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I just need to vent. I invited 25 kids to my daughters birthday party this summer.
5 said no, 3 said yes.... and 17 HAVE NOT RESPONDED!!!!
I can't handle it lol. Usually most who don't respond don't come right? or should I expect half of them? all of them? How do I prepare?!?
Posted 7/12/19 9:29 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 2/14 597 total posts
i would think most are no's- I had to text a lot of people and ask if they were coming to DS party- so inconsiderate...
Posted 7/12/19 10:16 AM |
I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11 10413 total posts
Summer bday parties are rough! Unfortunately, when you aren't seeing each other daily people sometimes forget. I'd reach out by text and ask people if they're coming.
Posted 7/12/19 10:26 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
It's rude . No excuse for being rude.
Posted 7/12/19 10:44 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
ugh!!! yeah... I'll never understand why people can't take 1 minute to RSVP the day or day after they get the invitation! it doesn't take that long to check your calendar and send a text or email to the host parents! or put the invite on your fridge like i do, so you look at it every day and have a reminder LOL
Posted 7/13/19 9:26 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
That would make me crazy. I've been using evite the past few years and always get 100% response with that. Although we do smaller parties typically so I'm sure that helps.
Posted 7/13/19 9:31 AM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
I would assume they are nos. I also use evite. Do you speak with these parents or are they more in school friends? If the latter, people go to summer camp and on vacation.
Posted 7/13/19 12:28 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/16 253 total posts
When is the party? Definitely reach out and ask. I find it’s a toss up with the ‘omg I’m sorry I totally forgot to respond’ and the ‘sorry we’re away’. I’m sure you’ll get some interesting responses.
Posted 7/13/19 8:34 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/11 2644 total posts
Definitely send out a reminder email or text .
Posted 7/16/19 2:51 PM |

Member since 3/09 7721 total posts
Most are no.
We just had a summer birthday party we said no to rescheduled.
People want their weekends during the summers.
We throw ours after school starts (2 kids with late summer birthdays).
Posted 7/22/19 4:55 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Regardless if nobody can make it due to it being summer, there is no excuse not to respond at all.
Message edited 7/22/2019 5:59:03 PM.
Posted 7/22/19 5:58 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Did you give them out in school to the kids before break? I can tell you my son never gives me anything. It’s a fight to get his test backs or important school work. I have to be like 007, it’s friggin annoying. The end of year is such a mess with all the crap they get back.
Several times this year I’ve seen old party invites, I have even missed the deadline to chip in for teachers gifts. He’s a bit of an @sshole. I’m sure I look like such a jerk but I really don’t have time to stalk my sons mess of a bag every day.
I think if parents can evites are the best method for school parties.
Message edited 7/23/2019 8:11:15 AM.
Posted 7/23/19 8:09 AM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/14 454 total posts
My DD birthday was over the summer. I had her birthday at home and not out because you have to guarantee so many people and it is hard to guarantee people in the summer because people travel. Having it home was a little easier although the few I had to chase down with a text. One never replied to my text until a month after the event.
Overall ...People are sooooo busy nowadays, don't you understand? Either that or they are truly waiting for something better for their kid to do if your event is not good enough Most of the time you know withing a day or two if your child can attend another child's event. People should have the courtesy, I know.
Message edited 8/27/2019 8:55:08 PM.
Posted 8/27/19 8:43 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Posted by myminions
Overall ...People are sooooo busy nowadays, don't you understand? Either that or they are truly waiting for something better for their kid to do if your event is not good enough Most of the time you know withing a day or two if your child can attend another child's event. People should have the courtesy, I know.
Yeah soooooo busy yet they can spend every waking minute on social media posting their every move, every shopping trip, every doctor's appointment, etc. They have their phones surgically attached to their hands but answering a text or RSVPing to a party is just way too much.
Posted 8/27/19 9:06 PM |
Miracles Do Come True

Member since 8/10 2287 total posts
Name: Caren
It is because of these posts that I do RSVP as soon as I know. I may not do it as soon as I get the invitation unless I know I can't go due to something we can't miss. I may wait till its closer to the party but I do RSVP. I have never had a birthday party for my 3 kids yet and Im thinking of having one for my son who is turning 8 in December. I may do it in November before the holiday craziness starts.
Posted 8/28/19 10:14 AM |
I'm never throwing another birthday party again!
I just threw a party for one of my kids. Sent invitations out a month in advance. After the RSVP date I had 7 outstanding. I refused to chase people down and counted them as no.
The week of the party all of them came out of the woodwork to rsvp yes. One of them text me 4 hours before the party asking to still go!!!!! The place where I had the party needed an exact head count including the names of all the attendees. I had to call them and update the list every time I got a call or text 
Then to add insult to injury I had multiple guests show up with siblings. Some of them got added to my final bill because they were sitting at the table when food was served.
In the past I have always invited siblings but this party was expensive and my DD wanted a girls only party. Some of the siblings were brothers... she didn't have her own male cousins there. Now that they are older it's so easy to just drop off. No need for parents to stay the entire 3 hour party with siblings
I'm so done with parties and inconsiderate people!!
Posted 8/28/19 2:06 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/14 454 total posts
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by myminions
Overall ...People are sooooo busy nowadays, don't you understand? Either that or they are truly waiting for something better for their kid to do if your event is not good enough Most of the time you know withing a day or two if your child can attend another child's event. People should have the courtesy, I know.
Yeah soooooo busy yet they can spend every waking minute on social media posting their every move, every shopping trip, every doctor's appointment, etc. They have their phones surgically attached to their hands but answering a text or RSVPing to a party is just way too much.
My exact thoughts ... I like you!
Posted 8/28/19 3:28 PM |
Posted by myminions
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by myminions
Overall ...People are sooooo busy nowadays, don't you understand? Either that or they are truly waiting for something better for their kid to do if your event is not good enough Most of the time you know withing a day or two if your child can attend another child's event. People should have the courtesy, I know.
Yeah soooooo busy yet they can spend every waking minute on social media posting their every move, every shopping trip, every doctor's appointment, etc. They have their phones surgically attached to their hands but answering a text or RSVPing to a party is just way too much.
My exact thoughts ... I like you!
This is so true!!!! I rsvp the day I get the darn invitation. It takes 2 seconds for me to check my calendar and text "I'm coming" or "sorry can't make it"
Posted 8/28/19 7:19 PM |
I ended up having three kids who RSVPed yes, not show up (well one showed up 45 minutes before the end and didn't bring a gift and her parents ate like 10 servings of food). But two people who said no changed their mind last minute and then re-rsvped?!? So in the end it almost evened out. I really can't believe some people and just hate the stress of this. I don't usually throw my DD a party. We like to go on vacation. This was only the fourth party we have thrown her and cemented in my mind the idea that I don't want to have another one until she is like 16! lol.... Glad I'm not alone, i thought maybe it was just me in this predicament... I guess it is a normal occurrence.
Posted 8/29/19 1:32 PM |
Miracles Do Come True

Member since 8/10 2287 total posts
Name: Caren
Posted by MerryChristmas
I'm never throwing another birthday party again!
I just threw a party for one of my kids. Sent invitations out a month in advance. After the RSVP date I had 7 outstanding. I refused to chase people down and counted them as no.
The week of the party all of them came out of the woodwork to rsvp yes. One of them text me 4 hours before the party asking to still go!!!!! The place where I had the party needed an exact head count including the names of all the attendees. I had to call them and update the list every time I got a call or text 
Then to add insult to injury I had multiple guests show up with siblings. Some of them got added to my final bill because they were sitting at the table when food was served.
In the past I have always invited siblings but this party was expensive and my DD wanted a girls only party. Some of the siblings were brothers... she didn't have her own male cousins there. Now that they are older it's so easy to just drop off. No need for parents to stay the entire 3 hour party with siblings
I'm so done with parties and inconsiderate people!!
OK this makes me not want to throw my kid a party. Maybe I can just invite a few of his close friends through text to a group party of 5 or 6 boys, movie, pizza and cake or even a small bowling get together. My fear is that everyone will say they can't come and then come or opposite no one shows up.
Posted 8/30/19 2:06 PM |