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Self Contained Classrooms--

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boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Self Contained Classrooms--

Can you guys teach me more about self contained classrooms?

Are the children placed there at the parents' request, or is it based on their evaluations, etc?

Ive been in many self contained classes, and have never asked about classifications, LDs, etc. At times, Ive been told what their learning disabilities (or other disabilities) were.

But, I hope this doesnt come across the wrong way, but Ive come across students that I really had to wonder what their classification was. they were totally well behaved, listened, followed instructions, is there a huge range of students in a class ? One TA told me that one boy had emotional issues, (but they were never displayed when I was there).. Im just curious what classifies a child for self contained.

Thanks !

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Posted 4/28/08 4:23 PM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

7650 total posts


Re: Self Contained Classrooms--

i teach in a primarily self-contained classroom.... i say that because i only push in for a small part of the day... and then it is stuff that they can handle: i.e. music, art, science (hands-on), etc. etc.

There is a huge range of abilities in a self-conatined class. Children are NOT placed in this setting on parents request: "oh, yeah, it's a smaller student to teacher ratio!" placement in a class like this is based on formal evaluations such as psych. testing, standardized testing, school behaviors and performances,etc. ALL students in a self-contained class are classified.

in my ONE class, i have:
1 child classified as ED
3 as other health impaired (2 have severe attentional issues, one in my opinon is a combo. of developmentally delayed, but no "diagnosis"
1 is autistic
2 are speech-language impaired.

besides my one ED child, all my students are well-behaved. just because they can follow directions, listen well and "play school" as i like to say, doesn't mean they don't need the services. i have one kid, who at the beginning of the year, i was like " why is he in my class?" his speech impairment issues however have had significant and negative impacts on his aiblity to retain and process information and to write coherently--- just as an example.

to answer your question, students must between the 25-35% percentile to receive services in a particualr area. (i.e. a speech area for speech thereapy). Most of these kids receive related services and/or resource room.

Slef-continaed kids are 99% of the time well below even the 25% in testing... hence the need for serious mediation and support.

At times, and i have had a few students like this, academically their skills are great... but due to perhaps emotional, behavioral, or physical problems, they just can not handle a general ed. class. my Ed student this year is SOOO smart, but she can not take the sensory input and demands in a regular setting. she needs a smaller environment with very CLEAR and explicit rules and expectations for her behavior...those needs for her, cannot be made in a regular ed. room.

So yes, even though i have a self-contained class, even here the needs run the gamut. i have an emtional wreck, that is so smart, an autistic boy that stims for a good part of the day, one with severe processing delays (talk about wait time!!!) and others with attentional issues. they keep on my toes!

i hope i answered youw question... feel free to FM or post again if I can clarify anything.

Posted 4/28/08 4:47 PM

So blessed!

Member since 11/06

10348 total posts


Re: Self Contained Classrooms--

Karen's answer was pretty comprehensive.

I teach at the high school level and the students in my self-contained classes are very well behaved. From just observing, you probably wouldn't even be able to pick out who has which classification. Most of my students need a slower pace of instruction and more explanation and practice than in a regular classroom.

I have a whole range of disabilities in my classes from LD, OHI, ED and SI.

Posted 4/28/08 6:34 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: Self Contained Classrooms--

I have a self contained K-2 classroom with Hearing Impaired students.
this classroom was specifically designed for students who have a significant delay in their language. Although we do stick to the standard course of study, all my lessons are centered around langauge and vocabulary, catching them up, so they can join their regular peers.
I've already mainstremed one student.
But they do spend time with general ed kids...recess, lunch and specials (PE, Music, art, etc)

All my kids are well behaved...I do have one child who was just identified with an Intellectual disability and has some behavior issues (but they are mangable)

Posted 4/29/08 6:48 PM

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