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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
slap happy 9 month old
So Josh turns 9 months old tomorrow. He's always, and I mean since birth seriously, gone to hit me in the face. While I nursing, if he doesn't want to read anymore, if he wants out of the high chair...
lately he's doing it much more often and hard-like really aiming to hurt me.
I was ignoring it, but it hasn't stopped. now I grab his hand and tell him no, then he cries.
From day 1, I have tried to teach him how to "do nice" to me.
never does it with Leo...or anyone else. just me. anyone else? tia
Posted 9/17/07 10:18 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: slap happy 9 month old
No advice, my 4.5 month does it to me too
I think telling him no and to "do nice" is the best you can do. My SIL ignored it with my neice and now she hits so hard she leaves marks and she is only 2!
Posted 9/17/07 10:23 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05 501 total posts
Name: kristen
Re: slap happy 9 month old
having the same issue with my 14 month old....though, he hits me, my husband, my mom, my brother and my sister. all dead in the face. i tell him "no" very firmly and hold his hands. he has NO fear though. he looks me dead in the eye, smirks and then does it again. SOMETIMES he'll then "do nice" to your face after doing it. i noticed though its mostly when he's getting tired or wants something. i'm lost as to what to do to make it stop. i don't want my sweet little guy to be a bully.....hahaha...
Posted 9/17/07 10:29 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: slap happy 9 month old
thanks! that's exactly it. I feel like lately he is doing it with intent. looking at me and really giving it to me. I think its also when he's tired or hungry...but also bored too.
This morning I went into his room to get him...he was just chatting, not crying or anything...pick him up and for the first time-WHACK. What the hell did I do to deserve that first thing in the morning?
Posted 9/17/07 10:32 PM |
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