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Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05 26170 total posts
Name: MrsERod™®
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
I have 2 SIL's, and I love them both!!
Posted 5/23/05 11:33 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
I got so lucky with my SILs (2 are my brothers' wives and one is my DH's sister). I like all three very much.
Posted 5/23/05 11:40 AM |
can hardly wait

Member since 5/05 2650 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
I hate my FSIL!
Posted 5/23/05 11:40 AM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
DH has two brothers .. I have one brother.. so 3 SILs total
I get along very well with my brother's wife and also have gotten close with one of my DH's SILs - we all get along well (they were my matron of honor and BM, respectively!)
and the other of DH's SILs is kind of a beatch who I DISLIKE a lot ( thankfully she lives out of state and we only see her 1x a year)
So I guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad 
Message edited 5/23/2005 9:17:31 PM.
Posted 5/23/05 12:37 PM |
LIF Zygote

Member since 5/05 44 total posts
Name: T.
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
Yeah- I've got one of those. She tried picking a MAJOR family fight about two years ago now. And it back fired on her. She hates me, I don't care. It's a nice relationship.
My son- year old last week, has not even acknowledged his birth yet. She's pleasant to say the least. My husband is her sons godfather, did not even invite us to his communion, she coul have at least invited him, but whatever. It takes WAAAAAAAAAAY too much energy to hold a grudge, she's happy hating me, more power to her.
Posted 5/23/05 1:29 PM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
Well I can def. joint his topic I can't say I can't stand them I have quite a few of them FH is one of 15 so he has 6 sisters and 2 of them I have no problems with another one I don't even bohter with unless she c alls me and thats only once in a a blue moon she stays away from the family she has alot of personal issues. Another one is a compulsive lier so I can't stand her I always catch her in lies and call her out on them. Then he has two that live upstate and one of them is very high maintenance she is nice but very high maintenance and expects everyone to jump for her. When we are up there she is always like Anthony can you go to the store and get me a soda. she can't do anything for herself plus she is the type that if she didn't clean it its not clean enough. If she didn't cook it she can make it better. The last one is nice and I really don't have any problems with her jsut that she doesn't have patience for her daughter thats it. See so I have alot of them to deal with quite a few of them the brothers I have no problems with.
Posted 5/23/05 4:14 PM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
Well, A FSIL(she is married to FH's brother)that I cant stand and Im not the only one. She has already picked a fight with me and since I happen to be the other daughter -in-law that is marrying into this family, its always a competition! For starters she is bi-polar, has issues & is annoying. Outside of her outbursts to me, she has told off my FIL's numerous amt of times and call my FMIL a slut and other things. She competes to be the better "daughter in law" and personally I could give a rats a$%! SO immature!!
I dont know, its one of those that I am going to have to tolerate! I will not have a good relationship with her ever. PSYCHO!
My other FSIL, his sister, I love and get a long great with! Happy to have her in my life.
Posted 5/23/05 4:41 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 2246 total posts
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
I love mine!
ETA: Although if my brother marrys the witch he is dating I will be so upseT!
Message edited 5/23/2005 5:01:13 PM.
Posted 5/23/05 5:00 PM |
Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05 1229 total posts
Name: Debbie
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
Posted by Jennifer
I am close with my brother's wife. She is awesome. We went to high school with one another which made for a fantastic reunion.
I am not very close with dh sister. She is alot younger than me. I am double her age and we don't have much in common. I don't mind her though.
I just looked at all the posts and saw that you posted to this too!!! Great minds think alike! You know I love you too! I also consider you the sister I never had but I always wanted. I am so glad we have gotten closer. You know I will always be here for you no matter what!
I've got your back too sista!!!
Posted 5/24/05 10:05 PM |
Horray for 3 boys!!
Member since 5/05 2354 total posts
Name: Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
I love my one SIL (DH's sister) she's the best!! I also love my brother's current girlfriend- so I'm pretty lucky in that dept.
Posted 5/25/05 9:57 AM |
Momma's Boy ?

Member since 5/05 1453 total posts
Name: Meri
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
I have 7 of them!!!! They drive me crazy but they all have hearts of gold. All on DH's side of the family.
Message edited 5/25/2005 10:29:59 AM.
Posted 5/25/05 10:29 AM |
My Boys!

Member since 5/05 5498 total posts
Name: JoAnne
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
I have two that I love dearly. However, one can get on my nerves pretty quickly I must take her in low doses!
Posted 5/26/05 2:53 PM |
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
My brother's wife I get along with fine, they live upstate. DH has 5 sisters! Yes, 5!! 3 of them live on LI and 2 live in FL. I get along with all of them but am "close" with one. One of the SIL's in FL irks me. She's always making comments to the other sisters that I don't like her and she just asks the stupidest questions and I just can't hold a good conversation with her. PLUS she didn't even give us a card for our wedding.
Posted 5/26/05 5:02 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
I get along with my SIL fine...but we hardly see each other.
Posted 5/27/05 10:32 AM |
To a healthy 2013

Member since 5/05 21840 total posts
Name: To a brand new year to a healthier me
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
I get along really well with my sister in law my Dh's brother's wife we have a few things in common we love soaps lol and our husbands drive us nuts with the rollingstones. she is a sweetie susan and she is studying to be a nurse!I am so proud of her.
and for my fsil I also love her she is quiet sometimes meaning shy but thats ok because like i said i love both my sil and fsil the same I am so glad to have them in my life and my fsil is on liw she is alilp.
Posted 5/27/05 7:00 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 5/05 179 total posts
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
mine dropped out of her ONLY BROTHERS WEDDING (ours duh) because she was preggers...although i should be nice...she had the baby today so i am an aunt!!! but his fam....they are nto the hugest fans of me as many of you already know!
Posted 5/28/05 6:43 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3944 total posts
Name: ME
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
I have 2 SIL who I am not too thrilled with. I am hopping right on this train too. One is a psycho... she is kiniving and abusive, and the other one is just strange. My FSIL is the only normal one we always say thank G-D we have each other!
Posted 5/29/05 10:34 PM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: SIL's you can't stand!
Wow! I have to say I am really lucky...I don't hate any of my SIL's... three being my DH's sister's!! One of them is a dumb a$$, but she lives upstate and we don't have much to do with her...and she's dumb because her DH is a jerk and we would all like to kill him My brother's wife, on the other hand, is a ****** but I just don't bother with her. I'd rather not fight with him over her so I ignore her.
Posted 5/29/05 11:36 PM |
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