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LIF Toddler

Member since 6/06 469 total posts
Name: Excited to be a BIG sister!!!
Question regarding Level II Sono?
I am going for my Level II sono on January fourth and my DH and I don't want to know the sex. Is it possible that I might accidentally see something I shouldn't? Or will they just not search around that area?
Also, I was thinking of asking my MIL to come to the sono since she has never been to one yet, (my mom has come to two of them) but I'm afraid she will be like I think I saw something! I think I know what it is! Because she is like that and then would go and tell everyone else what she thinks it is and then everyone would think they know what it is except me and that would make me really mad. I just really want this one surprise and I don't want anyone to spoil it for me. For example, when we told her we were pg we asked her not to tell anyone yet because it was still early, ps about 3 hrs later we got a phone call from my DH's sister saying congratulations! And she wasnt the only one she told.
What do you think I should do? Are there later sonograms that happen where you can't really see the family jewel area because the baby is bigger? TIA!
Posted 12/20/07 10:08 AM |
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Member since 11/07 1238 total posts
Name: Audrina
Re: Question regarding Level II Sono?
Ouch!! This is a toughie. My MIL & father both have big mouths. I will totally be in the same situation as you!
I hope she remains tight lipped. Let her know how important is is to you & your DH to keep in a secret.
Posted 12/20/07 10:12 AM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 6/06 469 total posts
Name: Excited to be a BIG sister!!!
Re: Question regarding Level II Sono?
I know, I thought about doing that but I also don't want to insult her either. Because I thinks she feels bad about what happened when I first got pregnant and she spilled the beans. But at the same time she can't help herself, even DH admits that. She can't keep her mouth zipped and she's super curious!
I don't know if I'm better off just not asking.
Posted 12/20/07 10:27 AM |
Member since 5/06 4794 total posts
Message edited 9/17/2009 1:31:55 PM.
Posted 12/20/07 10:31 AM |
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Member since 10/07 9151 total posts
Re: Question regarding Level II Sono?
Posted by cpanyc
We did not want to know either. The technician told me to close my eyes when she was down in that area. DH kept his open and was not able to distinguish anything. I don't know if that means we are having a girl or not (I think we are having a boy), but a lot of the organs are hard to figure out unless the tech tells you.
Totally agree. We told the tech before she started that we didn't want to know the sex of the baby and even though my boyfriend still looked, you cannot tell anything (unless you KNOW what you are looking for). I would just let the tech know ahead of time.
As far as your MIL goes, I probably wouldn't ask her given her past of blabbing to others even though you made it clear you didn't want people to know. You don't want to be stressed about "will she or won't she" during your Level II. Just sit back and enjoy the moment!!!
Posted 12/20/07 2:14 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 6/06 469 total posts
Name: Excited to be a BIG sister!!!
Re: Question regarding Level II Sono?
Posted by 08BabySurprise
Posted by cpanyc
We did not want to know either. The technician told me to close my eyes when she was down in that area. DH kept his open and was not able to distinguish anything. I don't know if that means we are having a girl or not (I think we are having a boy), but a lot of the organs are hard to figure out unless the tech tells you.
Totally agree. We told the tech before she started that we didn't want to know the sex of the baby and even though my boyfriend still looked, you cannot tell anything (unless you KNOW what you are looking for). I would just let the tech know ahead of time.
As far as your MIL goes, I probably wouldn't ask her given her past of blabbing to others even though you made it clear you didn't want people to know. You don't want to be stressed about "will she or won't she" during your Level II. Just sit back and enjoy the moment!!!
I figured that they must have some way of handling this because a lot of people don't find out the sex of the baby.
My aunt just said to me the other night "what are you going to do when you go for the sono your going to see!" She was like "I did when she went to my cousins that it was unmistakable and that you couldn't miss it!" She got me all worried.
As far as asking my MIL, I'm leaning toward not asking her to it because I just can't be certain she would ruin the surprise. Thanks for the advice.
Posted 12/20/07 3:45 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Question regarding Level II Sono?
You have to tell the sono person that you DO NOT want to find the sex once you get in the room, and keep telling them that when shes doing the sono--lol
I look at the screen but only when I know there looking at the top of the baby--lol
Posted 12/20/07 3:56 PM |
My Girls

Member since 11/06 9543 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Question regarding Level II Sono?
With DD#1 we did not want to know, I had a lot of sono's because of some issues I was having and never had a clue what sex the baby was. It was like reading Chinese to me. Also, if you are worried about MIL, I personally would not bring her. My MIL would do the same thing and I never had her go. Avoid the conflict!
Posted 12/20/07 6:45 PM |
Love my girls!
Member since 10/06 2114 total posts
Name: mommy
Re: Question regarding Level II Sono?
We just had the level II on Tuesday and we didn't want to know either. The tech asked before he got started, and we both have no idea what it is. I have not invited either set of parents to the ultrasounds... I give them copies of the pictures. My MIL would be exactly like your's, mine really wants to know the sex of the baby despite our wishes. She's even "joked" (but I think she's almost serious even though it will never happend) that I should have the doctor call her and let her know the sex... I told her that would be a HIPPA violation and she let it go.
Posted 12/20/07 8:15 PM |

Member since 8/07 3732 total posts
Name: Crystal
Re: Question regarding Level II Sono?
I dont want to know either and I have had the level II and a 3D sono and I still dont know what it is. As long as you tell them they will stay away from the area.. and even if they do go there I know I wouldnt even be able to tell.
My sister is one of those peoples with the "loud mouths". She insists its a boy and says it everytime. She came to the 3d sono and afterwards said yup its a boy.. but I know she has no clue and neither do I.
Posted 12/20/07 9:42 PM |
My Babies

Member since 5/05 2566 total posts
Name: Heather
Re: Question regarding Level II Sono?
DH and I did not want to know but the first view we saw it was evident to us that he was a boy. We thought we saw something and then at the end we asked the tech to confirm because I was convinced it was a girl and was kind of surprised.
Posted 12/21/07 8:54 PM |