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Potty question for boy mommies
I have only potty trained boys with autism, and the list of "readiness" cues I use with parents are the following:
Dry for long periods of time/through the night Indicating the need to be changed, awareness of being soiled Going somewhere to hide to make #2
Those are the 3 off the top of my head. However, at 2 years old, Cailen still doesn't show signs of ay of this. He wakes up SATURATED every morning, and everytime I change his diaper, he is always holding a heavy diaper. He will poop anywhere, and will only tell me he has a poop if its uncomfortable in there Most of the time, if I smell something, and ask if he has poopy, he will tell me no. If I ask what's in his diaper, he will tell me "dinosaurs" and then his smelly butt will roar at me, but thats another story.
Is he ready at all????
Posted 5/11/09 7:21 AM |
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Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
The cues are basically the same. DS wasn't interested in the least until after 3yo. DD is going to be 3 this month, and also shows little desire to train. If you look at a lot of the potty training threads here, you'll see that 3yo+ is fairly common.
I'm never a fan of rushing the training. When they are ready, they'll let you know.... even if it's much later than you would like...
Posted 5/11/09 7:27 AM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
I would love to hear some advice on the potty training question too...I have read up a lot of it but having some BTDT advice would be great.
Posted 5/11/09 7:59 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
sounds like he may not be ready but it is worth a shot. Put him on the potty a few times a day and see what happens
Posted 5/11/09 8:26 AM |
Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06 10164 total posts
Name: True love doesn't end with happily ever after...
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
I would say the cues are the same....poo-poo came easy for us...he started early....but I was so lost on how to start pee-pee....then he woke up for 2 nights in a row with a dry diaper, so I knew he was ready....this was the first time he did pee-pee on the potty.
Now if only mommy could get it together, he would totally be potty trained
Posted 5/11/09 8:57 AM |
Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06 10164 total posts
Name: True love doesn't end with happily ever after...
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
just a quick question for you...when you pooty train, how often do you take them to go pee-pee...every 30 min, 40 min?
Posted 5/11/09 9:01 AM |
Love my Boys!
Member since 12/05 4648 total posts
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
i was going to post almost the exact same thing. josh tells me before he poops that he's got to poop (but he doesn't want to sit on the potty then), then he squats in his spot, he tells me he's done and to change him. he peed on the potty 2 days ago and yelled "i did it!" BUT he is completely saturated in the morning his diaper is HUGE and often leaky. so i don't think they are ready yet but as long as josh thinks it's fun to try to sit on the potty, i'm going to try 1-2 times a day just to ready him for hopefully the near future. just keep things fun with zero pressure.
Posted 5/11/09 10:06 AM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
Noah sounds like Cailen and I know he is not ready. I'm not even gonna try for at least another 6-8 months. And see then.
Its gonna make the difference between training every day forever till they get it, or once they are ready, having it happen quickly and not waste all that time and frustration kwim?
Posted 5/11/09 10:08 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
Posted by want2beamom
just a quick question for you...when you pooty train, how often do you take them to go pee-pee...every 30 min, 40 min?
Every 30 mintues is good to start
Posted 5/11/09 10:11 AM |
party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
DS is 2 and he tells me when he pooped, but AFTER he pooped
He wakes up with a saturated diaper
I am waiting a bit
Posted 5/11/09 10:25 AM |
Love my family

Member since 6/06 4546 total posts
Name: SNV
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
we have been potty training since DS was 15mths old. At first he would go on it all the time. However, i think he regressed a bit because we introduced it too early. We are trying to get him to go poopy because he does go and hide, he does tell us when did poopy,and sometimes he tells us beforehand (but that is rare). His father is actually better at potty training than I am.
Posted 5/11/09 11:15 AM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
I don't think he is ready yet, and I wouldn't push it either, it just makes everyone miserable.
DS tells us when he pees and poops, we need to get a potty and we will see how he does, but I don't plan on really trying with him until August.
Posted 5/11/09 11:24 AM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
What's daycare's take on it? I'm sure they are training others in his class, no? Is there a classroom bathroom, does he seem curious as to others?
Posted 5/11/09 1:20 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
Lol....LOVE THE DINOSAUR THING:) You could buy a potty and introduce him to it so he gets comfortavble. He might start by sitting on it with his clothes on and then with his doaper and then maybe you can get him pon there without a diaper. I personally would say that he might still be too young but...............I know that there are mommies that won't agree so it's a personal opinion.
My son is 3 and we were doing well. But, we have regressed and he wants no part of potty training, My little guy doesn't like to be changed in front of people because he doesn't want people to see. He get's red and still doesn't want to go on the potty. I think out issue is that there is a new baby coming in early July and he has a litle brother as well who just started to walk.
When he was 2 1/2 I let him run around without a diaper and he would go all by himself. Then one stopped. My pediatrician told me that you will know when he is ready and not to push the issue . Most boys do not piotty train until they are 3 - 4 years old. Good luck. I know that I would like for my little guy to potty train too.
Posted 5/11/09 1:23 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
We started putting the poop from his diapers in the potty and showing him that it is where the poop "belongs".
Then he started to tell us when he had to go so he could do it on the potty.
Pee came a little easier for us for some reason. He will grab his crotch and say "Potty mama"!!
But daycare was a HUGE help with it - not that they did anything special, but he saw the older kids doing it and wanted to do it too.
ETA: he is NOT totally potty trained - some days he's great some days not so much. The only time I "make" him go is right before bath time. Other than that it's at his own discretion because he's not quite two yet.
Message edited 5/11/2009 1:33:47 PM.
Posted 5/11/09 1:23 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Potty question for boy mommies
Posted by leighla
We started putting the poop from his diapers in the potty and showing him that it is where the poop "belongs".
I was doing that with Lucas, but it was poop that had been squashed into a shape that wouldn't fit down the toilet when I flushed!
Let's just say DH used to have a whole bunch of chopsticks that he used when we ordered chinese food... and they slowly started disappearing because I would use them to help me get the poop down and I would throw them out! (TMI, I know, but still funny!)
All of a sudden one night DH was left with 1 chopstick and was not happy about it!
As for DS, he is only 20 months and not really getting it. He sits on the potty and will pretend to push the pee pee out, but we get nothing!
Posted 5/11/09 1:33 PM |