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Preemie Moms--5 wks or more

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Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Preemie Moms--5 wks or more

When did your DC smile for the first time? DD is 12 weeks old-1 mth adjusted and she smiles sometimes but not a "real" smile. Also she wont look us in the eyes directly-but she will follow sound or appear to stare at something...The optometrist said she is fine-we dont go back until she is a year old. I guess I am worried becuase at 12 weeks she is so different than friends 3 month olds and I cant help but to worry she wont catch up.

Posted 10/29/07 1:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Preemie Moms--5 wks or more

Well, DD was born at 35weeks 6 days, so she wasn't quite 5 weeks early, but she started smiling around 6 weeks. Give her time, she'll smile Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/07 2:00 PM


Member since 2/07

15928 total posts


Re: Preemie Moms--5 wks or more

My twins were exactly 5 weeks early..I dont remember exactly when they started to smile BUT..I remember when I took them for pictures at 6 weeks they werent smiling yet at all...

Posted 10/29/07 2:50 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: Preemie Moms--5 wks or more

At 12 weeks old, I would not worry if she does not seem to be catching up just yet. Do not make comparisons to your friend's kids. You have a unique child!!!

Posted 10/29/07 2:53 PM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Re: Preemie Moms--5 wks or more

Posted by ssdbk

At 12 weeks old, I would not worry if she does not seem to be catching up just yet. Do not make comparisons to your friend's kids. You have a unique child!!!

I know I shouldnt. I just worry so much about her.
How are you doing?

Posted 10/29/07 3:55 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: Preemie Moms--5 wks or more

Posted by Summerrluvv

Well, DD was born at 35weeks 6 days, so she wasn't quite 5 weeks early, but she started smiling around 6 weeks. Give her time, she'll smile Chat Icon

DS was born at 35 weeks 6 days. He started smiling probably around 3 mths. He is now 4 mths and doesn't stop.

Posted 10/29/07 4:39 PM

I <3 my boys!

Member since 12/06

1389 total posts


Re: Preemie Moms--5 wks or more

Dont worry! My ds was 8 weeks early and he is catching up nicely-- now 9 months actual 7 months adjusted. Your dc will be at their own rate.....and it will be a perfect one. I know it is hard to not compare so one thing to do is find someone whose dc was born around your due date...this is the child to look at it....but again dont go crazy wiht comparing Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/07 6:48 PM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

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Re: Preemie Moms--5 wks or more

DD was 7 weeks early...she started smiling at about 12 weeks.

Even at 13 months...I don't compare her milestones to other mommies, because she is always on the late side of doing things. I would drive myself crazy with this! I see other moms who's DC's are walking and are not even a year old...DD is 13 months (14 months coming Sunday), and not walking yet. With her corrected age she is only 11 months, so I'm not really too concerned.

As long as DD keeps reaching new milestones, that's all I care about.

Posted 10/29/07 7:46 PM

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