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Reusable Shopping Bags

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Member since 12/06

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Reusable Shopping Bags

I always said I would never get them, what a hassle, etc. Boy was I wrong. LOVE them! They hold so much and are so much easier to carry than plastic ones. I forget to put them back in my car a lot, but I'm getting better at it Chat Icon

Posted 1/13/09 4:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

for a whole shopping trip, how many bags do you need.?

I always feel like I would need 10 of them.

Posted 1/13/09 4:32 PM

My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

17826 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I love them...Weekly I use 2 insulated bags & then 4 regular bags...Everything fits bc they actually hold a lot more then you think!

Posted 1/13/09 4:33 PM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

12785 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I bought one from Trader Joes a while back and I LOVE it. I live on the second floor and carrying up that one bag opposed to three plastic ones makes life so much nicer. Have to go back and buy more.

Posted 1/13/09 4:34 PM

Back to school is here

Member since 12/07

1052 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I got an insulated one and a regular one for Christmas so I now have 3. I just don't know about putting meat in them.

Posted 1/13/09 4:42 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I love them too! They are so much better than plastic bags.

I have 6 and that is all I need usually for a regular weekly trip.

Posted 1/13/09 4:44 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/08

298 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I love the reusable shopping bags!! I got some great ones from Whole Foods with nice, long straps so I can carry them on my shoulders too. I hate making trips back and forth to the car, and with these bags I can carry a lot more at once.

Also, in terms of the raw meat, I put it all in one plastic bag, and then inside the reusable one. I get really skeeved when it comes to raw meat coming in contact with anything.

Posted 1/13/09 4:47 PM

My Loves <3

Member since 7/07

10079 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

love them but I too forget to put back in my car!!
Plus you get money off!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/13/09 4:50 PM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

They are the best!

I have the Whole Foods ones and I've never used more than 5 bags - usually just 4. And we buy a TON of food every week!

They make it so much easier to carry the food from the car into our place... I can just throw them on my shoulders!

Posted 1/13/09 5:14 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I absolutely love them, but sometimes I forget them in my trunk and don't remember until I'm on line at the supermarket, or I leave them in the house.

Posted 1/13/09 5:44 PM

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Member since 2/06

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Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I have 5- I could use one or 2 more for a big shop

Posted 1/13/09 5:55 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

LOVE them! I also have a little fold up bag for my purse for when I am running errands, not for groceries.

Posted 1/13/09 6:06 PM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I forget them a lot, but I love using them. The one from Stop & Shop is my favorite - I feel like it's the biggest one I have and has a reinforced bottom.

Posted 1/13/09 6:40 PM


Member since 8/08

6657 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

Love, love , love them!! I even take them to Costvo..they hold a ton!!!

Posted 1/13/09 6:53 PM

Roll Tide!

Member since 8/08

3169 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I use 6 regulars and an insulated one. I have a family of 5 and it's usually enough. Plus I just bought an Ikea one for 89 cents. It's huge!!!

Posted 1/13/09 7:17 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I use them and love them.
I use about 6 bags for big shopping.

Posted 1/13/09 7:25 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

We have about 8 of them that we use at stop and shop. We also like that they take .05 cents off your order for each bag you use. Doesn't seem liek much but it adds up.

Posted 1/13/09 7:58 PM

Leah's here!

Member since 9/07

5404 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I use them ALL the time..I have 2 regular insulated (TJ's) and one large (TJ's) and a bunch of regular size..they hold a TON and love the long strapped ones!

Posted 1/13/09 8:15 PM

Life Coach

Member since 2/06

3337 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I ONLY use re-usable shooping bags. If I forget when I get to the store, I get so mad at myself Chat Icon

Posted 1/13/09 9:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/08

1650 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

Posted by Blu-ize

for a whole shopping trip, how many bags do you need.?

I always feel like I would need 10 of them.

I actually got a pack of 10 online! But I have never used more than 4 for my weekly shopping trips. They fit so much more than plastic bags and they are good for the environment

Posted 1/13/09 9:05 PM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

I agree, they are easy. You can carry so much more in them, loading and unloading doesn't take as long.

Posted 1/13/09 9:55 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Reusable Shopping Bags

LOVE them for Groceries. They carry soooo much more!

Posted 1/13/09 10:08 PM

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