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Forum Opinion Poll
$1---$5000 30 23.08%
$10000--$20000 40 30.77%
$30000-$40000 16 12.31%
$50000-$60000 13 10.00%
$70000-$80000 12 9.23%
$90000-$100000 19 14.62%


Posted By Message


Member since 10/05

6039 total posts



I was wondering what was the consensus out there in terms of savings. Many people have wedding funds for the house..emergency funds...retirement get the point....Chat Icon
I was wondering....and this can be answered in confidentiality by using the poll.....
How much do you and your husband have in savings in cash in your bank for whatever it buy a house..repairs for a for a wedding etc....

Posted 2/15/06 9:16 AM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: Savings

DH and I have a few savings accounts, one is for a house on LI since we won't be selling the one we live in. We also have an investment account, in addition to our 401Ks. Then we have a working savings account that we use for emergencies, such as getting our roof repaired this year. I added them all up to come up with our # but it wasn't a choice.

Posted 2/15/06 9:56 AM


Member since 10/05

6039 total posts


Re: Savings

Posted by mommy2Alex

DH and I have a few savings accounts, one is for a house on LI since we won't be selling the one we live in. We also have an investment account, in addition to our 401Ks. Then we have a working savings account that we use for emergencies, such as getting our roof repaired this year. I added them all up to come up with our # but it wasn't a choice.

I wanted to add 100K+ and another choice for Zero...Zilch....Nada .....but the poll only has a few amount of entries and I couldn't add more.....

Posted 2/15/06 9:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

4675 total posts


Re: Savings

I answered for just what we have in cash in the bank. I didn't include retirement funds or investments.

Posted 2/15/06 10:12 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Savings

I know this is horrible, but we've never been able to afford to put any money into a savings account or retirement. Chat Icon I wish we could! Chat Icon

Posted 2/15/06 10:13 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Savings

Posted by npbride

I answered for just what we have in cash in the bank. I didn't include retirement funds or investments.

me too.

Posted 2/15/06 10:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

13060 total posts


Re: Savings

I put for our savings in the bank. With 2 kids, it is not much!
We do have money in stock (not too much again though!) and 401K's.

Posted 2/16/06 7:28 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Savings

we have about 35K saved on the side

Posted 2/16/06 7:30 PM


Member since 5/05

5208 total posts


Re: Savings

ive got money in my 403B retirement and my pension- other than that, it is check to check. i need to pay off bills!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 2/16/06 7:41 PM


Member since 5/05

3664 total posts


Re: Savings

Posted by CaidensMommy

I know this is horrible, but we've never been able to afford to put any money into a savings account or retirement. Chat Icon I wish we could! Chat Icon

I have a decent amount of money saved up... but I am in the same situation as you. We can't really afford to "save" any more.

So the money in the savings is our emergency fund... and DW knows we are not to touch this money for any circumstance.

ETA: I am still able to max out my 401k every year though, which is a good thing. The money I have saved in the bank is separate from the money I have in my 401k.

DW donates to her 401k... but not as much as I do.

Message edited 2/16/2006 7:49:43 PM.

Posted 2/16/06 7:48 PM

Time for me to FLY!

Member since 5/05

13199 total posts

Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: Savings

Of course we had a lot more $$ in savings before we bought our house! Chat Icon

But, we keep at least 6 months of mortgage payments in the bank that is not to be touched.

Message edited 2/16/2006 7:57:31 PM.

Posted 2/16/06 7:53 PM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: Savings

We don't own anything, so there isn't a home repair fund. We decided that six months worth of expenses is a good amount to have. That would include rent, food, utilities, metrocards- bascially EVERYTHING we spend in a month.

Posted 2/16/06 9:17 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Savings

My DH likes to live poorly and save richly. We have quite a bit saved and live with the bare minimum. Not what I would like, but I guess I'll be happy when we can retire young.

Posted 2/16/06 10:16 PM

Nike. Just do it.

Member since 5/05

3303 total posts


Re: Savings

What do YOU ppl do???

We have 25K from a years worth of savings...ALL For the weddign fund!!!

Posted 2/16/06 10:36 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: Savings

DH and I have a savings account as well as several CDs and money in stocks. I sometimes forget how much money we actually have saved, since it's all for the "future," whenever that is, and we try to keep our spending minimal.

Posted 2/16/06 10:38 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Savings

I chose one of the higher brackets, because Rich has "untouchable money" from a legal settlement a couple years ago. By "untouchable", I mean that it will NOT be used for anything other than a house. Its a healthy chunk towards a future downpayment - add that to our standard job savings, and you get my final #.

Posted 2/16/06 10:40 PM

Partners in crime

Member since 10/05

14656 total posts


Re: Savings

We are in good shape right now. We paid for our wedding 100% ourselves and it's all paid off. So we're able to put about 90%of our wedding gifts in the bank.

Posted 2/17/06 12:16 AM

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