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Shooting pain in left leg??

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Carson's Mama

Member since 2/08

2430 total posts


Shooting pain in left leg??

Everytime I stand up I get a strong shooting pain up and down my leg (the left one). After I walk for a few seconds, it goes away but those first few seconds are WHOA!! Chat Icon

What is this and how can I make it go away?

Posted 8/12/08 4:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Re: Shooting pain in left leg??

right there with ya sista

Freaking painful as all hell

walking or sitting doesnt really make a difference.

I can even get it sitting now..

No cure... doc just told me to put a heat pad on it and stay off my feet if possible.

Posted 8/12/08 4:48 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


Re: Shooting pain in left leg??

It sounds like sciatica. If you find a cure, let me know. Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/08 4:52 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/08

228 total posts


Re: Shooting pain in left leg??

It is probably sciatica. I had this early in my pregnancy and my OB told me to start taking calcium supplements. I did and the pain went away.

Posted 8/12/08 4:54 PM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: Shooting pain in left leg??

Welcome to the world of sciatica. I almost fell a couple of times because of it Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/08 5:57 PM

It's all about Sophia

Member since 9/07

1731 total posts


Re: Shooting pain in left leg??

welcome to the club I find that walking it off works I have a herniatic disc and sciatica so the more I walk the better

Posted 8/13/08 6:24 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Shooting pain in left leg??

yes, sounds like sciatica. I get it from time to time too.

Posted 8/13/08 7:54 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Shooting pain in left leg??

Ugh... unfortunately, it's one of the worst pregnancy symptoms (along with leg cramps in the middile of the night!).

It sounds like the sciatica to me, too. I started experiencing this very early on, and I consulted with a physical therapist about this, and she suggested to stretch the area whenever possible, and it's helped keep them "away". 2 stretches:

*Lie flat on your back, and lift your knees to your chest, then rotate them from your left side to the right
(I ran with this, and actually slept in this fetal-like position, and it pretty much went away in a few days)
*Laying down on your back, with a few pillow underneath your waist, spread your arms at your sides, and push them towards the floor, so that your back is arched, and you feel a stretch.

Hope this helps!

Posted 8/13/08 10:17 AM

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