Question for mom's of 7 month olds (or BTDT)
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My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Question for mom's of 7 month olds (or BTDT)
When did you start giving DC a full jar of food?
DS will be 7 months on Wed. Im still giving him 1/2 a jar (stage 2) at all meals. He gets cereal with breakfast and dinner. Is this enough or can I increase to full jars. I should have asked the ped. last week and I totally forgot
TIA for your help.
Posted 8/10/07 10:09 AM |
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Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Question for mom's of 7 month olds (or BTDT)
You can go to a full jar. Just let DS tell you when he's full.
Posted 8/10/07 10:20 AM |

Member since 4/07 2080 total posts
Name: Summer
Re: Question for mom's of 7 month olds (or BTDT)
totally up to u.....all DCs are u think DC is still hungry? def nothing wrong with increasing his food intake- as long as u keep the bottle or the BFing going...
thats how i always worked it- as long as hannah would still BF before naps and bedtime, then i wasnt feeding her too much....bc obviously breast and formula is still best at that age....i would worry about weaning and food amount more when he is about 10 months old...thats when i took one breastfeeding session away from DD and in turn she ate a little more.....a few weeks later i took another one away......blah blah blah, and was weaned and eating her butt off at 1 year!
does this help??
Posted 8/10/07 10:23 AM |
Almost there!

Member since 7/06 7376 total posts
Re: Question for mom's of 7 month olds (or BTDT)
Just this week she started eating two full Stage 2 jars in addition to some cereal. One for breakfast and one for afternoon snack. (She's 7.5 months)
For dinner, she'll only eat about 1/2 a jar and about 3 tbsps of cereal.
Posted 8/10/07 10:26 AM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Question for mom's of 7 month olds (or BTDT)
Whenever the 1/2 jar doesn't fill him up anymore. Steven at a full jar of stage two at around 5 months. He's a pretty big eater. Now he eats almost a full jar of stage 3. Or a whole bowl (baby bowl) of pasta or whatever I put in it
Posted 8/10/07 10:27 AM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Question for mom's of 7 month olds (or BTDT)
TY ladies. He seems to always want more of the fruit and veggies.
I may start giving him a full jar of veggies at lunch (no cereal) and leave 1/2 jars and cereal for breakfast and dinner. I will see how it goes.
TY so much again.
Posted 8/10/07 10:55 AM |
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