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LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
School Quarantines
This is gonna be of a "vent" than anything.... but how is your school handling "exposures"/ quarantines??
We live in NJ... my son is in 1st grade, and JUST last week went back in 4 days a week (hes been going 2 days a week all year) He and I were BOTH pysched out of our minds to finally be back to more of a routine and have a break from each other with the virtual school! (he needs a lot of help figuring out the tech part of it, so i have to sit pretty much right with him most of the time...) SOO his first week back of 4 days a week, and apparently the kid in the desk next to him tested positive. Even though their desks are spaced out, and they were masks the whole day... he is considered a "close contact" and has to quarantine for 2 weeks. BUT the didn't quarantine the whole class- only the few kids that sit closest to the infected kid. Makes sense... but makes it even harder to deal with being home with him again, knowing that theres kids who were also in the same room with the infected kid all day that don't have to quarantine (jealousy!! HAHAHA) His quarantine is 14 days.... and i asked if he could come back sooner if he gets a negative test. ( i understand him being home for at least a week.... but honestly, if he wasn't the positive one, they were all wearing masks and distanced- i feel like 10 days should be enough, and he should be able to go back next week! ) I was told that since our area is at "orange" level, he can't test out of quarantine. Ok, fine... but its is SO high and SO dangerous, then why isn't the whole class being quarantined??? I'm sure it all makes sense somehow- but i just hate that he wasn't the positive one, but we still have no choice- no option to shorten the disruption to our routine and our lives. And to top if all off... they have specific virtual teachers.... so he is now having to switch to the virtual teacher for these 2 weeks- which is even more of a disruption and change. I'm just SO SO over all of this!!!!! Thanks for reading if you got this far!!!
Message edited 3/24/2021 1:41:33 PM.
Posted 3/24/21 3:25 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/15 793 total posts
School Quarantines
My district quarantines the whole entire class! I should knock on wood the only time my dd had to quarantine so far (and I hope it stays that way!)it fell over winter recess so there was no school missed. (Just had to cancel winter break plans) I know I’ve read on these boards that it seems like most districts only quarantine the kids closest to the positive child. And our quarantine is only for 10 days from the day the child was last in the building. I am hoping by September that this is all a bad memory for I have a mini heart attack every time I see the school number show up on my phone!
ETA: she’s in third grade and has been back to school 5 days a week since the beginning of the school year
Message edited 3/24/2021 3:56:51 PM.
Posted 3/24/21 3:56 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
School Quarantines
Our district just switched to those within 6 ft last month, which has been nice as the whole school doesn't shut down for 2 cases anymore like it was in the fall/winter.
We only have to quarantine for 10 days now from the day of exposure and there is no testing out either. When was the child last in school? And 14 days counts weekends so you don't have three full weeks of remote learning - and spring break is coming up isn't it? Being quarantined for spring break is less than ideal but still.
Posted 3/24/21 1:26 PM |
Love my boys!!
Member since 1/12 3548 total posts
Name: Christine
School Quarantines
In our school, the Pre-K students all quarantine if there is a positive case. Kindergarten & up, it is only the children who sit directly near the sick student, typically about 3 students. Quarantine is 10 days from when the infected person was last in the school building.
Posted 3/24/21 3:13 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: School Quarantines
I'm in NJ too and it's the same exact as yours. THe nurses go and see everyone within 6 ft of the child who was tested positive for Covid. Bus and classroom. It's insane and exhausting. I feel bad for the nurses, but totally sucks every time someone is positive even with masks.
Posted 3/24/21 5:41 PM |
My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10 2943 total posts
Re: School Quarantines
NYC DOE, one kid in class tests positive, the entire class is remote then for 10 days. 2 kids in building, entire building is remote for 10 days. Mind you they could be on separate floors and none of these kids have contact with each other anyway. Many parents fighting this but I’m sure will go nowhere.
Posted 3/25/21 12:18 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Re: School Quarantines
Posted by Dolphinsbaby
NYC DOE, one kid in class tests positive, the entire class is remote then for 10 days. 2 kids in building, entire building is remote for 10 days. Mind you they could be on separate floors and none of these kids have contact with each other anyway. Many parents fighting this but I’m sure will go nowhere.
We used to be like this in middle/high school since anyone who was in contact with the student during the day had to quarantine (meaning every teacher). Once it hit 3 in elementary, they went full remote.
It baffles me the discrepancies in quarantine rules between schools and between schools and other instances.
My son's piano teacher tested positive 2 days after a lesson but because of the protocols they had in place, he didn't have to quarantine. He was right next to her for 30 minutes. They were masked but how is that less risky than being within 6 ft of someone masked at school?
Posted 3/25/21 12:34 PM |