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Potty Training Mommies - How's it going?

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Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Potty Training Mommies - How's it going?

I'm just curious how everyone is doing with potty training....

Nate is 2.5 (will be 3 in June) and is doing an awesome job with potty training at daycare. He now wears underwear during the day and does not have accidents. At home it's another story. He's pretty good with peeing, but poop is another story. I've tried sitting him on the toilet and asking every 30 min or so if he has to poop and I just get "Noooooo Mommy". Next thing you know, he's leaning against the wall and pooping in his underwear. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I so don't have the patience for this.... and to think I have to go through this again next year.

Posted 2/14/08 10:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Potty Training Mommies - How's it going?

We're not having much luck. DS is 2.5 and was doing better with it back before he turned 2 Chat Icon. He'll go every once and a while, but then begs me to put his diaper back on. I don't know what to do. Chat Icon

Posted 2/14/08 11:05 AM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: Potty Training Mommies - How's it going?

Very slowly!

Posted 2/14/08 11:06 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Potty Training Mommies - How's it going?

Not good. Sarah will be 3 next week and she's only peed on the potty 2x. So frustrating. I ask all the time if she has to go, sit her on the potty, she'll sit there for half an hour, get her off and dressed and then she goes in her pullup. Chat Icon

She's off of school next week so we aren't going anywhere, she's going to be in cotton underwear and she will be trained by the end of the week. Should be a fun week.

Or she'll have to learn how to change her pullup herself. I'm done.

Posted 2/14/08 11:12 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/07

2713 total posts


Re: Potty Training Mommies - How's it going?

Potty training....PLease what is that......My little guy will only sit on it before he get in the tub. Not even thinking about going to to potty. He is 28 months......

Posted 2/14/08 11:57 AM

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