Mommy of 3!
Member since 5/05 2967 total posts
Name: Mommy to two boys and a girl
Question about insurance
I feel bad- I haven't posted in so long- I started a new job and it's hard to get here! We don't have a computer at home.
I've been lurking though when I can take mini-breaks and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everyone- I just read the update thread and I hope to see some BFP's!!
We aren't going to TTC until January but we have to decide on my health plan or DH's next week. So just in case we run into issues...
Mine us Oxford and I asked and they provide a $10,000 lifetime max for infertility- including IVF. Also, I see that some RE doctors in the network in Manhattan are affiliated with Weill-Cornell.
I still have to research DH's plan but is the $10,000 considered good? I know IVF is really expensive...also, I just remembered I should call back and ask how much going out of network costs....can you think of other questions I should ask- sorry for so many questions!
Best Friends

Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: Question about insurance
10K is better than nothing.
I have Oxford, I have been told 2 different things but one person told me that it is 10K per member per lifetime and that when my 10K is exhausted I could use DH's 10K. I am really hoping this is true. I would be curious what they tell you.
Mommy of 3!
Member since 5/05 2967 total posts
Name: Mommy to two boys and a girl
Re: Question about insurance
I will call them back and ask about that! If it's true, then maybe both DH and I should go onto my Oxford plan!
I'll let you know!
Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05 2220 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Question about insurance
My dh has Oxford. The 10,000 IVF is actually very good. I spoke to the lady in billing for Rsofny about this plan. She said, that, usually you can get about 3 IVF out of the 10,000.
If you retrieve, several embryos, and they fertilize, you can have them frozen. A FET (frozen embryo transfer) is a lot less money.
She advised me to call MEDCO and to see, if they cover the IVF medications. The actual IVF is expensive but what adds to the cost is the meds.
She did also speak to me about, having secondary insurance, so Pauline, I believe you are right about , using your own insurance and then using dh's.
Remember IUI's are covered by NY State mandates, however, if you work for a National Company, they may over ride, the NY State Mandate, do to the ERISA Act
Some employers, custom design their insurance coverage....
Message edited 10/25/2005 8:55:27 PM.
Mommy of 3!
Member since 5/05 2967 total posts
Name: Mommy to two boys and a girl
Re: Question about insurance
Michelle- thanks so so much for this info! I think I'm going to go onto Oxford but use DH's insurance as secondary!
Thanks so much!
Message edited 10/28/2005 4:53:33 PM.