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RIP my beloved Brother Richard

Member since 5/07 6710 total posts
Name: Diana
Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
This is such a difficult subject.. I was wondering about any m/c after 8w.. I myself had one at 8w.. I knew from the very beginning it was a touch and go situation.. My numbers were never very good fomm day one.. Not a strong h/b.. Has anyone else who has had a m/c not experience this?? What I am asking is was everything perfect with the pregnancy from day one and then all of the sudden they m/c?? Even further along than 8w like 11 or 15?? Was the h/b strong and and yoke sac perfect but the pregnancy just m/c?? I hope this is ok to ask..
Posted 11/11/08 7:32 AM |
enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
I asked a similiar question a couple weeks ago, I'll bump it for you. A few girls answered it.
there are girls on here where everything was fine & then they miscarried.
Both times, my babies were measuring smaller than I knew they should have been.
sorry you are going thru this.
Posted 11/11/08 7:37 AM |
RIP my beloved Brother Richard

Member since 5/07 6710 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
Posted by sleepie76
I asked a similiar question a couple weeks ago, I'll bump it for you. A few girls answered it.
there are girls on here where everything was fine & then they miscarried.
Both times, my babies were measuring smaller than I knew they should have been.
sorry you are going thru this.
Oh Than you so much.. I/ hope I didnt mislead by asking this... My pregnancy is fine.. as a matter of fact perfect.. That's why I am asking.. My mind is going crazy...
Posted 11/11/08 7:42 AM |
enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
Posted by dilb712
Posted by sleepie76
I asked a similiar question a couple weeks ago, I'll bump it for you. A few girls answered it.
there are girls on here where everything was fine & then they miscarried.
Both times, my babies were measuring smaller than I knew they should have been.
sorry you are going thru this.
Oh Than you so much.. I/ hope I didnt mislead by asking this... My pregnancy is fine.. as a matter of fact perfect.. That's why I am asking.. My mind is going crazy...
... so you had a prior m/c @ 8 weeks, now you are pregnant again ?
Congrats! try to relax and enjoy it. I know that's impossible though after a m/c.
How far along are you ? How long did it take you to get pregnant after the last miscarriage ?
Posted 11/11/08 8:02 AM |
RIP my beloved Brother Richard

Member since 5/07 6710 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
I did my third and last fresh IVF cycle with my own eggs.. I had 2 excellent quality eggs transferred.. they both took but only one is growing perfectly.. The second will be absorbing or is absorbing by only measuring 4w when the other was 7w5d.......I am 8w1d... The growth is exactly where it should be... h/b 153 everytime I go. yoke sac perfect.. progesterone 108 perfect.. But I am so paranoid its paralyzing... I look for things to scare me.. M/C takes away so much from your innocence... I am always expecing the worst.. I am seein a high risk specialist who i feel so blessed to have found.. I know your thinking ok then just relax and enjoy.. i really really wish I could..
It too me 1 year almost to the day to get pregnant again w/ivf.. I did about 8 IUI in between.. I have to add.. I am 43 years old
Message edited 11/11/2008 8:14:53 AM.
Posted 11/11/08 8:12 AM |
enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
Posted by dilb712
. I know your thinking ok then just relax and enjoy.. i really really wish I could..
I know exactly how you feel. I was never able to relax and enjoy with my second pregnancy either, that ended in mc. I know this next one I will be even worse and 12 weeks will go by with every minute feeling like an hour.
I'm wishing you a happy & healthy 9 months.
Posted 11/11/08 8:26 AM |
Sour Girl

Member since 3/08 5271 total posts
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
I was 11 weeks when I miscarried. I had seen the heartbeat three times and it was a healthy rate. I had heard it once as well. I still had all my symptoms and had no idea the heart had stopped beating. It was awful. I don't know if I'll be able to relax the next time around. Try not to let your mind go too crazy. I know it's easier said than done.
Posted 11/11/08 8:58 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/07 1079 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
Posted by dilb712
I did my third and last fresh IVF cycle with my own eggs.. I had 2 excellent quality eggs transferred.. they both took but only one is growing perfectly.. The second will be absorbing or is absorbing by only measuring 4w when the other was 7w5d.......I am 8w1d... The growth is exactly where it should be... h/b 153 everytime I go. yoke sac perfect.. progesterone 108 perfect.. But I am so paranoid its paralyzing... I look for things to scare me.. M/C takes away so much from your innocence... I am always expecing the worst.. I am seein a high risk specialist who i feel so blessed to have found.. I know your thinking ok then just relax and enjoy.. i really really wish I could..
It too me 1 year almost to the day to get pregnant again w/ivf.. I did about 8 IUI in between.. I have to add.. I am 43 years old
I'm sorry you are stressed. I know how you feel. We had a m/c in July at 7/8 weeks and were completely devastated and yesterday I got a BFP. It's so hard. I feel like as long as we get past 8 weeks we will be ok but I keep thinking that DH won't believe it's real until he is holding our baby.
Posted 11/11/08 1:22 PM |
RIP my beloved Brother Richard

Member since 5/07 6710 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
Posted by dgirl
Posted by dilb712
I did my third and last fresh IVF cycle with my own eggs.. I had 2 excellent quality eggs transferred.. they both took but only one is growing perfectly.. The second will be absorbing or is absorbing by only measuring 4w when the other was 7w5d.......I am 8w1d... The growth is exactly where it should be... h/b 153 everytime I go. yoke sac perfect.. progesterone 108 perfect.. But I am so paranoid its paralyzing... I look for things to scare me.. M/C takes away so much from your innocence... I am always expecing the worst.. I am seein a high risk specialist who i feel so blessed to have found.. I know your thinking ok then just relax and enjoy.. i really really wish I could..
It too me 1 year almost to the day to get pregnant again w/ivf.. I did about 8 IUI in between.. I have to add.. I am 43 years old
I'm sorry you are stressed. I know how you feel. We had a m/c in July at 7/8 weeks and were completely devastated and yesterday I got a BFP. It's so hard. I feel like as long as we get past 8 weeks we will be ok but I keep thinking that DH won't believe it's real until he is holding our baby.
Congratulations!!! But I know how you feel.. My dh would not even acknowlege the pregnancy or be happy until he heard the H/B.. This has to get better.. I thought after I got to this point I would feel better and I did..... but then it just creeps back up.. And then I thought of this question and I guess i want to sabatoge myself again..
Posted 11/11/08 1:40 PM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
I m/c'd at 7.5 weeks, and for me, I knew it was happening because I had been spotting for some time. And just instinctually I knew something was off. I have a few close friends who m/c'd closer to 11 or 12 weeks and for all of them it was the same thing, they just *knew* something was wrong.
I know firsthand how hard it is to relax during your pregnancy after having experienced an m/c. The first trimester is just torture - but I promise, as soon as you reach the 2nd trimester you will start relaxing more, not completely, but a little more. Try to think of it this way - this is very, very good training for the worry you'll experience as a new mom
Posted 11/11/08 4:25 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
I dont want to tell you anything really b/c Im afraid its just going to make you feel worse and set on being nervous. Which is understandable but try as hard as you can to not focus on this and focus on a positive outcome.
Will pray for you.
Posted 11/11/08 8:49 PM |
I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05 5150 total posts
Name: Farah
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
I mc'd at 11 weeks earlier this year after having seen a heartbeat at 6w3d. I didn't have many symptoms before the mc, so although I was nervous the entire pregnancy I didn't have any indication that something was wrong until I started spotting.
But my case is very rare. The chances of your pregnancy being successful are so much better than it not being! I think at this point you only have about a 10% chance of miscarrying. That's 90% chance that everything is going to be just fine. Try to relax
Posted 11/12/08 6:53 AM |
She's my world!!!

Member since 8/06 1184 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
I miscarried at 11.5 weeks. Everything had been going well until I started bleeding & then cramping early one morning.
I became pregnant again about 2.5 months later & all was fine. My doctor explained that the miscarriage had nothing to do with my body - just something with the baby & it was for the best. I was extremely nervous the first 12 weeks of my 2nd pregnancy, but thank God, all went well.
I wish you the best - I know it's almost impossible, but try to enjoy being pregnant & what will be, will be. Try not to dwell on the past & try to look toward the future.
Posted 11/12/08 9:14 PM |
My little pumpkin is here!!!!

Member since 10/08 3369 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
I M/Cd at 20 weeks, caught and infection and my water broke. But i got PG again after 4 months of trying.
Posted 11/12/08 10:26 PM |
Member since 5/07 1532 total posts
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
I miscarried around 8-9 weeks, but I was spotting.
This past pregnancy I also spotted but have a healthy DC.
for you. I know it is scary the next time around!
Posted 11/13/08 8:16 AM |
RIP my beloved Brother Richard

Member since 5/07 6710 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
Thank you so much for all of your responses... I made an appt today with my reg OB.. Its the first time I am seeing him.. I just want him to do a sonogram so i can see the baby.. I have no spotting or any bad symptoms but my mind goes crazy.. I think this will help he relax for another week.. I just wish I could relax and enjoy my pregnancy..
Posted 11/13/08 9:38 AM |
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
Posted by dilb712
This is such a difficult subject.. I was wondering about any m/c after 8w.. I myself had one at 8w.. I knew from the very beginning it was a touch and go situation.. My numbers were never very good fomm day one.. Not a strong h/b.. Has anyone else who has had a m/c not experience this?? What I am asking is was everything perfect with the pregnancy from day one and then all of the sudden they m/c?? Even further along than 8w like 11 or 15?? Was the h/b strong and and yoke sac perfect but the pregnancy just m/c?? I hope this is ok to ask..
I had a m/c at 8w also and I felt that it was a little off to begin with. All of the BFP's that I took were very light and I know that that isn't always an indicator of "how pregnant" you are, but I felt that was strange. Also, I was spotting lightly throughout the 8w (no cramps) and I just had a feeling that something was wrong. I forced my doctor to see me at 7w and they said the heartbeat was normal but it was measuring 6w at 8w and to just go home and come back in a week. A few days later I was still spotting and I forced the doctor to see me again and she confirmed that my body was rejecting it. I kind of felt from the beginning that this wasn't normal but my mom and FMIL at the time said that they had heard of women spotting throughout their pregnancy and it was no reason to be alarmed. Even though its such a terrible thing to experience, I do feel that it was a blessing in disguise and there was something wrong and it wasn't meant to be...
Posted 11/13/08 12:21 PM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
i miscarried at 16 Weeks.. i was fine up until the loss.. but i found out later that i had incompetent cervix.. so thats why it was sudden.
Posted 11/13/08 12:39 PM |
Maybe this time?
Member since 7/07 1761 total posts
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
we knew from the beginning that things weren't right. My HCG levels were not doubling at the rate they should have, and the HB was too slow. I think you just need to have some reassurance which is understandable....I think a lot like you do....sometimes you need to jsut have a little bit of faith
Message edited 11/13/2008 10:54:56 PM.
Posted 11/13/08 10:53 PM |
After 4 years, 1000 posts!

Member since 7/06 1124 total posts
Name: L
Re: Question for anyone that m/c after 8 weeks
Well first let me wish you a very happy and healthy pregnancy . But you are not alone. I think it is very common to feel the way that you do.
I just had a D&C today. I was 8 weeks PG. I can't believe I am up writing about this but it is actually therapeutic for me.
From my own personal experience, I did feel like something was off with this pregnancy. Same thing with the last PG, when I m/c early at about 5 weeks. With the last pregnancy, my hormone levels dropped quickly, and I lost all symptoms as quickly as they appeared. I also got inconsistent results on the at home PG tests I took.
For this one, I started out okay, got nice dark lines on PG tests early, and was okay with everything until about 5 weeks, when I started spotting. I did spot with my DS as well, but this came and went and just seemed more prominent. At 6 weeks, they did an u/s and didn't see a heartbeat. The baby also looked much smaller on the screen than I recalled with DS. I have an u/s pic from the same time and the baby was MUCH larger at that point. Then my progesterone levels dropped and I was put on supplements. I found out this week that there was still no heartbeat and I needed a D&C.
I'm not sure if this helps you but if all is going well that IS wonderful news. I wish you a healthy 9 months .
Message edited 11/13/2008 10:59:02 PM.
Posted 11/13/08 10:58 PM |