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Skin Cancer????

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Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Skin Cancer????

My DH is 33 and bald. He never wears sunscreen on his head and it was probably almost a year ago he noticed something on the top of his head which we both thought was a pimple. P.S. It's still there. He picks at it and picks at it all the time, has made it bleed and picked it almost o0ff and it always comes back. It's really small and almost like a reddish scabby thing. He won't go to the doctor because number 1 he has no insurance and number 2 he says it's nothing. He worked outside for 5 years with a bald head and his brother is bald too and also spends a lot of time in the sun. His brother has all sorts of markings and discolorations on his head so my husband's defense is "If he doesn't have skin cancer then I don't." Men! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I am so worried about thisChat Icon What do you think?

Posted 5/10/07 7:56 AM
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Re: Skin Cancer????

I think it needs to be checked

Posted 5/10/07 7:57 AM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Skin Cancer????

Check for these things

jagged edges
bigger than the width of a pencil eraser
uneven coloring
raised or bumpy
change in shape or color

I have tons of moles on my back that "should" be checked because I am a high risk for melanoma.

If any of these things are happening, see your doctor. I would see one anyway though!

Posted 5/10/07 8:00 AM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

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Re: Skin Cancer????

I found this picture *you might want to post a warning about graphic in the title of the post, lol* The following is various pics of skin cancer, if it looks like any of him to the dr. to get it checked out.

okie I am resizing

Message edited 5/10/2007 8:02:46 AM.

Posted 5/10/07 8:01 AM


Member since 1/06

6887 total posts


Re: Skin Cancer????

Take him to the Dr.
Skin cancer is very treatable if detected early. Better safe than sorry!!!!!

Posted 5/10/07 8:08 AM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: Skin Cancer????

Posted by curliegirl

Check for these things

jagged edges
bigger than the width of a pencil eraser
uneven coloring
raised or bumpy
change in shape or color

I have tons of moles on my back that "should" be checked because I am a high risk for melanoma.

If any of these things are happening, see your doctor. I would see one anyway though!

It's not a mole. That's what's so scary. I don't think it's melanoma I think it's squamous or basal cell carcinoma. Chat Icon

Message edited 5/10/2007 8:11:27 AM.

Posted 5/10/07 8:09 AM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: Skin Cancer????

Posted by MikesWife

Take him to the Dr.
Skin cancer is very treatable if detected early. Better safe than sorry!!!!!

How do I MAKE him go????

Posted 5/10/07 8:09 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Skin Cancer????

Posted by mikeswife06

Posted by curliegirl

Check for these things

jagged edges
bigger than the width of a pencil eraser
uneven coloring
raised or bumpy
change in shape or color

I have tons of moles on my back that "should" be checked because I am a high risk for melanoma.

If any of these things are happening, see your doctor. I would see one anyway though!

It's not a mole. That's what's so scary. I don't think it's melanoma I think it's squamous or basal cell carcinoma. Chat Icon

My MIL was just diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma on her leg and they sent her immediately to the surgeon to get it removed. They are very positive about it because it's in an "ideal" location on her calf. However being on the head can cause the cancer to spread very fast to the face, brain, etc. You really need to have him go check it out. Honestly if it is nothing the dematologist will cost you a $100 or so. If it is something you need to deal with it. The derm. can determine it pretty quickly.

Good luck!

Posted 5/10/07 8:21 AM


Member since 1/06

6887 total posts


Re: Skin Cancer????

Posted by mikeswife06

Posted by MikesWife

Take him to the Dr.
Skin cancer is very treatable if detected early. Better safe than sorry!!!!!

How do I MAKE him go????

He won't go even if you knows you are really worried??
I know men can be stubborn and often have the mentality that what they don't know doesn't hurt them when it comes to their health, but I would beg.
I'm sure it's nothing, but I would need peace of mind. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/10/07 8:31 AM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

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Re: Skin Cancer????

If he's anything like my DH, I would have to take half a day off work and take him to the doctor myself.

I hope he goes and gets it checked out.

Posted 5/10/07 9:02 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Skin Cancer????

Tell him that he can take care of it now when it might cost a $100-1000 (to be biopsied) or so if it has to be removed or he can wait and see if it becomes a real problem when he will have thousands of dollars in bills and a possible shortened lifespan. Be very direct and tell him how much it upsets you.

FIL refused to go to the doctor for years and he had a lot of problems (colon) and his wife had breast cancer so he should have known better and he continued to put it off until he was forced to go and when he finally went he found he had stage III colon cancer - although surgery went well three years later he found it mastastized to his lungs.

Feel free to tell him that story if you think it will scare him into going.

I am very sorry he is making you so upset. Maybe if you scare him a bit he will realize how much you care about him and just want to make sure he is healthy and around to grow old with you.

Posted 5/10/07 9:06 AM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Skin Cancer????

omg that sounds so scary

you need to convince him to get checked out asap!

Posted 5/10/07 9:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: Skin Cancer????

Not to be alarming, but I just read an article on the amount of reported skin cancer cases on the of the areas that has increased is the scalp. Even in women, and its harder to detect b/c of hair. I would most definitely get him to a doctor...tell him that ignoring is what causes more problems and you don't want to see him get sick. It's very important! Good luck to you!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/10/07 9:25 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Skin Cancer????

my DH has a lot of moles.. I told him I didn't want to lose him and I was scared about it and that I really wanted him to see a dermatologist. I told him I would go to. So we both made appointments and will both go yearly to get body scans.. He's pretty stubborn too when it comes to doctors.. so maybe you could make appointments for both of you?

Posted 5/10/07 9:31 AM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

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Re: Skin Cancer????

he needs to go and it shouldn't matter about the money. Doctors take payments..get him to go. He's being a big baby and he needs to take care of himself, if not for him, for you.

Posted 5/10/07 9:58 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Skin Cancer????

He needs to go!

I just went yesterday to have something looked at. It was red, bumpy, itchy, irregular and according to my dermatologist, had an opal shine to it. They took a biopsy yesterday (which didn't hurt at all...they numb the area first) and she sent it to the lab. She thinks it's basal cell and I might have to go back and get more of it removed....Chat Icon At least I caught it now...

Posted 5/10/07 10:31 AM

Very Happy!

Member since 10/06

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Re: Skin Cancer????

It does need to be checked.

I go to a dermatologist a few times a year for a spot check. They check all my moles and note is anything changes.

I had something very similar to what you are describing on my back. I was concerned about it as well. I do not remember the exact name the DR said it was, but he said it was benign and he froze it off.

My advice - spend the $ to go and get a body check. It's worth it.

And always wear sunscreen - everyday!

Posted 5/10/07 11:15 AM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: Skin Cancer????

Thank you so much to everyone who responded. He is sooooo stubborn. I go for myself. I have always taken good care of myself (my mom is a nurse so she instilled that in me) but he is so different. I have been begging him to go but he just refuses. I am trying to find research and pictures to scare him. I just don't know what to do anymore...It's been 6 months since I furst asked him to go. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/10/07 12:31 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Skin Cancer????

I would call a dermatologist price out how much a skin check would be without insurance.

Make an appointment.

Tell him that he's going a week in advance.

If he won't go, ask him why. It's not the money. It's probably that he's more worried about what he'll find out. Either it would give him the peace of mind he needs or it will give him the answers...and you will stop pestering him.

You can't make him go but you can ease the process so that maybe he will.

Posted 5/10/07 1:43 PM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Skin Cancer????

You can also tell him that melanoma is the DEADLIST cancer if left untreated. It is also the most TREATABLE cancer if detected early.

There's really no reason not to go, except stubbornness and fear.

Posted 5/10/07 1:48 PM


Member since 5/05

7557 total posts


Re: Skin Cancer????

Maybe it is folliculitis, which is easily taken care of.

Posted 5/10/07 1:50 PM

Very Happy!

Member since 10/06

3917 total posts


Re: Skin Cancer????

You know, I have been trying to get my DH to go to the dermatologist for a looong time. He baked in the sun and how he is starting to get these little marks on his face. About a month ago, he took it upon himself to make an appointment with the dermatoligist and ironically his appointment is today. I think he got nervous and figured he might as well get it checked out .

Whatever it is - it should be looked at. Chances are it's nothing. But ignoring things doesn't make them disappear.

I know how you feel.... Chat Icon these stubborn men!

Posted 5/10/07 1:57 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Skin Cancer????

drag him there. get his mom what you have to do, kicking and screaming.

if half his family shows up at your door the day of his appt...he'll most likely go rather than being dragged out like a child.

I always tell my dh...NO ONE (or no THING) can kill him but me.

Posted 5/10/07 2:46 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

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Jesss, duh.

Re: Skin Cancer????

It never hurts to have something checked regardless if he has insurance or not. I'd rather pay out of pocket in medical bills and be healthy then the alternative!

I go to the dermatologist yearly for a full scan and I'm only 24. But I happen to have a lot of "beauty marks" and other stuff on my body. So I'd rather be safe then sorry!

Posted 5/10/07 2:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1093 total posts


Re: Skin Cancer????

My 27 yeard old sister who doenst even like to be outside has STAGE 4 Melanoma and is fighting for her life. Melanoma is very scary and it spreads very quickly. Her melanoma believe it or not started in her right eye (Ocular Melanoma). She has been in and out of the hospital since October and it is the hardest thing I have ever been though. Once Melanoma becomes aggresive there is nothing out there that can cure it but only chemos that can help with the pain....We are both dark hair dark eye Italian girls whos chances of Melanoma are slim so it can happen to anyone......Please tell him my story and that this is not something to joke about.......there are many young people our age dying from this cancer and it is just pathetic....

Sorry to be a downer but I am living the nightmare.


Posted 5/10/07 2:57 PM
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