Recommend you good but inexpensive umbrella stroller please!
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Recommend you good but inexpensive umbrella stroller please!
I am going to be finally venturing out alone with the twins shortly. I am going to have to put DS in the stroller and hold DD in my arms. My double stroller wont fit thru the door at the ped.
Posted 9/28/11 7:40 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Recommend you good but inexpensive umbrella stroller please!
No one?
Posted 9/28/11 11:10 PM |
He's coming soon!
Member since 4/10 4260 total posts
Re: Recommend you good but inexpensive umbrella stroller please!
I have the Maclaren Techno. They are super pricey but I bought mine on craigslist for a great deal and it was super clean. I see Maclarens on there all the time, it could be worth checking out. I really did my research when it came to getting an umbrella stroller and really liked the Maclaren because it came up high, I saw a lot of moms bending over pushing their stroller and didn't want to do that. The techno also reclines fully which is a big help when he falls asleep or is sleeping in the car and I transfer him.
Posted 9/29/11 9:44 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/11 1284 total posts
Re: Recommend you good but inexpensive umbrella stroller please!
i use the graco mosaic as an umbrella. really light, daughter is comfy in it, big basket, you can get for under $100 with coupons.
this one is actual $90 at BRU
Posted 9/29/11 10:12 AM |
enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
Re: Recommend you good but inexpensive umbrella stroller please!
what about a double maclaren ? I think they fit thru a regular door.
I love my single maclaren. Considering the double as my next stroller.
but honestly, in your situation I would just get a cheapo $20 single stroller they sell at BRU for those occasional times you need to put just 1 in a stroller. Because I would imagine most times you will have both. JMO
Posted 9/29/11 10:44 AM |
Re: Recommend you good but inexpensive umbrella stroller please!
Do they make back/front (not side by side) umbrella strollers? Whatever the cost, I would go with that option because having both babies in the stroller would make things easier for you. When you are juggling doors, diaper bags, etc. you will want your arms free. But if not, we have the Maclaren Volo and even though I like it, the way they designed it when it folds up is annoying because the wheels touch the umbrella part and obviously gets it filthy!
ETA: I found this... and a website with different styles.
Stroller link
Message edited 9/29/2011 1:46:15 PM.
Posted 9/29/11 1:37 PM |
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