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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/10 853 total posts
SCH girls come in please
I had a bleed and was diagnosed with a SCH 2 weeks ago since then I've had some spotting or nothing at all. Today I Had a follow up ultrasound and everything looked great but when I got home I had a lot of brown discharge. I was told by the dr brown is to be expected and its ok bc it means old but I'm just confused that all of a sudden there is more. Is this common after a sonogram bc there probing around or could it be bc I was moving around a lot and prior to this I was resting?
Posted 3/14/13 10:07 PM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: SCH girls come in please
It could be from either of those things. Since you know you had an SCH, some bleeding is to be expected and brown is not a cause for concern. I have mannnny experiences with those nasty things. Good luck!!
Posted 3/15/13 12:16 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/10 853 total posts
SCH girls come in please
Yea thats what I thought! It's just nice to hear it confirmed from someone else. thank you!!!
Posted 3/15/13 5:25 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 9/12 28 total posts
Name: Laura
SCH girls come in please
I had brown discharge from taking progesterone suppositories and also had some spotting. The spotting was dried blood shedding from my uterus. I freaked out when I noticed the blood and met with the doctor immediately. Everything was fine. Good luck!
Posted 3/15/13 7:22 PM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: SCH girls come in please
i had a few of those and basically bled through most of my pregnancy and after sonos
Posted 3/16/13 12:03 AM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: SCH girls come in please
I had an SCH at 8 weeks with this pregnancy and I bled on and off for about a month. Mostly it was brown, other times red (but not a lot). I was told it was all normal and then it cleared up. They are scary though!
Posted 3/20/13 4:45 PM |
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