they did not have to be as detailed. Basically they wanted objectives. They were due every other week and included lessons from the previous week and the upcoming week. Even though these did not need to be formal, I basically just edited the ones I had from my first district.

At my current district, I had to hand in lesson plans that were similar to my first district for the first half of my first year.

Now, I prepare very basic lesson plans. In my plan book, I just write down the Aim for the day. In conjunction with this, however, I have a binder for each unit. In each binder, I have each lesson in a separate sheet protector, which includes: Do Now, Motivation, PPT, Activity, and HW. Ever since I started organizing my lessons like this, it has been much easier for me. I basically grab the binder and make copies. Any changes I make or want to make, I note on the original and them fix them on the computer.

Chat Icon I totally wish I was this organized. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon It's only my 2nd year, and I'm teaching a different grade than last year. So, I don't really have much 'filed away' Chat Icon

Posted 9/13/09 5:06 PM

Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07

4922 total posts


Re: spinoff to my lesson plan post......

Posted by PennyCat

Chat Icon I totally wish I was this organized. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon It's only my 2nd year, and I'm teaching a different grade than last year. So, I don't really have much 'filed away' Chat Icon

If it makes you feel better, this is my fourth year and it is the first year I really feel truly organized. I started this type of organization after my first year when I saw other teachers did this in my department. My second year, I tried to keep it up, but did a somewhat shoddy job. Finally last year, I started to get my act together by the second quarter and luckily I have been sticking to it. I make it a point to organize the binder at least once a week (ie updating materials and jotting down notes about good and bad lessons)

Organization will come eventually once you get in the groove. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/13/09 5:12 PM

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