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quit smoking and gaining weight

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/06

891 total posts


quit smoking and gaining weight

anyone else here quit smoking when they found out they were preggo and find themselves gaining weight rapidly??
I'm 14 weeks and have gained
12 lbs.Chat Icon I have to stay OUT OF THE KITCHEN!! Chat Icon Chat Icon
I can't help but feel hungry all the time!!

Posted 1/18/07 9:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: quit smoking and gaining weight

Don't worry about it,.u did a great thing by quitting, some women do not even quit.
I gain alot of weight in the beginning and then like none in the end.
The last 2 months I only gained 3 pounds but my babies gained weight.
Everyone is diff. If u are hungry eat..and pat yourself on the back that u are already a good mommy!Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/07 6:44 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: quit smoking and gaining weight

Posted by lastchance1222

Don't worry about it,.u did a great thing by quitting, some women do not even quit.
I gain alot of weight in the beginning and then like none in the end.
The last 2 months I only gained 3 pounds but my babies gained weight.
Everyone is diff. If u are hungry eat..and pat yourself on the back that u are already a good mommy!Chat Icon

I agree. The early weight will balance out later once your metabolism adjusts.Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/07 7:26 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: quit smoking and gaining weight

I quit when I found out I was pregnant. I have gained about 30 pounds so far (probably a bit more Chat Icon ) at 31 weeks. I think quitting definitely has somthing to do with it. I will worry about losing weight after I have the baby. DO not worry now Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/07 9:13 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: quit smoking and gaining weight

You did a great thing for your baby, even better if you stay a non smoker after he/she is born. Smoking contributes to the SIDS risk.

The weight gain thing-I am not a smoker, but I can tell you with both my pg's, i gained at least 14 pounds by 15 weeks pg.

I think you are predestined to either gain weight fast when you are pg or not, heridertery thing i think.

I ate 100% times better this pg than with DD, and i still gained like nuts!

Don't worry though, the weight comes off after! I gained 50+LBS with dd and i was 5 lbs away from my pre pg weight when she was 5 months old when i got pg again.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/07 9:17 AM


Member since 5/05

1427 total posts


Re: quit smoking and gaining weight

I quit when i found out. I started doing some light exercise (like walking on the treadmill for 2 miles) a couple of times of week to help keep the quitting smoking lbs off.

Posted 1/19/07 10:29 AM

I'm a rolling machine.

Member since 9/06

2064 total posts


Re: quit smoking and gaining weight

I'd rather hear you gained too much weight and see you have a 10 pound baby because you stopped an unhealthy habit than hear you smoked and had a 5 pound baby. I also hope you can stay off the smokes after the baby as well. Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/07 12:16 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/06

891 total posts


Re: quit smoking and gaining weight

Thaks ladies!! This is my second pregnancy and I quit with my first too.
I embaressed to say Chat Icon but I gained a total of 80 lbs. with him. He was a 9 lb. 7 oz. baby! Chat Icon I told myself this time would be different but I see the same pattern..Chat Icon I guess I can't stress to much about it... if it''s gonna happen it's gonna happen. I'm not one that does well on diets and starving myself when I'm hungry....
I did loose it then.. I WILL loose it again. It's just strange.. I've never had a problem with my weight untill I quit smoking a become preggo... Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/07 2:52 PM

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