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Question of the day 1/10/07

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Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

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Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

I would not call him significant other, I would call him "dude my best friend told I would date him". We went on 3 or so dates prior to Valentine's day '98 and he decided to get me 2 dozen red roses. It sounds lovely, right?
I am deathly allergic to roses and broke out into hives, my throat closed...the whole deal. I ended up spending my Valentine's night at Ohio State University Hospital with a doctor named (I swear, I am not making this up) Dr. Jacmiov. Yes say it out loud and you will get it. My valentine's date? My best friend and roommate at the time.

Message edited 1/10/2007 12:54:44 PM.

Posted 1/10/07 12:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Prior to DH, I don't think I ever received a gift from my SOs. Chat Icon (if I did, it apparently wasn't worth remembering. Chat Icon ) Now that I think about it, I know I exchanged gifts with a couple of them, but for some strange reason, I can't recall what I received. Like I said, not worth remembering. Chat Icon

My DH hasn't disappointed me yet! Chat Icon He always manages to find wonderful ways to surprise me too. Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/07 12:55 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by jxnoscar

Two Words:

Ceramic Dolphin

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOL'D at my desk over this one!!

OMG now the office thinks I'm even crazier than normalChat Icon

Posted 1/10/07 1:00 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by nrthshgrl

A cookbook, a ton of extremely complicated & slutty Victoria Secret outfits & knock-me down *@(@ shoes. The card said something sexual about "cooking".

While some people would appreciate the gift, it was not me. It was sooo not me & he knew it wasnt me because it was a running argument we used to have - how I was not domestic & didn't dress up enough for him.Chat Icon


What are you... A CAT???!!Chat Icon

What a jerk!

Posted 1/10/07 1:03 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by jklein1323

When I was dating my boyfriend in high school..he decided to buy me something just to be nice...well he bought me that Vanilla Fields perfume they used to sell in the drug stores..well I absolutely hate the smell of vanilla i used to spray it out my bedroom window so he thought I was using it Chat Icon Chat Icon


Btw- I love reading through this thread- OMG!!!

The fifty bucks for the comptuer was AMAZING and now this...

$7.99 Vanilla Fields?! DH dated some girl in College and one day was telling me about how she never wore make up, never did her hair, etc... So I was like wow, did she ever wear perfume or anything? And THAT was his answer to what was her fave perfume!!! Chat Icon I literally almost fell on the floor laughing!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/07 1:04 PM

My Love!

Member since 5/05

2375 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

I dont' remember getting any bad gifts from a SO

Posted 1/10/07 1:11 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

OK, my turn:

I dated a guy in HS who was cheapy- cheap but had more money than he knew what to do with! His parents gave him a regular allowance of money- they were very wealthy, he drove a new car for free, got lunch and gas money and living money daily, etc. Plus, he worked part-time so he had extra money of his own.... He told me he really liked the "Tiffany" style bracelet... With the heart tag (this was just getting big when I was in HS) So I said that I liked that too..

Well, he must have bought me a look-alike out of a 25 cent machine b/c it broke the following week. Also, he got me a "movado"... a "fovado" it was so fake and cheap- the signature "dot" at the top? It FELL OFF like three days after I had it...

Then, why did I stay with this guy?!!, he told me he got me a necklace with my birthstone- I was like wow b/c my birthstone is a diamond (April) well-- it was like the substitute for a diamond- some cheap, cheesy, white "stone" Chat Icon Just on the end of a necklace...

No thought went into any of these gifts- they were awful. THEN, this is the cake topper- he bought me a tiny, gold "fuzzy" jewelry box from MARSHALLS (it still had the tag on the bottom)... It was hideous and if he took a second to think about who I am and my personality- he would know that I needed another Jewelry box like I needed a hole in the head.

His idea of taking me out to a once a year FANCY meal was OutbackChat Icon

Yeah- I finally wised up. Thankfully, the guy I dated after him bought me such GREAT gifts that it made up for it!! I mean, thoughtful, beautiful gifts- it did not work out for us in the long-run but I got about 4 or 5 GORGEOUS Coach bags, jewelry, a REAL movado, a REAL tiffany's bracelet-- etc etc! It was great!

OOOH! My sister got a sleeping bag and jumper cables once!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/07 1:13 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

DH bought me $200 worth of Victoria Secret stuff. I liked it, sure, but I mean come on... it was a gift with such a hidden agenda.

Posted 1/10/07 1:16 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/06

847 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by DaniRella

Posted by jklein1323

When I was dating my boyfriend in high school..he decided to buy me something just to be nice...well he bought me that Vanilla Fields perfume they used to sell in the drug stores..well I absolutely hate the smell of vanilla i used to spray it out my bedroom window so he thought I was using it Chat Icon Chat Icon


Btw- I love reading through this thread- OMG!!!

The fifty bucks for the comptuer was AMAZING and now this...

$7.99 Vanilla Fields?! DH dated some girl in College and one day was telling me about how she never wore make up, never did her hair, etc... So I was like wow, did she ever wear perfume or anything? And THAT was his answer to what was her fave perfume!!! Chat Icon I literally almost fell on the floor laughing!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

UGh that has got to be the worst smell...i still remember leaning out my 2nd fl. bedroom window holding my breath spraying away my neighbors must have thought i was out of my mindChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/07 1:28 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

I can't really think of any b/c I usually picked out my own gifts.

Posted 1/10/07 1:40 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Hmm, that would be a toss up between a Yanni Live at the Acroplis video, or some sort of environmentalist tee--shirt.Chat Icon

Same guy--we were only in HS, though.

Message edited 1/10/2007 1:53:57 PM.

Posted 1/10/07 1:53 PM

Baby Delicious!

Member since 8/06

4156 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by tourist

Hmm, that would be a toss up between a Yanni Live at the Acroplis video, or some sort of environmentalist tee--shirt.Chat Icon

Same guy--we were only in HS, though.

Yanni Live is the BEST story on here yet. I have tears in my eyes I am laughing so hard

Posted 1/10/07 1:55 PM

Welcome to the world Baby Boy!

Member since 8/06

3127 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by hmpena

I had one boyfriend who bought me earrings that a baby would wear. I was happy to get a present but upset that he did not put any thought into the gift. I later found out that he sent his little brother to buy the gift.

Chat Icon Chat Icon That happened to my best friend too. (from an ex) We take them out every now & then for a laugh. I think her 18 mo. old daughter wears them now.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/07 2:03 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Great replies...I am loving the Yanni and dolphins

I have to add a misguided gift for DH...and I say misguided because he tries so hard because he knows how I try to be thoughtful with every gift.

This Christmas I got a:

Shiatsu massage chair cover (you know, for the office when you are stressedChat Icon Chat Icon) and a WHITE velour sweatsuit with a tapered ankle because he knows I need to relax more!

I returned it for 250 bucks worth of Victoria's Secret Chat Icon

Message edited 1/10/2007 2:07:25 PM.

Posted 1/10/07 2:06 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

a Carton of cigarettes. It was apparently a break-up gift b/c that is exactly what I did.

(They were not even the brand I smoked at the time, it was the brand he smoked, so they must have been lying around his house somewhereChat Icon )

Posted 1/10/07 2:07 PM

Family is everything!!!

Member since 5/05

1989 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

I haven't gotten many gift from ex's. FH was the first to do that sort of thing really... So i guess my response would have to be...nothing.

Posted 1/10/07 2:09 PM

Welcome to the world Baby Boy!

Member since 8/06

3127 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Not from a SO but when I was in High School a bunch of us did Secret Santa. When the day for exchaning came I was so excited b/c the guy I liked in our group had me. And what to my wondering eyes did appear.... a pair of acid wash jeans. CLASSY

Who buys jeans for Secret SantaChat Icon

Message edited 1/10/2007 3:27:31 PM.

Posted 1/10/07 2:12 PM

Feel better my little guy!

Member since 5/05

4476 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by mommy2bellabean

What was the WORST present you ever got from a significant other?
And details--

This guy I was dating when I was in college bought me an aersol knock off perfume for Christmas.

I don't even remember the name but it said on the spray bottle "If you like'll love -----" must have cost $5 or less. It didn't smell bad, but I was a little angry since I bought him an autographed poster of his favorite band.

Posted 1/10/07 2:59 PM

Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06

14432 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

George Forman Grill

Both have barely been used!

Posted 1/10/07 4:10 PM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by jxnoscar

Posted by tourist

Hmm, that would be a toss up between a Yanni Live at the Acroplis video, or some sort of environmentalist tee--shirt.Chat Icon

Same guy--we were only in HS, though.

Yanni Live is the BEST story on here yet. I have tears in my eyes I am laughing so hard

Well, I got Yanni tix once but the show was actually pretty goodChat Icon The pocketbook that it came, not so much. When my Grandmother was ooh'ing and ahhhing over it (the bag), I knew there was a problemChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Image Attachment(s):

Message edited 1/10/2007 4:24:48 PM.

Posted 1/10/07 4:19 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by jxnoscar

Posted by tourist

Hmm, that would be a toss up between a Yanni Live at the Acroplis video, or some sort of environmentalist tee--shirt.Chat Icon

Same guy--we were only in HS, though.

Yanni Live is the BEST story on here yet. I have tears in my eyes I am laughing so hard

Wait, you forgot to mention that it was none other than: LIVE at the Acropolis!! I mean, what a setting!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ROFLMFAO!!!

Posted 1/10/07 4:26 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by Kate07

I don't even remember the name but it said on the spray bottle "If you like'll love -----" must have cost $5 or less.

LOL!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/07 4:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

a vermeil fake diamond heart pendant- and he tried to tell me it was an estate piece and it was real. Mind you I am not materialistic, and he had a lot of $$ and a full time job. That was part of his lying he did to me, and this was my ex fiancee! Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/07 4:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by DaniRella

OK, my turn:

I dated a guy in HS who was cheapy- cheap but had more money than he knew what to do with! His parents gave him a regular allowance of money- they were very wealthy, he drove a new car for free, got lunch and gas money and living money daily, etc. Plus, he worked part-time so he had extra money of his own.... He told me he really liked the "Tiffany" style bracelet... With the heart tag (this was just getting big when I was in HS) So I said that I liked that too..

Well, he must have bought me a look-alike out of a 25 cent machine b/c it broke the following week. Also, he got me a "movado"... a "fovado" it was so fake and cheap- the signature "dot" at the top? It FELL OFF like three days after I had it...

Then, why did I stay with this guy?!!, he told me he got me a necklace with my birthstone- I was like wow b/c my birthstone is a diamond (April) well-- it was like the substitute for a diamond- some cheap, cheesy, white "stone" Chat Icon Just on the end of a necklace...

No thought went into any of these gifts- they were awful. THEN, this is the cake topper- he bought me a tiny, gold "fuzzy" jewelry box from MARSHALLS (it still had the tag on the bottom)... It was hideous and if he took a second to think about who I am and my personality- he would know that I needed another Jewelry box like I needed a hole in the head.

His idea of taking me out to a once a year FANCY meal was OutbackChat Icon

Yeah- I finally wised up. Thankfully, the guy I dated after him bought me such GREAT gifts that it made up for it!! I mean, thoughtful, beautiful gifts- it did not work out for us in the long-run but I got about 4 or 5 GORGEOUS Coach bags, jewelry, a REAL movado, a REAL tiffany's bracelet-- etc etc! It was great!

OOOH! My sister got a sleeping bag and jumper cables once!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Okay this sounds like my ex fiancee!!!!!!!!!! LOL Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/07 4:33 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: Question of the day 1/10/07

Posted by princess99

Posted by DaniRella

OK, my turn:

I dated a guy in HS who was cheapy- cheap but had more money than he knew what to do with! His parents gave him a regular allowance of money- they were very wealthy, he drove a new car for free, got lunch and gas money and living money daily, etc. Plus, he worked part-time so he had extra money of his own.... He told me he really liked the "Tiffany" style bracelet... With the heart tag (this was just getting big when I was in HS) So I said that I liked that too..

Well, he must have bought me a look-alike out of a 25 cent machine b/c it broke the following week. Also, he got me a "movado"... a "fovado" it was so fake and cheap- the signature "dot" at the top? It FELL OFF like three days after I had it...

Then, why did I stay with this guy?!!, he told me he got me a necklace with my birthstone- I was like wow b/c my birthstone is a diamond (April) well-- it was like the substitute for a diamond- some cheap, cheesy, white "stone" Chat Icon Just on the end of a necklace...

No thought went into any of these gifts- they were awful. THEN, this is the cake topper- he bought me a tiny, gold "fuzzy" jewelry box from MARSHALLS (it still had the tag on the bottom)... It was hideous and if he took a second to think about who I am and my personality- he would know that I needed another Jewelry box like I needed a hole in the head.

His idea of taking me out to a once a year FANCY meal was OutbackChat Icon

Yeah- I finally wised up. Thankfully, the guy I dated after him bought me such GREAT gifts that it made up for it!! I mean, thoughtful, beautiful gifts- it did not work out for us in the long-run but I got about 4 or 5 GORGEOUS Coach bags, jewelry, a REAL movado, a REAL tiffany's bracelet-- etc etc! It was great!

OOOH! My sister got a sleeping bag and jumper cables once!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Okay this sounds like my ex fiancee!!!!!!!!!! LOL Chat Icon

LOL!!! Was his name Roy?!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/07 4:46 PM
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