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Shin Spints and Chi Running question

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/08

526 total posts


Shin Spints and Chi Running question

Every since the last race (LI Half) my legs are seriously hurting. My left shin kills, and now my left knee and lower thigh area hurt too..what the heck?? My right hamstring is always an issue too but I have that under control a bit!
I probably need a good break and will take one.

In the mean time I was doing some research and learned about Chi Running...has anyone read the book or watched the DVD? I want to know if it really helps, it seems hard to change the way I run but I am willing to try!

Posted 5/12/09 1:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 11/08

135 total posts


Re: Shin Spints and Chi Running question

Shin splints are usually caused by your shoes. If you are running alot you should try and go to a place that will evaluate your feet.

I have a bad knee and its really hard to run. What is Chi running?

Posted 5/12/09 2:12 PM

Back to school

Member since 4/07

1385 total posts


Re: Shin Spints and Chi Running question

I have been reading the book and its is hard to change your running form. I have tried doing it during my runs and find that it hurts more or feels uncofomfortable so then I go back to running my normal way.

Sorry about the shin splints. Maybe you should take a week off to heal and then start over again.

Posted 5/12/09 2:29 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/08

526 total posts


Re: Shin Spints and Chi Running question

Posted by Heinznywd

Shin splints are usually caused by your shoes. If you are running alot you should try and go to a place that will evaluate your feet.

I have a bad knee and its really hard to run. What is Chi running?

I have been evaluated 3 times - its not the shoes, it has to do with impact and how my foot strinkes the ground. Also some people are just prone to getting them when some are not. Chi running helps to correct your form and which will help eliminate running injuries

Posted 5/12/09 2:49 PM

Now a mom of 2!

Member since 6/07

4970 total posts


Re: Shin Spints and Chi Running question

From my experience, running on shin splints makes them worse and it takes so much longer for them to go away. If I were you, I'd significantly decrease my mileage for a couple of weeks, ice my shins after every run, and try really hard not to run up any inclines. Maybe try spinning or the elliptical for a couple of weeks?

I'm sorry, I don't know anything about chi running. I Googled around and think this explains it pretty well:


Posted 5/12/09 5:25 PM

2 and through

Member since 9/07

3939 total posts


Re: Shin Spints and Chi Running question

I have been dealing with shin splints since about February. It was so bad the the dr. thought I had a stress fracture. My left leg is sooo much worse and I know it is all about the impact b/c I have been evaluated and have the correct shoes also.

I am at a loss, I have even rested for 3 weeks with no running and the second I start back up the splints come backChat Icon

Sorry I cant be of any help but just letting you know I feel your pain lol

Posted 5/12/09 7:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: Shin Spints and Chi Running question

Can you run on grass - like the inside of a HS track? that's what my old coach would have us do for shin can also tape your feet for support.

Posted 5/12/09 8:59 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/08

526 total posts


Re: Shin Spints and Chi Running question

Posted by olliesmama

I have been dealing with shin splints since about February. It was so bad the the dr. thought I had a stress fracture. My left leg is sooo much worse and I know it is all about the impact b/c I have been evaluated and have the correct shoes also.

I am at a loss, I have even rested for 3 weeks with no running and the second I start back up the splints come backChat Icon

Sorry I cant be of any help but just letting you know I feel your pain lol

Have you read up about the Chi running, it seems to make sense. Also have you tried taking advil before runs, I find that helps alot! I may take off for 2 weeks, we'll see.

The last time I got them I scaled back and only ran once a week, as opposed to 2-3 times. It helped and they got better but whenever I build mileage or do a half marathon, they come back!

Posted 5/13/09 12:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: Shin Spints and Chi Running question

Posted by Jenna04
Also have you tried taking advil before runs, I find that helps alot!

Don't take any ibruprophen before running (or naproxin) - it raises your blood pressure, as does running, which together can be fatal, even for healthy, fit people.

Posted 5/13/09 3:13 PM

Back to school

Member since 4/07

1385 total posts


Re: Shin Spints and Chi Running question

Posted by Erica

Posted by Jenna04
Also have you tried taking advil before runs, I find that helps alot!

Don't take any ibruprophen before running (or naproxin) - it raises your blood pressure, as does running, which together can be fatal, even for healthy, fit people.

I totally agree.

Do you have the breathing technique down in regards to the book? I have been really trying to learn that.

Posted 5/13/09 3:15 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/08

526 total posts


Re: Shin Spints and Chi Running question

Posted by Ik1

Posted by Erica

Posted by Jenna04
Also have you tried taking advil before runs, I find that helps alot!

Don't take any ibruprophen before running (or naproxin) - it raises your blood pressure, as does running, which together can be fatal, even for healthy, fit people.

I totally agree.

Do you have the breathing technique down in regards to the book? I have been really trying to learn that.

Uh-oh...I never knew that and take advill alot before running. Not alot but at least before races!

I havent gotten the book yet but only did some reading online and watched some videos.

Posted 5/18/09 3:36 PM

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