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Sister passed on Christmas Day

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We are complete <3

Member since 3/11

1750 total posts


Sister passed on Christmas Day

My sister passed away on Christmas Day. She was only 37 years old. It was sudden. I spoke to her Christmas morning. She wasn't feeling well for a week, thought it was a bad cold. She had no insurance and did not go to the Dr. for probably a year. She had other issues too. Turns out she had a blood clot that traveled to her heart.

I am completely devastated. I miss her every second of every day. I have regrets and wish I did more for her. I wish I brought my kids over more, she lived down the block. She loved my twins and my nephew like they were her own. I keep thinking this isn't real. I look at a picture and cannot imagine never seeing her again but that is the case. I just want to call her and say I love you. I have always told family I love them but I cannot remember if the last time I saw her I said I love you. I spoke to her that morning she was going to stay home because she still wasn't feeling well. My family were going to surprise her Christmas night with gifts and to celebrate with her.

I have never lost anyone. I haven't been back to work yet and everyone says it will get easier but right now I don't see how. I am going back to work Thursday and I know everyone will tell me they are sorry for my loss and I just cannot hear it all day from everyone who passes by me.

If you read this, thank you. I needed to get it all out a little.

Posted 1/9/13 12:34 AM
Long Island Weddings
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It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21539 total posts


Re: Sister passed on Christmas Day

OMG! I'm so sorry to read this!!! My thoughts are with your family!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/13 9:04 AM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

4521 total posts


Re: Sister passed on Christmas Day

I'm sorry for your loss - yes it is diffucult and things will never be the same, but you have your beautiful family to concentrate on and distract you.

My dh lost his brother last year suddenly to and it is hard, but I think once you get back into a little routine it will make it more tolerable ( I won't say easier). Think of the happy times and keep her memory alive with your kids

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Posted 1/11/13 11:56 AM


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: Sister passed on Christmas Day

Just seeing this now. I am so very sorry for your lose Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/13 7:59 PM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Re: Sister passed on Christmas Day

I am so so sorry.Chat Icon I know what you mean about going back to work. When my mom passed away suddenly this summer I couldn't imagine going back to everyday life. I felt like the world should stop turning.

It was very tough when I went back. I cried a lot. Luckily, I work with very supportive people. It did help me though and each day got a little better. It was also kind of nice to dress up again and fix my hair and makeup. When I was home I didn't even care about how I looked or much less anything. I was very depressed and my Chat Icon Chat Icon we're really the only things that got me through. They needed me. I was glad my mom at least got to meet them.

As hard as it is, I really do believe that when it's our time, it's our time, and there's nothing we can do to change that. I still think about my mom every single day but i don't always cry anymore. Sometimes I laugh or smile. Sometimes I have my breakdowns and that's ok too.

Sending you tons of Chat Icon and Chat Icon.

Posted 1/12/13 11:55 PM


Member since 11/08

10586 total posts

Formally NYPD-Wife

Re: Sister passed on Christmas Day

OMG, I am so terribly sorry for your loss...I can't even imagine. My thoughts are prayers are with you! Chat Icon

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Posted 1/13/13 12:49 AM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts


Re: Sister passed on Christmas Day

I am so sorry for your loss. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/15/13 12:36 PM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: Sister passed on Christmas Day

I am so very sorry for your loss. Thinking and praying for you. Please take it one day at a time. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/15/13 8:11 PM

To travel is to live.

Member since 7/09

1679 total posts


Re: Sister passed on Christmas Day

I am so very sorry for your loss!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/16/13 8:58 AM

We are complete <3

Member since 3/11

1750 total posts


Sister passed on Christmas Day

Thank you every one.

Posted 1/31/13 10:00 AM

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