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question about diapers

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Cold go away

Member since 10/05

1265 total posts


question about diapers

My DH and I were in Costco yesterday and found diapers that goes by numbers. #1 is until 15 pds. I did notice there were newborn diapers and then # 1's. One box of #1's were open so I checked it out and it is small so I figured it was ok to use on a newborn. Is this what you use on a newborn?

Message edited 6/18/2006 9:36:45 AM.

Posted 6/18/06 9:36 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 9/05

8660 total posts


Re: question about diapers

My son was born at 9lbs 11oz and I used #1 right away. The newborn diapers were too small for him.

Posted 6/18/06 9:50 AM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: question about diapers

I needed newborn diapers because DD was only 6lb 7oz when she came home from the hospital. It can't hurt to have 1 small pkg of newborns on hand just in case you need them.

Posted 6/18/06 10:10 AM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: question about diapers

DD was born at 8 pounds and then dropped and is now a little over 7 pounds. She fits in the N (newborn) size swaddlers. DH made a mistake and bought size 1 that are waaaaaaaay too big for her now...

Posted 6/18/06 11:02 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: question about diapers

You know what, I couldn't imagine a baby fitting into a newborn size diaper, so I only bought 1's, well, let me tell you, Ava will not be wearing them for quite some time! Even the newborn ones are big on her, and she was 7lbs.11oz!
I wouldn't say it's a waste if you bought them because eventually the baby will wear them, but definitely get a small package of newborn size just incase. I didn't really go crazy buying stuff like that beforehand because you just don't know how big they'll be.

Posted 6/18/06 11:07 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: question about diapers

Yeah, my 7 lb 14 oz boy didn't wear size 1 until he was around 3 months!

I would buy the newborn ones

Message edited 6/18/2006 11:26:49 AM.

Posted 6/18/06 11:26 AM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: question about diapers

I would buy newborn ones. My DS was 6lbs 15 oz and only fit into preemie diapers even though it said on the label up to 5 pounds. He is very petite. He is now in Newborn and probably wlll be for awhile.

Posted 6/18/06 1:46 PM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: question about diapers

I would buy a small amount of newborn diapers until the baby is born. We had a small bag of the Swaddlers Newborn which we never got to use. Caiden went straight into size 1. He was born 10lb 12oz though.

Posted 6/18/06 1:53 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: question about diapers

I also used size one diapers right away (baby was 9 lbs 1 oz)

Posted 6/18/06 9:35 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: question about diapers

Both Emma and Jeremy, 7 15 and 7 8 respectivly, wore newborns. I bought 4 packages for each of them before we came home and by the time those were gone it was time for size 1's

Posted 6/18/06 10:55 PM

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