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should i send a card to my ex's folks?

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My Love

Member since 5/05

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should i send a card to my ex's folks?

obviously my boyfriend and i breaking up was very sudden, despite the fact that i feel no closure with him I still feel so weird that i never even got to liek say 'goodbye" to his mom and dad.. i mean we dated for over a yr they took me out to dinne rwith the family so many times....picked me up at the airport when we went on trips..and drove me to my ex's house if they were heading to NJ..i wanted to send them some sort of thank you card acknowedging how much i appreciate all they did for me when i was with that weird???

what should i say exactly?

Posted 12/27/06 11:33 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

just me, but I wouldn't do it. I think the thought is nice, but i would just cut all ties and move on... i'm sure you thanked them when they took you out, so its not like the gesture went unnoticed. Chat Icon

Posted 12/27/06 11:35 AM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

Maybe something like..

Dear so & so

It's hard to believe such an insentive azz like your son came out of two such wonderful people. Thanks for everything you did for me. I'll miss you.


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Posted 12/27/06 11:35 AM

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

I wouldn't. That would be keepig the door open with them when what you really need is to move on......

Posted 12/27/06 11:36 AM

But I love the Snow!

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

Mike and I broke up one christmas I brought gifts and sent cards. They appreciated.

Posted 12/27/06 11:36 AM

My Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

phyllis i love ur version best! LOL... ok so maybe i should just leave things as is hmm...ok point well taken, thanks guys!!!

Posted 12/27/06 11:38 AM


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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

Posted by neenie

just me, but I wouldn't do it. I think the thought is nice, but i would just cut all ties and move on... i'm sure you thanked them when they took you out, so its not like the gesture went unnoticed. Chat Icon

I completely agree.

Posted 12/27/06 11:38 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

No, personally I wouldnt. Its asking for some kind of repercution (sp). I love my MIL but if DH and I ended it even after 9 years together I ended it with her also. Parents will always side with the kids. JMHO.

Posted 12/27/06 11:39 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/06

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

I would not.

Posted 12/27/06 11:40 AM

Feel better my little guy!

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

If you do I would just say "I hope you enjoyed your holiday and wish you all the best. Regards, Michele" Or something like that. Nothing over the top - but just to be the nice person you areChat Icon

Posted 12/27/06 11:40 AM

Baby Delicious!

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

I am like you. I would certainly want to send them something, especially if you had that relationship with them, but I don't think you should. Your absense is known.

Posted 12/27/06 11:40 AM


Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

no dont do it.

he will think its a plea to get back with him through his parents, even though its not, he may take it the wrong way.

i really dont think its a good idea.

Posted 12/27/06 11:43 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

Posted by salumunz

Posted by neenie

just me, but I wouldn't do it. I think the thought is nice, but i would just cut all ties and move on... i'm sure you thanked them when they took you out, so its not like the gesture went unnoticed. Chat Icon

I completely agree.

Me too.... I can understand why you want to do it, but I don't think you should. The relationship is over and to contact his parents would be opening all kinds of doors.

Posted 12/27/06 11:43 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

I had been with someone for four years. We permeated each others lives in a way that I never thought possible when we were together. However when we split, it was completely over. No calls. No ties. No nothing. It was the best thing for me.

Your thoughts to send a card already indicate that you are a good person. I am sure they know that. Just remember their allegiances will always be with their child - regardless of how abrupt or insesntive his breaking up with you really was. My ex b/fs parents treated me like a daughter for years but once it was over, I never spoke to or heard from them again. It was a clean break.

Message edited 12/27/2006 11:58:31 AM.

Posted 12/27/06 11:58 AM

Love Being A Mommy!

Member since 6/06

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

Posted by neenie

just me, but I wouldn't do it. I think the thought is nice, but i would just cut all ties and move on... i'm sure you thanked them when they took you out, so its not like the gesture went unnoticed. Chat Icon

My ex and I broke up suddenly also and I never got to say goodbye to his family. I felt pretty close to his mom and was kinda sad that I never got to thank her for being so good to me. But I felt contacting her would put her in an awkward position. When we first broke up though, I did send an e-mail to his brother in law to kinda say thanks and goodbye.

Posted 12/27/06 12:03 PM

27 dresses.?.ha..TY everyone

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

I wouldn't. My husbands brother's ex did that. All they talk about is how she is using them to get back with his brother. Maybe that isn't what this girl is trying to do, but they see it as a pathetic attempt to get back with their son.

Posted 12/27/06 12:20 PM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

good point, thanks girls--i have no intnetions of getting back with him at mind has been made up..and i certainly wouldnt want them to think thats my intention..i think im going to let the situation die, im sure they knew i appreciated it..ty for the advice! :)

Posted 12/27/06 12:22 PM

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

Posted by Goldi0218

I had been with someone for four years. We permeated each others lives in a way that I never thought possible when we were together. However when we split, it was completely over. No calls. No ties. No nothing. It was the best thing for me.

Your thoughts to send a card already indicate that you are a good person. I am sure they know that. Just remember their allegiances will always be with their child - regardless of how abrupt or insesntive his breaking up with you really was. My ex b/fs parents treated me like a daughter for years but once it was over, I never spoke to or heard from them again. It was a clean break.

I agree. Wonderful gesture but not necessary. I wouldn't do it.

My ex-bf still wanted contact with my parents. Finally I told him to knock it off because I got custody of my parents & friends. I also told him I thought he should move because the town was mine too. It took him a few months to realize it really was.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Go for the clean break.

Posted 12/27/06 12:22 PM

I need a nap!

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

The thought is nice but it may come across as needy, although you aren't, but I think it would be best to just cut all ties.

Posted 12/27/06 12:33 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

Posted by atracinact

Maybe something like..

Dear so & so

It's hard to believe such an insentive azz like your son came out of two such wonderful people. Thanks for everything you did for me. I'll miss you.


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Oooh I love this advice best of all!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Well said Chat Icon

But seriously -- Michi, as the other girls have said.. it's best you just leave it be and not send a card to his parents. I know exactly why you want to do it.. I would feel the same way (and HAVE felt the same way in past situations) but in the end, it's best to just leave things alone and just know in your heart that his parents will know that you appreciated how well they treated you , and vice versa Chat Icon Just the fact you wanted to make such a sweet gesture is a testament to how sweet YOU are Chat Icon

Posted 12/27/06 12:53 PM

Life is good!

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

Posted by MrsPorkChop

no dont do it.

he will think its a plea to get back with him through his parents, even though its not, he may take it the wrong way.

i really dont think its a good idea.

I was thinking the same thing. Unless you want him back, don't send anything. And even if you don't want him back, it will look like you do.

Message edited 12/27/2006 1:38:34 PM.

Posted 12/27/06 1:38 PM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

Posted by sunny

Posted by MrsPorkChop

no dont do it.

he will think its a plea to get back with him through his parents, even though its not, he may take it the wrong way.

i really dont think its a good idea.

I was thinking the same thing. Unless you want him back, don't send anything. And even if you don't want him back, it will look like you do.

i agree with this too.

Posted 12/27/06 2:30 PM

New Year!

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

Posted by MrsPorkChop

no dont do it.

he will think its a plea to get back with him through his parents, even though its not, he may take it the wrong way.

i really dont think its a good idea.

totally agree with this!

Posted 12/27/06 2:39 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

I think your heart is in the right place but I probably wouldn't send anything. I'm sure they know you were grateful for all that they did while the two of you were dating.

Posted 12/27/06 3:13 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

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Re: should i send a card to my ex's folks?

No Way! It is NOT necessary...its best just to cut all ties.

Posted 12/27/06 4:20 PM
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