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Post-MC Questions

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Member since 1/13

1329 total posts


Post-MC Questions

If you don't mind sharing:

1. How far along were you when you MC?

2. Did you have a natural MC or a D&C?

3. When did you stop bleeding?

4. How long after MC/D&C did your HCG levels return to 0?

5. How long after MC/D&C did you get AF?

6. When did you try again? How long did it take to get pregnant?

7. Did you go for any testing? (you or the baby). How long did that take?

I had a natural mc 12 days ago at 7w (after seeing a heartbeat). I bled for 5 days after passing the baby, spotted for 2 days, and am thankfully done bleeding. Still waiting for HCG to go down and for testing results...

Edit: I also had a chemical in June. BFP at 12dpo, but the test was lighter the next day. 4 days after my BFP my HCG had dropped to 11. I started AF the day after that. We got pregnant 2 cycles later but as mentioned above, we MC again Chat Icon

Message edited 10/2/2013 11:07:20 AM.

Posted 10/2/13 11:00 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Re: Post-MC Questions

Posted by secretlyTTCagain

If you don't mind sharing:

1. How far along were you when you MC?

** I was 6 & 1/2 weeks (and then a chem)

2. Did you have a natural MC or a D&C?

** Natural MC

3. When did you stop bleeding?

** Started bleeding AFTER about a week of spotting at around the 7 week mark. I bled for about a week, then spotting for another few days.

4. How long after MC/D&C did your HCG levels return to 0?

** Levels returned to 0 (under 10 per my doc's recommendation) about 3 & 1/2 weeks later.

5. How long after MC/D&C did you get AF?

** I had a normal 31 day cycle that month, which was from the date that I began BLEEDING (not spotting) and the day that I realized I passed most of the tissue.

6. When did you try again? How long did it take to get pregnant?

** Took one month off, next month tried and nothing, the following month I got preggo but it ended in a chem - it was a VERY weird cycle too, I implanted super late that cycle (didn't get my BFP until about 16 dpo) and I think it was mainly because I was trying way too soon still.

7. Did you go for any testing? (you or the baby). How long did that take?

** Have not gone for any testing yet - I am changing OB's and just had a change in insurance so I want to get settled in that route first. I have to add that this is all still about just 5 months after going off BC, so I have no idea what impact that's been having on this. I'm hoping that a new OB can get some info for me. I have since learned that I have a long family history of miscarriages and difficulty, so I'm guessing that there might be some hormonal deficiency - which my first OB should have been at the very least been testing for progesterone but she wasn't.

Posted 10/2/13 11:22 AM

Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12

2507 total posts


Re: Post-MC Questions

If you don't mind sharing:

1. How far along were you when you MC? 7W

2. Did you have a natural MC or a D&C? D &C

3. When did you stop bleeding? about 1 week or so after D&C

4. How long after MC/D&C did your HCG levels return to 0? 9 LONG weeks

5. How long after MC/D&C did you get AF? 9 LONG weeks

6. When did you try again? How long did it take to get pregnant? we tried again that follwing cycle and now we are preg

7. Did you go for any testing? (you or the baby). How long did that take? NO

After our MC of 7w we had a D&c, was very emotional and hard- I started acupuncture and my beta dropped within 9 weeks, AF came and we started IUI that cycle. Great news we are 14 weeks preg

Posted 10/2/13 4:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/11

1254 total posts


Re: Post-MC Questions

Posted by secretlyTTCagain

If you don't mind sharing:

1. How far along were you when you MC? 9w5d

2. Did you have a natural MC or a D&C? Natural

3. When did you stop bleeding? B
Prob about a week but spotted much longer.

4. How long after MC/D&C did your HCG levels return to 0? About 10 weeks

5. How long after MC/D&C did you get AF? Like 2 weeks after the levels dropped

6. When did you try again? How long did it take to get pregnant? We started trying a year after my levels dropped. We bought a house and had a lot going on. Over a year of trying and nothing stil...

7. Did you go for any testing? (you or the baby). How long did that take? Yes.. I had to go to the hospital so they tested the tissues. Results came back as just a bad pregnancy.

Posted 10/2/13 7:20 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/13

106 total posts


Post-MC Questions

1. How far along were you when you MC? 7 weeks. Had seen the sac a week and a half prior, was supposed to go in for the heartbeat the following week.

2. Did you have a natural MC or a D&C? Natural

3. When did you stop bleeding? Bleeding only lasted 3 or 4 days, but I had been spotting during much of the pregnancy.

4. How long after MC/D&C did your HCG levels return to 0? Not sure. They were lowering during my last blood test, but he didn't have my come back yet.

5. How long after MC/D&C did you get AF? Almost exactly one month.

6. When did you try again? How long did it take to get pregnant? Not trying again until November. Dr. ordered us to wait 2 cycles, and timing-wise I need to wait a 3rd for work reasons.

7. Did you go for any testing? (you or the baby). How long did that take? No.

Posted 10/2/13 8:10 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/13

106 total posts


Post-MC Questions

1. How far along were you when you MC? 7 weeks. Had seen the sac a week and a half prior, was supposed to go in for the heartbeat the following week.

2. Did you have a natural MC or a D&C? Natural

3. When did you stop bleeding? Bleeding only lasted 3 or 4 days, but I had been spotting during much of the pregnancy.

4. How long after MC/D&C did your HCG levels return to 0? Not sure. They were lowering during my last blood test, but he didn't have my come back yet.

5. How long after MC/D&C did you get AF? Almost exactly one month.

6. When did you try again? How long did it take to get pregnant? Not trying again until November. Dr. ordered us to wait 2 cycles, and timing-wise I need to wait a 3rd for work reasons.

7. Did you go for any testing? (you or the baby). How long did that take? No.

Posted 10/2/13 8:10 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/13

538 total posts


Re: Post-MC Questions

1. How far along were you when you MC?

I started bleeding at 5w3d on my own - 8/20/13

2. Did you have a natural MC or a D&C?

I had the methotrexate shot at 5w4d for probable ectopic - 8/21/13

3. When did you stop bleeding?


4. How long after MC/D&C did your HCG levels return to 0?

beta was negative as of blood draw on 9/11/13.

5. How long after MC/D&C did you get AF?

still waiting.

6. When did you try again? How long did it take to get pregnant?

we have to wait at least 2, preferably 3 cycles

7. Did you go for any testing? (you or the baby). How long did that take?


Posted 10/4/13 10:26 AM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21539 total posts


Re: Post-MC Questions

1. How far along were you when you MC?
11 weeks

2. Did you have a natural MC or a D&C?

3. When did you stop bleeding?
I bled/spotted for about 3 weeks

4. How long after MC/D&C did your HCG levels return to 0?
Not sure. Only had it tested once.

5. How long after MC/D&C did you get AF?
A month

6. When did you try again? How long did it take to get pregnant?
I miscarried in March and was pregnant again in September. I was also told to wait 3 cycles.

7. Did you go for any testing? (you or the baby). How long did that take?
No testing

Posted 10/4/13 11:04 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 4/13

39 total posts


Re: Post-MC Questions

1. How far along were you when you MC?

about 10w, but it had stopped growing at 6w. we saw a heartbeat at the 1st sono

2. Did you have a natural MC or a D&C?

i had an in-office D&C

3. When did you stop bleeding?

about a week and a half afterwards

4. How long after MC/D&C did your HCG levels return to 0?

not sure - my dr didn't do any follow up blood testing

5. How long after MC/D&C did you get AF?

34 days (I had a regular 28 day cycle before the MC, and now it's slowing been getting back to 28 days after 4 cycles)

6. When did you try again? How long did it take to get pregnant?

still trying after 3 months - nothing yet!

7. Did you go for any testing? (you or the baby). How long did that take?

i didn't, but i want to check my hormones in case that had something to do with it

Posted 10/8/13 10:32 AM

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