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schedule for 10 week old

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Love my Baby Boy!

Member since 4/07

5191 total posts


schedule for 10 week old

is anyone on some type of nap schedle, im trying to start one so that when i go back to work hes on one....

whats your schedule like??

Posted 2/27/08 10:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: schedule for 10 week old

DS is 12 weeks, but they are almost the same age. I try to put him down for a morning nap (he's taking one now). At times, he will not fall asleep though, so if he has not by 11 or 12, we go out for a walk, drive, or if the weather is really bad, I put him in his baby bjorn. One of those things helps.

I also put him down in the afternoon, around 3 or 4 for another nap. He usually sleeps more easily then, generally for an hour. He might doze again early evening, but I don't really push that. I do try to get him to go to sleep by 9 if he hasn't already.

Posted 2/27/08 10:56 AM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: schedule for 10 week old

DS is 10 weeks tomorrow and he pretty much dictated a schedule to me.

He goes in his swing about 10:30 with the white noise on, and takes a quick cat nap from 30-60 minutes. Sometimes he skips this nap.

Then at 3pm he goes down for a long 3 hour nap. If I put him down earlier he wakes up within 30 minutes.

Its funny too because DS loves to eat, every 3 hours like clock work, he rarely stretches it. 3pm is tiem for a bottle but he tends to skp this bottle and just go to bed instead. He eats so much I dont question.

My issue is bedtime, we are all over hte place, anywhere from 9:30-11:30. I would like to get a more definitive bedtime in place.

Posted 2/27/08 11:04 AM

Love my Baby Boy!

Member since 4/07

5191 total posts


Re: schedule for 10 week old

yes and its hard because when i take himout he fallas asleep in the

Posted 2/27/08 11:07 AM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: schedule for 10 week old

Posted by shellybean

yes and its hard because when i take himout he fallas asleep in the

I found that to really get teh schedule set, I had to be home for a few days. I think I stayed in for about 3-4 days and now even if he falls asleep in the stroller when I bring him home he still goes down at 3. It may be only 2 hours but he still gets a good nap.

Posted 2/27/08 11:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/07

1147 total posts


Re: schedule for 10 week old

We have no schedule. Its always a mystery to me on when DD is going to sleep or if she is going to sleep. Lately (knock on wood) she has been falling asleep by 2am at the latest and sleeping for 2 to 3 hours followed by 1 to 2, 2 to 3 hour naps in the morning. But it isnt like she falls right back to sleep..she is up for a couple of hours in between each sleep session.

There is no such thing as putting her down for a nap either....she will only fall asleep if we are holding her....if I lay her down awake or only a little asleep she either cries immediately or plays for awhile and then cries...she never falls asleep on her own.

Posted 2/27/08 1:01 PM

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