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Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Question for mom's with dc in daycare
I survived one of the hardest days of my life...Hannah's first day of daycare.
She didn't nap as well there as she does at home and came home very cranky and tired. So basically I didn't get to spend any time with her once we got home. She napped, ate and right to bed.
Is this just part of her adjustment period or will she always come home wiped out?
If that's the case, I may have to go part time. I can't bare not spending time with her.
Posted 3/12/07 9:56 PM |
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Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Question for mom's with dc in daycare
She's adjusting, it was a big day for her too. Give it a couple of weeks and she'll get on a schedule and things will go back to normal. Hang in there, it will get better!!
Posted 3/12/07 10:01 PM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: Question for mom's with dc in daycare
Gillian sleeps more there than here so we dont really have the problem of not spending time with her which I agree would frustrate me as well. I think once she ets used to the daycare she will be more likely to adjust with her normal sleepin patterns which include daytime naps.
Posted 3/12/07 10:14 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3372 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: Question for mom's with dc in daycare
It is part of the adjustment. She had A LOT of new things going on today. New toys, new children, new routine. This does happen to me sometimes and I would feel the same way.
Posted 3/12/07 11:13 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07 557 total posts
Name: Marci
Re: Question for mom's with dc in daycare
Yes, there is an adjustment period and after a couple weeks you will find a schedule that works. I do have to say that my daughter dosen't nap well at daycare b/c she just loves to watch play with everyone. She dosen't want to miss a thing. She will usually nap on the way home and then wakes up a little after we get home. We have been putting her to bed a little earlier but we still have time to play. When she was Hannah's age, she did sleep better at daycare but once she was more aware of things and could move, that is when her naps started to go downhill.
Hang in there.
Posted 3/13/07 7:13 AM |

Member since 2/07 2642 total posts
Name: Belladonna219
Re: Question for mom's with dc in daycare
Yesterday, we just survived our first day at daycare too. DS didnt nap well during the day, they were off his feeding schedule, he was very tired when he came home as well, but that didnt take a smile off his face. Today was our 2nd day, teacher said he was doing great, ate on schedule had a few naps. I hope when I get home from work he is still all smiles.
I agree, it is the hardest thing to do, if today didnt go any better I was going to quit. I was sick to my stomach all day yesterday, a little better today. I cried when I saw him last night, he never saw me cry before I think I scared him - he was looking at me funny/confused
I hope for our sake it gets easier over time
Posted 3/13/07 3:34 PM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Question for mom's with dc in daycare
It's definitely part of the adjustment period. Jake didn't nap well the first couple of days. But after that, he naps 2 hrs everyday.
BUT...he does still come home exhausted most days...they just do so much there. So it's really a good thing.
Posted 3/13/07 3:59 PM |
my little man

Member since 5/05 1350 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Question for mom's with dc in daycare
they do go through an adjustmant period. She will get into a routine there
Posted 3/13/07 4:06 PM |
I'm two!

Member since 5/05 4320 total posts
Name: Ann
Re: Question for mom's with dc in daycare
Unfortunately for us, Jackson (who is 10 months old and has been in daycare for 5 months), STILL comes home from daycare wiped out. It's not as bad as when he was younger, but most nights he's in bed by 7pm. He doesn't nap as long at daycare as he does at home, so that could be why he's so tired.
I wish I could quit my job so that I could spend more time with him
Posted 3/13/07 4:06 PM |