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Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
That poor boy.
Posted 9/9/08 12:11 PM |
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Member since 3/07 1622 total posts
Name: A Family of 4
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
That is so upsetting to me, the poor children. I dont believe in hitting my child either but for those who do I think there is a time and a place.
Posted 9/9/08 12:16 PM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
What I find the worst is that she made him pull his pants down in public. That alone is abusive IMO.
Posted 9/9/08 12:45 PM |
Mom of 2 Princesses

Member since 9/07 2540 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
OH, i'm so sorry I read this post- I like to remain ignorant that this still happens in the world - Poor kid - my heart just cracked in two reading this...
Posted 9/9/08 12:51 PM |
My Son is my world...

Member since 10/07 3270 total posts
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
OMG that is so sad. I don't believe in spanking at all. The most i've done is a tap on DS's hands when he's bad but I try to just stick with doing the time outs but whatever the punishment is do it at home.
Posted 9/9/08 1:35 PM |

Member since 5/05 3116 total posts
Name: A
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
Posted by Goobster
What I find the worst is that she made him pull his pants down in public. That alone is abusive IMO.
ITA. Poor boy, I can not imagine.
Posted 9/9/08 1:37 PM |
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
Posted by BabySammie
I knew i shouldnt have open this post.. I hate hearing things like this.. Makes me so upset.
I feel the same way. I saw a child being smacked HARD in the face the other day and it is still bothering me. This incident would have sent me over the edge. WTH is WRONG WITH PEOPLE?! I'm sorry, no child deserves to be hit. DD is still young and I KNOW she is going to do things that push my patience but I can't justify this.
Posted 9/9/08 1:49 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/07 3915 total posts
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
it would bother me to see a parent hit their child, but it's their biz
but to pull his pants down in public that's abusive
Message edited 9/9/2008 6:24:49 PM.
Posted 9/9/08 6:23 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
Posted by Reese1106
And we sometimes wonder why people grow up to be the way they are. My heart just breaks for that little boy.
I totally agree. Maybe he did something to deserve a smack on the tushy, but to embarass him in a public place is another thing.
Posted 9/9/08 6:30 PM |
Carson's Mama

Member since 2/08 2430 total posts
Name: Elisabeth
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
I totally agree. Maybe he did something to deserve a smack on the tushy, but to embarass him in a public place is another thing.
I feel the exact same way....
Posted 9/9/08 6:39 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
Posted by lastchance1222
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG She should consider herself lucky I didn't see it..She would not have lived to see the next day..that is trassssssssh.
Same here!!
Posted 9/9/08 6:45 PM |
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
That upsets me. My mom used to do similar things. I am the best mom in the world by doing the opposite of everything I have learned from her.....
Posted 9/9/08 9:43 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
Posted by smdl
I am not sure what lesson she really think she is teaching. Except resetment from her child.
Exactly. I resnt my mother to this day for some of the things that she did to us when we were younger.
Posted 9/9/08 9:49 PM |
Best Friends

Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
Posted by Summerrluvv
Disgusting. I would have said something and then called the police. Not sure what they would've done, but still.
I wonder why it's "okay" to pull our kids pants down and hit them but not okay for adults to hit each other in the eyes of the law?
same here. if it was a mall I would have gotten security and made them call the police or child protective services.
Posted 9/9/08 9:53 PM |
2 1/2

Member since 12/05 1304 total posts
Name: kristen
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
poor kid.. so sad..
Posted 9/9/08 9:54 PM |
family is all that matters

Member since 6/06 6513 total posts
Name: browneyes
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
Posted by Summerrluvv
Disgusting. I would have said something and then called the police. Not sure what they would've done, but still.
as heartbroken as i was by seeing this, i don't think calling the police is the right thing. parents do have a right to discipline their children--including hitting. i may not agree with it, but there's nothing the police could have done.
she wasn't beating him up (although this wasn't much better) and it wasn't my place to say something.
a parent like that needs parent training. i just feel so badly for that little boy--but calling the police would have been the wrong thing to do
Posted 9/9/08 10:09 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
Posted by browneyedgirl
Posted by Summerrluvv
Disgusting. I would have said something and then called the police. Not sure what they would've done, but still.
as heartbroken as i was by seeing this, i don't think calling the police is the right thing. parents do have a right to discipline their children--including hitting. i may not agree with it, but there's nothing the police could have done.
she wasn't beating him up (although this wasn't much better) and it wasn't my place to say something.
a parent like that needs parent training. i just feel so badly for that little boy--but calling the police would have been the wrong thing to do
Well if they do that in public, who knows what goes on behind closed doors. Child abuse is a crime, and I would consider pulling down your childs pants in public and hitting him, child abuse, regardless of what the child did to "deserve" it. Sorry, just how I feel.
Posted 9/9/08 10:30 PM |
boys will be boys =)
Member since 9/05 7205 total posts
Name: :)
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
that's dispicable!
Posted 9/9/08 11:07 PM |
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Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: saw something so disturbing yesterday
OMG that is so not right
Posted 9/10/08 5:09 AM |
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