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What are your plans for Christmas Day??

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My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


What are your plans for Christmas Day??

I am looking foward to tomorrow, we only have one place to go....and its going to be quite an entertaining day. We are going to my aunts house and my uncles family is there too. They have to be the weirdest people I have ever met. I am so entertained watching the gifts they bring people...they shop at the supermarket. Last year they got my uncle some pancake mix and syrup and a six pack of beer. My aunt got blueberry muffic mix (betty crocker). My cousin got a box of crackers!!Chat Icon And the drama of one of my uncles sisters...holy cow, I leave the room every five minutes to laugh!! Very entertaining day!!!! My brother actually scheduled himself to work tomorrow just so he wouldn't have to go!!

Merry Christmas!! Hope everyone has as entertaining a day as I will tomorrow!!
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Posted 12/24/06 9:27 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Just chillin'!!

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Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Dinner at my parents.

I got lucky when I got married - my parents don't really do anything for Christmas Eve, whereas it's a huge deal for my MIL. Christmas Day is huge in my family, but not in my MIL's. Works out perfectly every year Chat Icon .

Posted 12/24/06 9:29 AM

We love summer!

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Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

We're going to my MIL's house for an early dinner. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 9:31 AM

My green-eyed boy

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Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Posted by Mrs-Boop

I am looking foward to tomorrow, we only have one place to go....and its going to be quite an entertaining day. We are going to my aunts house and my uncles family is there too. They have to be the weirdest people I have ever met. I am so entertained watching the gifts they bring people...they shop at the supermarket. Last year they got my uncle some pancake mix and syrup and a six pack of beer. My aunt got blueberry muffic mix (betty crocker). My cousin got a box of crackers!!Chat Icon And the drama of one of my uncles sisters...holy cow, I leave the room every five minutes to laugh!! Very entertaining day!!!! My brother actually scheduled himself to work tomorrow just so he wouldn't have to go!!

Merry Christmas!! Hope everyone has as entertaining a day as I will tomorrow!!
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That sounds QUITE least they are fun!!!!!!!

We're going to his aunt's house to drop gifts off & say our hello's & then we're off to my parents' house to see aunts/uncles for dinner.

Posted 12/24/06 9:32 AM

I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05

13673 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Breakfast with my parents and some siblings early in the morning - then opening presents with my family.
We'll go to visit my husband's parents to say hello.
Then back to my parent's for more presents and dinner.

Then we can sleep.

Posted 12/24/06 9:36 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Well, Christmas Eve is HUGE, I mean HUGE, in my family, so tonight, we're going to my grandparents' house, then me, JT, my sister and her hubby all go to my parents' house and sleep over because we have a huge brunch in the morning and open gifts, and this is Ava's first Christmas, so we'll all get to be there for it. Then, we usually go to JT's sister's house, but since we're not speaking to his family, he doesn't want to do anything tomorrowChat Icon So, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow at allChat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 10:05 AM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Well, we have our "Jew Movie Day" tradition. We sleep at DH's parents' house tonight, get up in the morning and sit around in our PJs all day eating junk food and watching tons of movies. Chinese food for dinner! Chat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 10:14 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

we may go and see rocky

Posted 12/24/06 10:14 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Posted by Jax430

Well, we have our "Jew Movie Day" tradition. We sleep at DH's parents' house tonight, get up in the morning and sit around in our PJs all day eating junk food and watching tons of movies. Chinese food for dinner! Chat Icon

That's so nice that you do thatChat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 10:18 AM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Posted by prncssrachel

Well, Christmas Eve is HUGE, I mean HUGE, in my family, so tonight, we're going to my grandparents' house, then me, JT, my sister and her hubby all go to my parents' house and sleep over because we have a huge brunch in the morning and open gifts, and this is Ava's first Christmas, so we'll all get to be there for it. Then, we usually go to JT's sister's house, but since we're not speaking to his family, he doesn't want to do anything tomorrowChat Icon So, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow at allChat Icon

Aww, thats so great you'll have everyone together for Ava's first Christmas. Sorry about JT's family. I hope he at least calls, don't want to ruin things beyond repair, even though I know its all their fault.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 10:19 AM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Posted by prncssrachel

Posted by Jax430

Well, we have our "Jew Movie Day" tradition. We sleep at DH's parents' house tonight, get up in the morning and sit around in our PJs all day eating junk food and watching tons of movies. Chinese food for dinner! Chat Icon

That's so nice that you do thatChat Icon

It's a fun day for us. DH's parents' neighbors invited us to stop by their house when they have their family over for Christmas tomorrow. They are a fun group, and it was really nice of them to offer, but DH and I are like, "but that means we have to get dressed in real clothing!" Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 10:22 AM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Posted by prncssrachel

Well, Christmas Eve is HUGE, I mean HUGE, in my family, so tonight, we're going to my grandparents' house, then me, JT, my sister and her hubby all go to my parents' house and sleep over because we have a huge brunch in the morning and open gifts, and this is Ava's first Christmas, so we'll all get to be there for it. Then, we usually go to JT's sister's house, but since we're not speaking to his family, he doesn't want to do anything tomorrowChat Icon So, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow at allChat Icon

I hope Ava has a wonderful first Christmas! Chat Icon I know tomorrow is going to be difficult for you and JT because of the situation with his family, but I hope that you still have a wonderful Christmas celebration with your family. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 10:23 AM


Member since 10/05

2236 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Posted by Karen

Dinner at my parents.

I got lucky when I got married - my parents don't really do anything for Christmas Eve, whereas it's a huge deal for my MIL. Christmas Day is huge in my family, but not in my MIL's. Works out perfectly every year Chat Icon .

Same with us!! Can't wait!!!!!!

Posted 12/24/06 10:24 AM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

going to Brooklyn to my grandfather's house (with my whole side of the family), so i'll probably be sitting on the belt pkway all day Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i luck out with DHs family (my MIL rocks!)... they usually celebrate it either the weekend before or the weekend after, so that no one has to pick and choose, or go crazy trying tomake the rounds (esp since his sybblings are all over the place)... so we'll celebrate w/ them next weekend Chat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 10:26 AM

This is gonna be a good year!

Member since 2/06

9562 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

DH has to work until 4pm (damn LIRR!!! Chat Icon ) so I will be at my moms hanging out with my family and then when DH gets home we'll go to his Mom's for dinner.

Posted 12/24/06 10:27 AM

Time for me to FLY!

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

I'm Jewish and DH is Catholic (only for the presents Chat Icon ) and none of his family lives anywhere near us...

SO, we hang around in our jammies all day and play with all our new toys!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 10:29 AM


Member since 5/05

6372 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Tonight is HUGE with my DH's family. We'll go into Brooklyn tonight about 4 or 5 and have the whole fish dinner. Then we usually play cards or something then at midnight we open presents. After presents we usually have more food Chat Icon like cold cuts and a cold antipasto. We leave there about 2 or 3, come home and open our presents for each other.

Then we go to my Dad's house with my sis and bro for a big breakfast. When we leave there we go to my Mom's for presents and dinner. Basically, now I won't sleep one bit til tomorrow night!! And we will probably eat more food in 48 hrs then anyone should!!!!! But, at least it works out with DH's family on christmas eve and split christmas day with my mom and dad.

I'm tired already just thinking of it!! This preggo might need a nap before midnight tonight!!

Posted 12/24/06 10:34 AM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

It works out in my family pretty good (thank goodness).
Christmas Eve is a big deal for my parents. We will go there today, have dinner, exchange gifts, "hang out".
Tomorrow we will go to my inlaws. My BIL, SIL, and nephew come in from Jersey.
I may tell my parents to stop by after they visit my aunt and uncle for dinner later on tomorrow night. We shall see. Dad and DH both have to work on Tues.Chat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 10:39 AM

Where it all began....

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Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Because of my MIL's health we are spending both nights with DH's family.Chat Icon (I feel bad but my family is so understanding)

So tonight we do the Italian fish thing at my SIL's and then tomorrow we go to my other SIL's. Where I will spend most of my time in a separate room breastfeedingChat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 10:41 AM

Married for 9 yrs!!!!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

A short visit with my inlaws then over to my moms to be with my whole family. This is going to be a very tough Christmas without my stepdad there. Instead of the usual Turkey dinner we are all going out for chinese. Chat Icon But we will all be together & that is the most important thing!!!!

Posted 12/24/06 12:40 PM

My little lamb

Member since 8/05

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aka momma2b

Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

well, since everything is closed, we are going to veg and watch a movie and cook a nice dinner- moussaka and sangria! Chat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 12:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2922 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

I am going to see Dreamgirls with about 5 of my mommy friends while the Dh's babysit the kids. ( we already got the tickets)

Then a little later we are meeting about 5 families at a chinese reastaurant for an early dinner.. (like any other jewish family does since they are the only ones open)Chat Icon Chat Icon

Merry Christmas to all those celebrating...

Posted 12/24/06 12:58 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

6787 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

Everyone is coming to our house! Chat Icon Hope it is a nice holiday for everyone!

Posted 12/24/06 1:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

we're leaving tongiht to drive 2 hours to my parents. it'll be just them and DH and i this year because my sister is in whales for the week visiting her BF ( hes from there). we'll probably just hang out, maybe go in the hot tub or drive around and look at christmas lights.. THEN, tomorrow, we'll get up early and have breakfast and open presents with my parents. at 12, we're going to my grandmoms house for lunch ( she had a stroke last year and has a live-in aide, so her aide is cooking us all lunch Chat Icon THEN after that, tomorrow evening, we go to my aunts house for dinner...
DHs whole family is from out in PA ( like 5 hours away) so ILs go out there for the holdays, so we celebrated with them earlier this week before they left...

Posted 12/24/06 1:03 PM

Happy Mommy

Member since 9/06

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Re: What are your plans for Christmas Day??

I'm making my first christmas dinner for DH. We decided to make it a nice romantic candle-lit meal. I'm making a chicken in a lemon-rosemary marinade, garlic mashed potatos, and green beans w/ baby bella mushrooms. I'm excited because it's the first time I have ever cooked like I hope it comes out good. Then I'm insisting we sing some christmas carols because I miss doing that. It's our first christmas married, so we are going to enjoy just having it be us...who knows who will be joining us next christmasChat Icon

Posted 12/24/06 1:17 PM
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