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LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
... anyone??
CindySN23 - 9/9 star444 - 9/19 pup522 - 9/19 Summergrl14 - 9/27 PJ131313 - 9/28 Tryingandhiding - 9/29
Message edited 6/12/2017 2:13:18 PM.
Posted 3/22/17 11:12 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
Re: September 2017 Mamas
Posted by star444
... anyone??
Me!!!!! Due 9/28 with my 2nd baby girl
Posted 3/22/17 12:45 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/16 625 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
Me to!!! Due with a baby boy 9/27!!! I have a 2 1/2 year old DD.
Posted 3/22/17 12:46 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
I am due 9/19 with a baby girl, I have a 16 month old DS.
Posted 3/22/17 1:25 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
So cool! Since we are all pregnant with our 2nd - am I the only one that looks 6 months pregnant already???? lol
Posted 3/22/17 2:41 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
Re: September 2017 Mamas
Posted by PJ131313
So cool! Since we are all pregnant with our 2nd - am I the only one that looks 6 months pregnant already???? lol
I don't know if its the old wives tale of carrying a boy vs girl, but I feel DISGUSTING lol. I literally feel like my stomach is growing sideways instead of out. And I haven't gained a lb as of my last appt. But yes I am definitely showing quicker, it doesn't help that I didn't lose all the weight from last time..
In other news, are you reusing everything from DC 1? I don't know if I should buy new bottles / nipples and pacis at least?
Posted 3/22/17 2:46 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
Re: September 2017 Mamas
Posted by star444
Posted by PJ131313
So cool! Since we are all pregnant with our 2nd - am I the only one that looks 6 months pregnant already???? lol
I don't know if its the old wives tale of carrying a boy vs girl, but I feel DISGUSTING lol. I literally feel like my stomach is growing sideways instead of out. And I haven't gained a lb as of my last appt. But yes I am definitely showing quicker, it doesn't help that I didn't lose all the weight from last time..
In other news, are you reusing everything from DC 1? I don't know if I should buy new bottles / nipples and pacis at least?
Haha I feel gross too. It's harder this time because I am so aware of how much worse it's going to get. Wah.
My husband and I were just talking last night about that - we might get new bottles. I really wasn't thrilled with our daughter's bottles. We had BornFree and they ALWAYS leaked all over the place. Plus they are glass and really heavy and one or two of them broke along the way. I also want to get a better carrier. We had one but I found it almost impossible to put on by myself - my husband always needed to do the clips in the back. I suspect I'll be wanting to wear this baby more than with my daughter since I have a toddler now too.
Posted 3/22/17 2:49 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 10/15 63 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
Me! It's my first though
Due 9/19 with a girl
Posted 3/22/17 3:34 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
Re: September 2017 Mamas
Posted by PJ131313
Posted by star444
Posted by PJ131313
So cool! Since we are all pregnant with our 2nd - am I the only one that looks 6 months pregnant already???? lol
I don't know if its the old wives tale of carrying a boy vs girl, but I feel DISGUSTING lol. I literally feel like my stomach is growing sideways instead of out. And I haven't gained a lb as of my last appt. But yes I am definitely showing quicker, it doesn't help that I didn't lose all the weight from last time..
In other news, are you reusing everything from DC 1? I don't know if I should buy new bottles / nipples and pacis at least?
Haha I feel gross too. It's harder this time because I am so aware of how much worse it's going to get. Wah.
My husband and I were just talking last night about that - we might get new bottles. I really wasn't thrilled with our daughter's bottles. We had BornFree and they ALWAYS leaked all over the place. Plus they are glass and really heavy and one or two of them broke along the way. I also want to get a better carrier. We had one but I found it almost impossible to put on by myself - my husband always needed to do the clips in the back. I suspect I'll be wanting to wear this baby more than with my daughter since I have a toddler now too.
I was thinking about getting new ones anyway because my DS still uses one (!!) for bedtime and I kind of like the pink Dr. Browns bottles to differentiate their bottles lol. Good idea about the carrier, I definitely feel like I will use it this time around with an active toddler. I am tired just thinking about it
Message edited 3/22/2017 4:31:10 PM.
Posted 3/22/17 4:30 PM |
Stop, Think & Breathe...

Member since 8/11 3550 total posts
Name: Cindy
September 2017 Mamas
I am due 9/9 with DS#2
Posted 3/23/17 7:40 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/16 625 total posts
Re: September 2017 Mamas
Posted by PJ131313
So cool! Since we are all pregnant with our 2nd - am I the only one that looks 6 months pregnant already???? lol
I'm huge! I was looking at pics from my first pregnancy compared to this one and I look like I did when I was 6 months pregnant with DD.
I had to go into maternity pants last week because I literally couldn't button any of my regular pants. Doesn't help that I'm also 15 lbs heavier this pregnancy
Posted 3/23/17 9:42 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/16 625 total posts
Re: September 2017 Mamas
In other news, are you reusing everything from DC 1? I don't know if I should buy new bottles / nipples and pacis at least?
I will probably buy new bottles, nipples and pacis. I have some that were never open, so I may give those a try. Everything else, however, we are going to reuse. This little boy better like lots of pink!
Posted 3/23/17 9:44 AM |
Stop, Think & Breathe...

Member since 8/11 3550 total posts
Name: Cindy
September 2017 Mamas
I am reusing as much as possible since I kept everything in pretty good condition and I have unopened nipples and pacis.
I may need to buy some new clothes since they are off in seasons. DS#1 was born in the spring.
Posted 3/24/17 7:52 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
Is anyone feeling movement? I am getting nervous because I thought I felt something a few weeks ago but I really am not feeling much at 16 weeks. Thanks
Posted 4/3/17 9:54 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
Re: September 2017 Mamas
Posted by star444
Is anyone feeling movement? I am getting nervous because I thought I felt something a few weeks ago but I really am not feeling much at 16 weeks. Thanks
I've had a few occasions of "hmmm..was that the baby?" but nothing definite. I didn't start feeling my daughter until 16-17 weeks at the earliest and I'm almost 15 now so I'm trying not to get too worried about it.
I do have a home-doppler that I use every third or fourth night to find the heartbeat so I don't go crazy in the meantime. Can't wait to feel those constant kicks, though.
Posted 4/3/17 9:58 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
How's everyone doing? I have my 16 week appointment tonight. My morning sickness is still raging and I'm (literally) praying it goes away soon.
Posted 4/12/17 1:13 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
Good luck!! I just had my 16 week appointment and a sonogram on Friday -- looking like a real baby with a little profile and all, so amazing. I was surprised to find out I have only gained 2 lbs since my first visit. I never fully lost all the weight from my DS, so this was kind of a relief to me. I have occasional morning sickness, I have gotten sick a handful of times, including this morning. I am officially wearing maternity pants, I forgot how comfy they are...
Posted 4/12/17 1:34 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/16 625 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
I had my 16 week appointment yesterday and everything sounded great! For some reason the office has me at a higher starting weight so according to them I only gained 1.4 lbs, but according to reality it's more like 3.4, which I'm still okay with. I"m also carrying some extra weight from my first, so really trying not to gain as much with this one.
I also think I'm definitely feeling him. This morning I felt a very distinct kick!
Posted 4/12/17 3:27 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
Had my 16 week appointment last night and i've already gained 20 lbs. I was horrified. The same thing happened with my DD. I am so sick in the beginning and the only thing that makes me feel better is eating carbs all day. My doctor didn't seem concerned but I am really nervous and just assuming I will have GD again. Got to hear the baby's heartbeat though, which is always reassuring.
Posted 4/13/17 8:04 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
If your doc doesn't seem concerned then I am sure it's ok. Fingers crossed about the GD though. Glad your appointment went well!
Posted 4/13/17 9:15 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
September 2017 Mamas
Do you guys have names yet?
Posted 4/17/17 3:23 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
Re: September 2017 Mamas
Posted by star444
Do you guys have names yet?
LOL I was literally about to jump on here and ask the same question because NO.
My husband and I are having a really, really hard time. We picked our DD's name so easily and trying to find another girl name we both love feels impossible! We will settle on something and then a few weeks later we kind of agree that it doesn't feel right.
Posted 4/17/17 3:25 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/15 353 total posts
Re: September 2017 Mamas
Posted by PJ131313
Posted by star444
Do you guys have names yet?
LOL I was literally about to jump on here and ask the same question because NO.
My husband and I are having a really, really hard time. We picked our DD's name so easily and trying to find another girl name we both love feels impossible! We will settle on something and then a few weeks later we kind of agree that it doesn't feel right.
Same here. We spent a good like 30 minutes yesterday at the Easter dinner table throwing names around. I feel like I don't LOVE any of them.
Posted 4/17/17 3:33 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 3/15 43 total posts
Re: September 2017 Mamas
20 weeks today! It's a boy, due September 17th with our first! So excited to make it to the halfway point!
Message edited 4/30/2017 10:30:57 AM.
Posted 4/30/17 10:29 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/14 328 total posts
Re: September 2017 Mamas
Posted by ktcishot
20 weeks today! It's a boy, due September 17th with our first! So excited to make it to the halfway point!
Posted 5/1/17 3:05 PM |
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