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Reading to your children - when to start?

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Reading to your children - when to start?

When did you start reading to your children? I went to B&N today and wanted to get some books to read to Chat Icon (when he comes) but don't even know where to begin.

I plan on starting to read to him right away, but my sister thought that was strange.

For moms with you read to your babies and if so, what are some books that you suggest?

TIAChat Icon

Posted 9/19/06 3:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

Oh God - I started reading to Joseph before bed the first night he was home! And every single night since. We read books 3x a day and he has his own that he "plays" with. He LOVES books. I encourage you to start early! It's excellent for them!

We read Guess How much I love you - countless elmo books - all the infant nascar "firsts" books - books with animals - pretty much all the board books out there!

Message edited 9/19/2006 3:20:30 PM.

Posted 9/19/06 3:19 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

Posted by jcndd

Oh God - I started reading to Joseph before bed the first night he was home! And every single night since. We read books 3x a day and he has his own that he "plays" with. He LOVES books. I encourage you to start early! It's excellent for them!

We read Guess How much I love you - countless elmo books - all the infant nascar "firsts" books - books with animals - pretty much all the board books out there!

That's what I was hoping to do. Thank you for the suggestions!

Posted 9/19/06 3:21 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

I think I started reading to Jake during his first month of life.

Now at 14 months it's still one of his favorite things to do. He'll sit there and flip through books on his own, sometimes he points to pictures and says what it is or brings one over to me so I can read it to him.

There's nothing cuter than hearing your infant go silent and you turn around to see him completely engrossed in a book.

Nothing wrong with starting early!

ETA: Jake loves the Sandra Boyton books.

Message edited 9/19/2006 3:24:16 PM.

Posted 9/19/06 3:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

In the womb!! seriously a friend bought me goodnight moon and some other books when she found out I was pregnant and I read them to my belly!!!

When DD was born I started reading straight away...of course she didnt care but now she is 7 1.2 mths she "talks" or hums along with this stage she wants to grab and eat the books so soft books are best but I have a ton of books for her and always have some scattered in her play area for her to "read"

We got some in T.J Maxx so that is a good and reasonable place to start. I love the "where is babys'...." range.

Posted 9/19/06 3:43 PM


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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

Started right from his first few nights home as well.
Aidan loves books, he will sit and "read" by himself since he could sit up and we read to him at least every night.

His favorites are:
Goodnight Moon
Sandra Boynton books
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you See?
Ten Little Ladybugs by Melanie Gerth (I am convinced this book taught him to count in a couple days)
Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type
The Napping House
Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
If You Give a Moose a Muffin
Where the Wild Things Are

and lately anything with numbers and letters.

Posted 9/19/06 3:45 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

We started around 5 months and it is amazing to later see how much they actually learned from the books! It is part of our bedtime routine every night!

Posted 9/19/06 4:21 PM

She's 7!!!

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

I started when I took her home from the hospital. I read to her every day and she's only 5 months old.

It couldn't hurt and it can only help them develop language and a love for books- to habits I hope to build in DD. Not to mention its a good bonding time for us.

Posted 9/19/06 4:38 PM

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

When they were infants (maybe a month old), I would read books.

I Love You Forever was a big hit.

When they were older (3-9 os.) I started reading the "board books". The picture of an apple with the word Apple""

Then from about 9-12 months, I would read stories like "How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?" and I would ask "where is the hat?" and they would point to the object. Then when they started saying words (at about 10-11 months), I would point & say "What is this?" and they would answer "Hat."

Posted 9/19/06 4:39 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

We swore we were going to start from Day 1, but we still haven't done it on a regular basis--a year later--and I'm a English teacher!!!

I had tried in the past, but DD is not a "sit still" kind of gal, so she just wasn't into it. Now, she knows how to say "book," she picks up all sorts of books and goes through them and loves my mini photo album too. I think it's about time we start!

Posted 9/19/06 4:39 PM


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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

Jacob will also not sit still, and i have tried on numerous occasions to read to him, but he just wants out of my lap. I still try every now and then, but so far it hasnt been a regular thing.

Posted 9/19/06 4:44 PM

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

We read to Julia every night before she goes to bed, we started reading to her when she was around 3 months old.

Posted 9/19/06 5:07 PM

life moves fast

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

I have read to my kids right from day one! It's the best thing you can do for them!Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/06 5:20 PM

I love my DS!!!

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

DS is 3 and a half months and I read to him...

Posted 9/19/06 5:25 PM

Straight up nasty

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

Posted by jcndd

Oh God - I started reading to Joseph before bed the first night he was home! And every single night since. We read books 3x a day and he has his own that he "plays" with. He LOVES books. I encourage you to start early! It's excellent for them!

We read Guess How much I love you - countless elmo books - all the infant nascar "firsts" books - books with animals - pretty much all the board books out there!

Same here...she would prefer a book over any toy.

Posted 9/19/06 5:36 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

We've read to DD since she was a few months Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/06 5:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

We have read to JAcob since the first night he has come home.. that was a year ago..

I really should be reading to him 3x a day but we don't get to do that every day but I definately read to him when he gets up and before he goes to sleep...

Posted 9/19/06 6:35 PM


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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

I've been reading to Jared since I brought him home.

Posted 9/19/06 6:38 PM

Spring Baby06
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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

I started right away.

Posted 9/19/06 7:29 PM

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

A few months as well....

Posted 9/19/06 7:45 PM

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

Message edited 2/8/2007 3:31:27 PM.

Posted 9/19/06 7:54 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

My DW groovypeg started reading so many wonderful books to Hannah right away.

I think it was/is very comforting to the both of them.

I like to read her Nietzche, Skinner, Neruda and the sports pages with the hopes of her becoming an Existential Behavioral Psychologist Poet that is the starting point guard for the NY Knicks

Posted 9/19/06 7:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

I started while still in my belly and haven't stopped sinceChat Icon

Posted 9/19/06 8:25 PM

Brothers For Life

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

We probably started at a month old. When my mother was watching DS she read at least two books a day. Now that DS is in daycare 4 days a week he's is read to a lot less Chat Icon

He pretty much passes out after dinner during the work week (he's a horrible napper at daycare) But, when I am with him, I get a book or two in! Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/06 8:35 PM

Life is good!

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Re: Reading to your children - when to start?

I read to her in the very beginning- my plan was to start from birth, which I did.

But then she started screaming, and didn't stop for 3 months, so it kind of stoppedChat Icon

At around 7 months she started sitting so I could read to her, now she loves it. I leave books around for her too and it is so cute- she picks them up and opens them and starts talking (babbling) like she is reading. So funny!

Posted 9/19/06 9:06 PM
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