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LIF Adult

Member since 2/10 2827 total posts
Name: J
Questions for those with financial advisors
I would love to meet with someone to review our finances and work on a game plan so we can accomplish all of our goals for the future. Could an advisor help me with this? Does anyone have any recommendations? I just don't want to waste time and $$ if this is unnecessary. If you have one what do they assist with?
Posted 1/3/13 7:44 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10 875 total posts
Name: Rosie
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
Yes, an advisor can help you with this. Usually they help when you have a starting point of cash and they help you build on it. FM me if would like more info
Posted 1/3/13 8:20 AM |
Carpe diem!

Member since 11/10 5287 total posts
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
My Dad is a CFP....FM me if you'd like his info.
Posted 1/3/13 8:29 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/10 2827 total posts
Name: J
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
Posted 1/3/13 1:38 PM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
How much does something like this cost?
Posted 1/3/13 1:39 PM |

Member since 10/06 15979 total posts
Name: BahBahBlackJeep
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
Posted by JenniferEver
How much does something like this cost?
I was wondering the same thing.
I don't need actual dollar amount but a ballpark figure would be helpful.
Posted 1/3/13 1:46 PM |
Feeling Blessed
Member since 6/07 2963 total posts
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
I use someone through Primerica. She doesn't charge us for her advice, but we do buy services from her (life insurance, prepaid legal services for example). We've been using her for 10+ years and she has helped us reach many of our goals (mostly how to afford so I can SAH/WAH).
Posted 1/3/13 1:48 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/11 9141 total posts
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
Posted by bdmom
I use someone through Primerica. She doesn't charge us for her advice, but we do buy services from her (life insurance, prepaid legal services for example). We've been using her for 10+ years and she has helped us reach many of our goals (mostly how to afford so I can SAH/WAH).
Same here - we use someone from Primerica and she advises us on how to invest our savings, how much we should be saving to reach a certain goal, we have life insurance through her etc. She does not charge a fee for her services. She started us out with having us write down everything we spend for a full month (EVERYTHING) an then worked on how much we could put into savings per month, etc.
Posted 1/3/13 2:31 PM |
Questions for those with financial advisors
ask your bank........sometimes they provide it for free
Posted 1/3/13 2:33 PM |
And so it goes....

Member since 9/05 2217 total posts
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
Developing a relationship with a Financial Advisor can help you reach your financial goals. It’s important to find someone that will actually work on building a financial strategy with you rather than someone that just sells products. Financial Advisors work in different ways. Some do not charge for developing a strategy and are in turn compensated through the financial products purchased by their clients. Some charge an upfront planning fee which can range from $500.00 to thousands of dollars and are additionally compensated through the financial products purchased by their clients. Others are compensated based on the value of their clients’ accounts.
Who ever you decided to work with make sure they are licensed and that you “click” this is an important relationship that should be long term. If you have any additional questions Ill be glad to help.
Posted 1/3/13 4:03 PM |
Is it summer yet?

Member since 8/06 7392 total posts
Name: Holly
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
I've been researching this lately and this is what I've learned from various articles I have read:
1) they should be a CFP (certified financial planner). CFPs are licensed and regulated and have to take classes to maintain their certificate
2) are they acting as your fiduciary - if so, any recommendations have to be in the best interest of you, their client. if they are not acting in a fidicary capacity, the only standard they have to maintain is their recommendations are "suitable" for you, which is a lower standard
3) be cautios of financial planners who work on a fee/commission. many of the time the fee is paid from the product that they sell you, so they may not necessarily steer you in a direction that is best for you, but one where they will get the most fees from the products they sell you.
I think the best thing to do ask someone who is in a similar position as you (just starting to have kids, paying for kids to go to college, saving for retirement), see who has had a positive experience, and then meet them for yourself and see if you click.
Posted 1/3/13 4:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/10 2827 total posts
Name: J
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
Thanks everyone!!!
Posted 1/4/13 11:10 PM |
Team One of Each

Member since 10/09 2150 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
we work with a family friend and is very helpful he does not charge a fee to talk to him he gets paid through his company and how you invest in insurance etc. He will come to your house
Christopher J. Acheson Financial Adviser Financial Representative
516-357-1893 [email protected]
50 Charles Lindbergh Blvd., Suite 600, Uniondale, NY 11553
Message edited 1/9/2013 9:57:18 AM.
Posted 1/9/13 9:56 AM |
LIF Zygote

Member since 1/13 15 total posts
Re: Questions for those with financial advisors
My DH is a CFP and has been working with our family (his side and mine) for the past 6 years or so. He has also helped a lot of my friends from work (I'm a teacher) with their families questions, life insurance, and retirements. I'm pretty sure he doesn't charge for a consultation because he does workshops for couples. I know sometimes he goes out on the weekend to see people at their homes (unless he's really out golfing!). Not sure about costs but he works with a bunch of company's options since he has his own company. His office is in Woodbury
Posted 1/17/13 6:42 AM |