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Question: Ultrascreen, sonogram - Difference?

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Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Question: Ultrascreen, sonogram - Difference?

So I was reading another post about what tests are done when…
Someone mentioned 8weeks or so is the SonoGram and then 12-14 is the ultrascreen.

What is the difference between them?

I am seeing my doctor for the first time Feb 25th which is over a month away and I’ll be about 11 ½ weeks along (nature willing). Does that mean I get both???


Posted 1/16/08 1:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Question: Ultrascreen, sonogram - Difference?

Why are you waiting to see your doctor until you are 11 weeks? I thought the first appt was generally between weeks 5-8?

Posted 1/16/08 1:55 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: Question: Ultrascreen, sonogram - Difference?

Posted by Maybeababyin08

Why are you waiting to see your doctor until you are 11 weeks? I thought the first appt was generally between weeks 5-8?

My doctor wouldn't see me until 8-9 weeks.

To the OP, when you go for your visit, you'll probably get both done. The ultrascreen is when they take blood and a sono to measure the babys neck/fluid. So either way, you'll get a sono picture! Chat Icon

Message edited 1/16/2008 1:59:31 PM.

Posted 1/16/08 1:59 PM

love my boys!

Member since 4/06

5648 total posts


Re: Question: Ultrascreen, sonogram - Difference?

an ultrascreen is a combination of an ultrasound to take a measurement of the neck and a blood test that helps to give the risk of downs and trisomy 18/13 which is usually done around 12 weeks....

Posted 1/16/08 2:04 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Re: Question: Ultrascreen, sonogram - Difference?

To answer why I am not seeing him earlier:

Ok, don't kill me but my answer is...

"Uhmm, why not?"

I don’t want to let my office know before I have to and so I can’t take any real time off. I love love love my doctor and we just can’t fit each other in our schedules.

I think he had something on Feb 8 or 11th, but I’ll be out of town. I talk to the office and they say if I want I can wait.

I get back Feb 12th and his next opening was Feb 25th.

Until I came on here, I really didn’t see a big deal about this… Am I horrible?

I mean if I feel bad or in pain, I know they’d be the first to call, but they say it’s ok to wait.

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Message edited 1/16/2008 2:09:55 PM.

Posted 1/16/08 2:08 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: Question: Ultrascreen, sonogram - Difference?

Posted by Xelindrya

To answer why I am not seeing him earlier:

Ok, don't kill me but my answer is...

"Uhmm, why not?"

I don’t want to let my office know before I have to and so I can’t take any real time off. I love love love my doctor and we just can’t fit each other in our schedules.

I think he had something on Feb 8 or 11th, but I’ll be out of town. I talk to the office and they say if I want I can wait.

I get back Feb 12th and his next opening was Feb 25th.

Until I came on here, I really didn’t see a big deal about this… Am I horrible?

I mean if I feel bad or in pain, I know they’d be the first to call, but they say it’s ok to wait.

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it's fine to wait - but i know for myself (and my meddling parents Chat Icon ) they wanted a doctor's confirmation that i was actually PG - even though i told them that a HPT is the same thing as what they use in doctor's offices. if you get a positive on an HPT you are PG. if, god forbid, something happens, like you said, you'll call your doc or go to the ER.

the difference between the ultrascreen and a sono is that at the ultrascreen they are checking for specific things (not sure but i think it includes checking the heartbeat and nuchal fold) to make sure the baby is healthy and not likely to be born with any birth defects.

Posted 1/16/08 2:12 PM

love my boys!

Member since 4/06

5648 total posts


Re: Question: Ultrascreen, sonogram - Difference?

I guess the only thing would be to make sure that if you wanted to do the ultrascreen test (which is not a required test) that they would be able to schedule you-----it can't be done after 14 weeks. most drs do ultrasounds in their offices, but some don't (I went to the hospital for all of my sonos and my ultrascreen)

Posted 1/16/08 2:21 PM

Our 3 angels

Member since 7/07

4824 total posts


Re: Question: Ultrascreen, sonogram - Difference?

My doctor's office didn't want to see me until 6 weeks. At that time, they took my vitals, weighed me, took about 6 vials of blood and gave me a script for prenatal vitamins.

IMO, I think it is important to get off to a good start. I was feeling fine and didn't even feel preggo until weeks later. I wanted a firm confirmation that I was in fact pregnant (you never know with those OTC tests) and I wanted to get on schedule as far as doctor's visits and tests.

I was then scheduled for my first sonogram at 8 weeks, to check for a sac and we were able to see the flicker of the heartbeat. This re-confirmed my due date and my doctor's office set up a schedule of appointments (once a month).

The 12 week ultrascreen is a sonogram and a blood test (via your finger) to check for your odds of having a baby with DS. It is not 100% required, but I think it is very highly recommended to do so.

As long as you have health coverage, why not do everything possible? JMO...

Posted 1/16/08 4:29 PM

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